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ATWC August - Island Hoppers Team Thread

Posts: 308 Member
edited December 2024 in Chit-Chat
Okay you guys you know what this is about ... ;) If you don't, well you probably don't belong here ... shoo..

LOL Okay that being said... I'm posting the link to the spreadsheet but I have it set to private till the furor dies down a bit. Can't be having people steal our secret weapon. But you will know where it is ;)

If people abuse this, I will have to set it to private and add you individually by emails. So be advised. But we haven't had to do this in the past...

Good luck to the Phitbits ;) You know who you are ;) Ya crazy midgets ;) lol... looking forward to another fun competition this month!




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  • Posts: 4,151 Member
    Ok, I'm here, and I sent you a request for access to the spreadsheet. Had to do it while I was thinking about it because I'm so damn forgetful when it comes to these things!
  • Posts: 1,419 Member
    Hopping in... hello! :)

    I'm so glad to have this challenge... whoop! It's late & I'm packing for a last decison, last second trip for the weekend. Who does laundry at 11:30 pm? This girl! :)

    Anyway... I'm ready to win this thang! Go Island Hoppers! ;)
  • Posts: 1,894 Member
    My arms are ready to go, row, row, row your boat. I hope to see many islands on this trip, Let's Party!!1
  • Posts: 17
    Yay! I am back in a challenge! so, what exactly is this one about? Just recording our calories? or minutes? I actually got a heart rate monitor as a gift, and haven't figured it out yet. Maybe this will get to figure the dang thing out!
  • Posts: 308 Member
    Okee dokee everyone! We're ready to go tomorrow! :)

    Everyone just logs their calories this round. So whatever you burn for the day. that's what you put in the box. :) If you use your Heart Rate Monitor that's awesome, if you just use MFP's calc's that's fine too. (my hrm broke like 7 months ago and I'm too lazy and cheap to get another one, LOL). Well that and the one I want is a Garmin that's $400 and I don't have the bucks for that just now.

    Sooo ;) No one needs to do anything special. Just enter whatever you burn for the day in the spreadsheet. I'll report it to Lee, and we'll hopefully kick those Phitbits bottoms again, ;) LOL

    Everyone welcome our newest member Schmarrn :) Otherwise known as Estela :) I am sure she will say a bit about herself.

    In the mean time so we can let a little known about each of us. :) I am Cynthia, the Skip for this round of competition. (Yay, I think?!?!) ;) I live in Phoenix Arizona. I'm insane. No just sorta. The rest of you know that by now. LOL.. Still working on moving to Hawai'i... Hopefully by the end of this month. Ergo why I picked the team name I did.

    Husband is Erik, one cat Loki, no kids. :) That's pretty much it for right now. LOL :D

    Everyone have a great month! Looking forward to the fun :)
  • Posts: 17
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Lexie, and I recently moved back home to Juneau, Alaska. I am recently seperated and have 2 wonderful sons (9 and 5) and 1 dog (who snorts like a pig, so we call her piggy). I am usually a High school math teacher, but not sure what I am going to do this year. I am starting my masters in the fall, as long as all my paperwork is completed, so I am excited about that. I've been on this journey a long time and at my best I was down 115 pounds. I have had a stressful past 6 months, and kind of let it get the best of me, so now I am on my journey to lose that again for the LAST time! I'm looking for to this challenge :happy:
  • Posts: 308 Member
    Way to go Lexi!!! DIdn't know you were going back for your MA ;) That's awesome, then you can tell all the teachers what to do as Administration ;) LOL... Not that you probably want to do that ;)

    Way to go Ladies!!! Way to kick off the day so far!!

    As of 5:30 with Carla, Mine, and Lexi's numbers in, we have 2012 miles already to report!!

    HELL YES!!!

    That's more than some teams will get with ALL their members reporting!!! Way to go ladies!

    Can't wait to see what Estela, Becky, and Bobbie do! :)

    This is going to be a great month. :)

    Cheers! :)
  • Posts: 1,894 Member
    Hey everyone, I am Carla and have been retired for just over 1 year. And believe it or not, I was one of those administrators for the last 10 years of my career. That is when I started my journey seriously. I had lost about 90 pounds but have put about 7 back on. It is time to get serious again. Because i am retired, I do tend to work out a lot throughout the day and love it.

    I am married to Ray and have 2 children, Darryl who has been married a year to wonderful Melissa and just recently moved back to Windsor and Jessica who is living on Baffin Island in Nunavut. I have a crazy Jack Russell named Bigg who helps me get in exercise by wanting to go for walk.

    Let's go Island Hoppers.
  • Posts: 308 Member
    You know I was thinking today Carla when I was looking through your pictures. One, you looked fantastic at the wedding, loved the dress. :) Two You should post more pictures, you look great. ;)
    Three: How awesome do you feel playing golf when you don't get winded lugging the clubs around the course? I thought about that today when I saw you posting that exercise. I bet you feel awesome when you play now. :) I am so happy for you. It really brought a smile to my face, especially knowing that you feel bad because you feel 'fat' for putting on 7 lbs but I know you are sure as heck in better shape now than you were when you first lost that 7 lbs even. :) So as the British say, "Chin up Chicken" :)

    On to the challenge!!!


