Plateau :(

Hello! :) I am a 5' 2" 18-year-old female and while I've never been really overweight, I have always battled with my weight. Last June, I began working with a personal trainer and my starting weight was 142 lbs. I stayed with my trainer up until this past March (Due to her personal life, she could no longer work with me and had to stop abruptly). I had always let her weigh me and tell me how much weight I was losing, but I don't think she was always honest with me about the numbers. When I stepped on the scale after she stopped working with me, I found out I weighed 137 lbs, which was no where close to where I thought I was and wanted to be. She had always kept me at about a 1400 calorie diet, but to me, it felt like SO much food and I honestly felt uncomfortably full all the time. She refused to let me go lower even though both my mom and I thought it would be a good idea. Slow metabolisms run in my family and I definitely inherited one. My mom and sister battle with weight and they have to drop their calories low to see any kind of results. When I stopped seeing my trainer, I dropped my calories and continued working out and got down to 125.5 lbs. I then purchased Insanity and completed the 60 Day Challenge 2 weeks ago. I consistently lost weight up until the second week of Month 2 when I plateaued. I hit my goal weight of 120 lbs, but I'd ultimately love to be around 117 lbs (I'd still like to lose some weight around my thighs). I've been following the same exact meal plan (a modified one that my trainer had given me), but am frustrated that I stopped getting the results I am working so hard to get. I eat the same thing everyday (I've always done that...easy, convenient, and when I find foods I love, I'll eat them forever :) ). I took a recovery week from Insanity and then started the program back up again this past week. I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice?? I just got on the scale this morning and I gained 1 lb and I'm extremely upset about it. Here's what I eat everyday:

1/2 Cup of Oatmeal cooked in 3/4 Cup of Silk Almond Milk
3/4 Cup of Blueberries
2 Hardboiled Egg Whites

(Post-Workout Snack) 1 Saltfree Rice Cake with 1/2 Tbsp of Smucker's Strawberry fruit spread

About 3 cups of Spinach
1.5 oz Gourmet Lite Turkey Breast
1 Tbsp Sunflower Seeds
1 tsp Olive Oil
3 Egg Whites
1 Clementine

1/2 Cup of Kashi Go Lean Honey Almond Flax or 1 Special K Bar-Chocolatey Pretzel

About 1.5 Cups of Steamed Broccoli
4.5 oz Grilled Chicken Breast

Caramel Rice cake with cream cheese or Jello Sugarfree Pudding Cup


  • katamarann
    katamarann Posts: 7 Member
    In my case i have found the best way to break the plateau effect is to shock your body.Your body is currently used to the regimen you follow as you have been following it for a while.I would recommend the following

    1) Changing around the excercizes you do.
    2) Changing your diet around
    3) Changing the days u do certain excercizes(believe it or not this helped me)
    4) Try H.I.I.T on a treadmill or elliptical if you havent already, while spot reduction is hard, these will help u tone out your thighs and be a change over the regular stuff you do.

    Hope this helps
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Two suggestions...first, take some waist/hip/arm/leg or body fat measurements and stop worrying about the scale so much, it's just a number not a true indicator of health...second, consider adding some strength training which will alter your body composition as opposed to just burning more calories, this should boost your metabolism (no point letting genetics have the last word) and "fit" always looks better than just "thin" opinion only, of course...