PCOS, Weight Loss and T.O.M

Ok PCOS ladies, help me out with something...

I was diagnosed in Jan, and i weighed way over 15 stone. My periods were practically non-existant (i'd literally have two or three a YEAR). My consultant told me that if i lost some weight, they would most likely become more frequent...

...so i've lost 41lbs now so far (yay me!) and, as predicted they are more frequent!! The problem? Well, instead of having two or three a year, i now seem to have two or three a MONTH!!!! It seems it'll stop completely for a few days, then it starts all over again!!!

So what i wanna know is, is this normal?

*Disclaimer: Apologies for TMI* lol


  • Oops25
    Oops25 Posts: 68 Member
    This is really something that you need to talk to your doctor about. Do not go by what people tell you randomly, take professional advice since it is a medical problem.

    I have PCOS too, which makes weighloss so much tougher ! Great that you have lost so many pounds, keep going !
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    I do plan to see my GP (of course). My question is really just to see if anyone else has had a similar experience whilst i'm waiting for an appointment....
  • CheskarrJolie
    Well done on the weight loss! Maybe because of your lack of period before and being heavier (and now lighter) , your body is adjusting and trying to get rid of the older blood? I started my first (since last November) end of last month & it's still ongoing 4 weeks later. And just to add, I started my "weight loss journey" end of June and have so far lost 10lbs.
    Anyway, just my theory. Of cause doctor knows best.
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    Well done on the weight loss! Maybe because of your lack of period before and being heavier (and now lighter) , your body is adjusting and trying to get rid of the older blood? I started my first (since last November) end of last month & it's still ongoing 4 weeks later. And just to add, I started my "weight loss journey" end of June and have so far lost 10lbs.
    Anyway, just my theory. Of cause doctor knows best.

    This helps. Thanks!
  • LeeshaNichole
    LeeshaNichole Posts: 179 Member
    Great job on the weight loss! I also have PCOS and usually only have a period a couple times a year. I had one last for 3 months(yes every single day) and we are talking hard/hard/hard bleeding-it was awful! I also had one last about 13 months, it was light though and some days I would hardly bleed at all. Nothing about PCOS is normal, so I guess for having PCOS it would be pretty much the norm. The doctor can put you on meds to help control the bleeding if it is getting out of hand. Good luck-hope that helped!!!

    I Also, apologize for the tmi. lol
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    My sister has PCOS and sometimes has this issue as well. Her Dr. has told her after some tests that it is due to hormone fluxuations. I would see your Dr. just to make sure it isn't anything out of ordinary but it might be something as simple as your hormones readjusting to the weight loss & PCOS.

    Good luck!
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    Great job on the weight loss! I also have PCOS and usually only have a period a couple times a year. I had one last for 3 months(yes every single day) and we are talking hard/hard/hard bleeding-it was awful! I also had one last about 13 months, it was light though and some days I would hardly bleed at all. Nothing about PCOS is normal, so I guess for having PCOS it would be pretty much the norm. The doctor can put you on meds to help control the bleeding if it is getting out of hand. Good luck-hope that helped!!!

    I Also, appolgize for the tmi. lol

    Thanks! It does help! What you've described is very similar to what i've been experiencing. I'm pleased to know i'm not the only one and this will stop me from tearing my hair out (whats left of it- little pcos joke there lol) until i see the doctor.
  • LeeshaNichole
    LeeshaNichole Posts: 179 Member
    Great job on the weight loss! I also have PCOS and usually only have a period a couple times a year. I had one last for 3 months(yes every single day) and we are talking hard/hard/hard bleeding-it was awful! I also had one last about 13 months, it was light though and some days I would hardly bleed at all. Nothing about PCOS is normal, so I guess for having PCOS it would be pretty much the norm. The doctor can put you on meds to help control the bleeding if it is getting out of hand. Good luck-hope that helped!!!

    I Also, apologize for the tmi. lol

    Thanks! It does help! What you've described is very similar to what i've been experiencing. I'm pleased to know i'm not the only one and this will stop me from tearing my hair out (whats left of it- little pcos joke there lol) until i see the doctor.

