Back on the wagon!

I got away from MFP and the daily discipline of watching my calories for a few months, and my weight crept back up by a few pounds. I just got tired of it, and with a lot of traveling to do, it became too much of a chore.

I tried the "estimating" approach, but it simply doesn't work for me. It also didn't help when I blew out my knee from running too much.

Now I've resolved to go back to the strict approach I started with 15 months ago that resulted in my shedding 30 pounds in 6 months. It feels great to be back on the wagon, and my knees are good again, so will start back to elliptical and maybe a little running.

Today's another day!


  • patkterry
    Great thing about it- Every day is new day!!! Good luck on your journey to a improved you!!!
  • stangma
    stangma Posts: 211 Member
    I know what you mean - some days are easier than others! Today I pulled out all my old WW programs to give myself a kick in the pants. Time to get back on track!
  • yougojo170
    It happens, but so long as you get back in the game- you're a winner! Don't be too hard on yourself. Just remember you are not alone.
  • lewoldt
    lewoldt Posts: 630 Member
    I fell off the wagon competely about a month ago and can feel my clothes getting tight. :-( I can't let myself go back there..
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Welcome back aboard!!
  • rock_kowgurl
    I've been struggling with this a lot lately. I lost 12 pounds and gained 4 back. I feel like all this tracking is making me miserable, but then I feel miserable because I'm not losing weight. I'm depressed because I'm fat, but I'm fat because I'm depressed and it makes me want to do absolutely nothing and just bury my sorrows in a bag of taco bell. Man, I've got some issues!

    How can I keep motivated? Anyone? All tips are welcome; please don't judge or offer medical advice. I know what my medical issues are!
  • blisterpeanuts
    blisterpeanuts Posts: 67 Member
    kow gurl,

    What I've noticed about myself is that I do these things--start on a diet, start an exercise program--when it "just feels right". I don't know why or how this happens, but I just wake up one morning and say, Yup, I'm gonna do it. And I do it.

    And if it's not the right time, I don't do it.

    I don't know if that's the way your mind works as well, but all I can say is, don't lose hope, we're all gunning for you!
