lookin for friends and support

add me


  • Support is always good. Adding right now. good luck
  • thank you :)
  • sent ya a friend request!!! :)
  • i added you im new as well
  • JadiieD
    JadiieD Posts: 9
    adding you :)
  • Added :)
  • RobUlee8583
    RobUlee8583 Posts: 3 Member
    Just now starting 2 b more active on here.... Adding u now :-)
  • twiega00
    twiega00 Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome and the best of luck to u!!
  • How do you add friends?
  • I've discovered that I want to support everybody. :) I wanted to let you know I'm starting a blog on my page with just random tidbits of advice and support. I'm somewhat of a health enthusiast and a medical assistant at a primary care clinic, and I've discovered that I really enjoy being part of someone's support system. There are too many people that are negative and bringing other people down because of their own insecurities. I would love it if you followed the blog. Let me know if you have any questions or anything you would like me to research. If you decide not to, I wish you the best!
  • pippinboy9
    pippinboy9 Posts: 73 Member
    if you click on a person's "name" it will take you to their profile...there's a button there for adding them as a friend! :) Feel free to use my profile as practice :)
  • omgiacobbi
    omgiacobbi Posts: 88 Member
    Will add (: Also, anyone can add me if they want to. I'm on MFP every day, multiple times a day. I have over 200 pounds to lose (have lost 38 so far) and could use all the support I can get. I'm 24, about to be married this saturday, no kids (yet). Huzzah!
  • alliwithaneye
    alliwithaneye Posts: 163 Member
    Done :)