    LOL! You gotta love PCOS side effects!!
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    Are you taking Metformin for the PCOS? Are you on birth control pills? These matter. It's definitely not a good thing and needs to be addressed but it's also not life threatening. I'm glad you scheduled an appointment. In the meantime, seriously, up your iron intake so you reduce the risk of becoming anemic due to iron deficiency.
  • Nicola1944
    Nicola1944 Posts: 348 Member
    Morning :)

    Yeh you sound just like me!! When i was diagnosed with it i was over 16stone... Im now 12. If i take the pill (Yasmin) My periods are as they should be, if im not taking the pill (Which im not at the moment) I just have one long period (been over 2 weeks now!!!)

    I have spoke to the doc, and im off for another internal scan just to check on things, if everything is ok, il go back on the pill to stop it happening, if not then il cross that bridge when i come to it.

    I'd advise you to do the same, speak to your doc and see if they can refer you for more answers.... If your in the UK like me though they are highly unhelpful when it comes to PCOS!

    Hope you get it sorted

  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    Morning :)

    Yeh you sound just like me!! When i was diagnosed with it i was over 16stone... Im now 12. If i take the pill (Yasmin) My periods are as they should be, if im not taking the pill (Which im not at the moment) I just have one long period (been over 2 weeks now!!!)

    I have spoke to the doc, and im off for another internal scan just to check on things, if everything is ok, il go back on the pill to stop it happening, if not then il cross that bridge when i come to it.

    I'd advise you to do the same, speak to your doc and see if they can refer you for more answers.... If your in the UK like me though they are highly unhelpful when it comes to PCOS!

    Hope you get it sorted


    Thanks! Yeah i am in the UK and i know exactly what you mean about them being unhelpful... :(

    I was prescribed Metformin a few months ago but it's been making me ill. I've given it a while to see if the side effects would pass but they haven't so i've stopped taking it, just for the meantime until i see the doctor again. I'm not on oral contraceptives but am definitely going to ask about that too...
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I never had a problem with having a period at least once a month/so. Actually this is the only reasons my doctors refuses to give me a diagnosis but I have ALL the other symptoms /shakes head With that being said I have noticed in the last 40Lbs of weight loss or so I have been having TOM more frequent like 1-3 times a month. My doctor put me on spironolact about 6 months ago for the acne etc... and she said it would help with the hormones. I am thinking the next visit with her im going to ask her exactly what is going on.

    I know with weight loss these symptoms are suppose to lessen or go away, I just wonder how much weight im suppose to lose before it stops :(
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member

    I was prescribed Metformin a few months ago but it's been making me ill. I've given it a while to see if the side effects would pass but they haven't so i've stopped taking it, just for the meantime until i see the doctor again. I'm not on oral contraceptives but am definitely going to ask about that too...

    Oops, I messed up the quote ^^^^^
    Metformin can be rough on the tummy. Try taking it with food. If it helps at all, the side effects do go away over a short period of time. Some birth control pills can actually cause what you're describing. You may simply need to switch. Best of luck to you.
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    I haven't read through the thread, but I will just tell you from my own experience this same thing happened to me at age 14-15 when some of my hormones started going through the roof and the docs didn't know why ( I wasn't diagnosed until 5 years later). Of course as doctors always do they just put me on the pill to try to regulate things, but since it was a high dose pill and at the time I had no idea I had PCOS it made it WAY worse. Finally they gave me a low dose pill and I had to stay on it for the next five years to mask the symptoms. But now I am completely off the pill and taking Vitex for the last couple months and my periods are completely normal now. Vitex is awesome for me, I know it reacts differently for everyone, but if you aren't on the pill you might consider checking it out.
  • FruityLoops
    FruityLoops Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks! Yeah i am in the UK and i know exactly what you mean about them being unhelpful... :(

    I was prescribed Metformin a few months ago but it's been making me ill. I've given it a while to see if the side effects would pass but they haven't so i've stopped taking it, just for the meantime until i see the doctor again. I'm not on oral contraceptives but am definitely going to ask about that too...