    You all killed it today!!!! *bear butt dances around the room*

    Seriously. I had to look at everyones feeds because MFP isn't posting some of your info to my screen so I finally noticed that Estela did an OUTSTANDING burn today!!! Way to go babe! And Becks, don't kill yourself okay? And Bobbie you did great ;) That's a good damn burn for weights trust me! I know your buns will be complaining tomorrow. ;)

    As of today we have already completed 6% of the course!!! LOL .. Lee is going to pee himself ;) I know. Too funny. We completed 3,387 MILES in one day. DAMN FINE JOB LADIES!!!!

    You seriously kick *kitten*. :)

    Given this rate we might be done in 16 days. :) LOL

    Now I know that's not going to keep up, because I take weekends off, ;) And I know many of you work out 3 or 4 times a week. So we should still finish in no time. Reporting todays activities. So happy. :D

    High5's all around :)
    You all did great!

  • Posts: 1,419 Member
    Hello all... I'm Becky and am apparently moody as hell! Maybe its withdrawing from sugar?!? I'd like to take that option versus the one behind curtain number two! ;)

    I am falling apart lately... currently have a sore hip. I'll get it together soon. I promise! ;)
  • Posts: 308 Member
    moody is good.. use that anger to hit the boxing ring ;) and focus and... GO! ;) LOL

    Okay everyone! Day 2 report is in to Mr. Ketty!!!

    And I am pleased to report that we have 2,671 miles in for day 2!!!!

    You ladies are the bomb!!!
    We have completed 12% of the course and are 2nd on the map at the moment ;)
    You all make me very proud to be the skipper :)
    Keep up the good work! :)

  • Posts: 1,419 Member
    I woke up with all these good intentions yesterday... but the day slipped away. :) I did go to the track and did another session of the C25K... which felt hard. But, it also felt good? It makes sense in my head... even if it doesn't right here. Ha! :)

    So today I am going to make it there... to the gym. I'm not sure what all I'll be doing there but thinking about swimming and lifting... just getting there with enough time will be the biggie. So I can't get caught up on the computer today... need to leave in the next 2-3 hours... (see? Building myself up for it. Ha ha)

    Anyway.. hope everyones doing great... numbers have been looking good so let's get our boat back in the lead!! :)
  • Posts: 1,419 Member
    Wooty woot woof woot for me!! :)

    I not only made it to the gym... I practically moved in! Sprint Triathalon equivalent and a damn good burn to boot! I haven't had a fantastic number like that in quite some time so I'm happy with that. Lets hope my knee and hip are in the morning... :)
  • Posts: 308 Member
    Well Ladies :)

    Today is a good day I hope for all of you.
    I know some of you aren't having good days. (Hugs Bobbie) But hey! It's just Monday right? Can't let it get to you that badly!

    Love and hugs to you all. Hope your weeks are looking good.

    As an update just so you know. Lee has said there will be upcoming special days so I will be posting information as soon as it is available to me. :) Enjoy! :)

  • Posts: 1,894 Member
    Wow, we are doing awesome. You are all doing a great job. I don't know how those of you who work for a living get in so much exercise, it is awesome.

    I love the variety of exercise everyone is getting too, I try to mix it up, but there are some things I have yet to try. I am going to get on that Jacob's Ladder this month if it kills me.

    Well ladies, lets keep rowing our boat around the world, but don't forget to stop and visit the islands along the way. Carla
  • Posts: 1,894 Member
    You know I was thinking today Carla when I was looking through your pictures. One, you looked fantastic at the wedding, loved the dress. :) Two You should post more pictures, you look great. ;)
    Three: How awesome do you feel playing golf when you don't get winded lugging the clubs around the course? I thought about that today when I saw you posting that exercise. I bet you feel awesome when you play now. :) I am so happy for you. It really brought a smile to my face, especially knowing that you feel bad because you feel 'fat' for putting on 7 lbs but I know you are sure as heck in better shape now than you were when you first lost that 7 lbs even. :) So as the British say, "Chin up Chicken" :)

    You're right Cynthia, I should take more pictures of this journey, but am terrible getting in front of a camera. Thanks for the compliments, I needed them. I love getting out playing golf now, walking the dog, going for a bike ride as I do feel great and do not get winded like I used to. I should probably not be so hard on myself, but we are always our own worst critics. I am taking it off and hope to be back down to my lowest within the week. Thanks again for all your support.
  • Posts: 1,419 Member
    This challenge is just what I needed when I needed it. :)

    Great job to everyone! I love seeing the numbers and just how far we've already gone, the percentage that we've completed! We rock!

    .... Carla... I've started a campaign here to get one! Jacob's Ladder. Until then?!! Welp, I guess I hope I have more trips to Billings to use the one there! There are some conferences coming up - so my hope is to attend them there. And? Yep... its mostly so I can do the ladder again! Ha! And to think... I almost didn't do it. If it wasn't for a pestering little voice? Well... 2 pestering little voices... I might have chickened out. The whole strapping myself in? Ugh! That's the part that almost beat me!
  • Posts: 1,894 Member
    Well, I was just on the map and interesting thing that I noticed. There are 2 teams ahead of us. One has not picture, so it is not showing on the map. They are a sneaky bunch. Watch out for "Chips Ahoy" They are actually in the lead.
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