    There is a controlled release metformin available (releases steadily throughout the day instead of all in one go), I couldn't take the standard metformin (TMI: gave me bad and unexpected diarrhoea and stomach problems) so stopped taking them years ago, but my GP prescribed me the controlled release ones last year and I haven't have any trouble with those at all :happy: However she told me they're tenfold more expensive so it's not something they prescribe too often, might be worth mentioning them though. Personally I can't take the pill because it affects my blood pressure badly so it was really my only option to try and help!

    Going back to the OP though, when I lost a lot of weight (6-7st) quite a few years back (I gained it back again... don't ask :frown: ) I went from getting only a couple per year to a couple per month, albeit the in between one was more blood clots than normal
    flow (TMI again sorry!). Having said that though I never brought it up with my GP as I'd lost hope with their ability to help me so would be interested to know what your GP says about it!

    P.S. Congrats on the weight loss, we all know how hard it is to lose weight with PCOS so very well done :smile:
  • Kirsty_1984
    Hi,i know exactly what your talking about.I too have been diagnosed with pcos only last yr.My period was just when it felt like appearing lol it could b once every 3-4 yr or it could be twice a yr. I too was advised to lose weight.I had just undergone surgery so wasn't really able to do exercise etc and due to my medical condition i have been overweight since childhood.I had also gained 2 stone since undergoing surgery as i was laid up for a few months.At the end of last year i signed up for mfp and started dieting.I didn't really get a good weight loss to begin with and started really losing weight between dec last yr and jan.In feb i got my first period since Sept last yr but as that 1 finished about 2 wks later it returned.I spoke to a nurse and i was told not too worry as it could just be because ive started exercising more.I then got another in march,april and again in april i got 2 periods.My nurse keeps saying its nothing to worry about as long as its not lasting non stop for 2 weeks.Hope this helps x
  • Chainie
    Chainie Posts: 82 Member
    We PCOS often lack the ability to produce sufficient levels of progesterone to suppress estrogen and trigger a TOM, so the estrogen keeps building cells rapidly to make lining (which is what estrogen does). So anytime you have ongoing estrogen building and building and then you eventually get a progesterone level sufficient enough to suppress it and trigger TOM well there is going to be all that extra lining to shed. All I ever got from my doctor was "you have poly cystic ovaries". What does that mean I asked. "it means you develop multiple cysts on your ovaries". No mention of rapid weight gain, difficulty losing weight, insulin resistance, heart disease, and all the other things associated that I had to find out MYSELF. So feel welcome to come over to the Pcos group and you will find plenty of random strangers to embrace you and help you with this. You can always check it with your doctor before acting. Doctors are always up for a conversation that starts with "This knitting chicken on the Internet told me...."

    Best wishes. Xx
  • Chainie
    Chainie Posts: 82 Member
    P.s... Losing weight for PCOS doesn't HAVE to be slow and difficult. I lose 1kg a week, it's easy once you know how. You can control the hormone-insulin-cortisol cycle with 3 minerals, 2 vitamins and 1 enzyme, plus managing (NOT eliminating carbs) and restricting exercise to 35-45 minutes. Something I learned from extensive research. Come on over.
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    Aw wow thanks so much everyone for your feedback!! It has really helped me to feel better!

    I have been taking Metformin with food (i never take any kind of tablets without food unless it expressly says to do that) and the side effects were always the same.

    I'm very grateful to you all for taking the time to read my post and for your helpful and friendly contributions. :)

  • 2012AMB
    2012AMB Posts: 11
    I have had simliar, but not the same, issues. I too am diagnsed with PCOS and have had irregular cycles for many years. I lost a good amount of weight awhile ago (have since gained most of it back) and my cycles were more regular but recently (yesterday in fact) I had surgery to correct an issue I was having with extremely long cycles. In fact, up through yesterday I had been on the same cycle since March 31st. That's much too long - both for physcial health and of course sanity! My new doctor has been great. He diagnosed me with Menoragghia and set me up for surgery to correct that issue. I start up 100mg's of Clomid on Saturday, tracking my temps and hoping for some luck this time around. My DH and I have been TTC for 5 years.