Is there a way to receive email notification when you receiv



  • pawprint061
    Email notification for what?
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Despite the post title not showing the specifics of what you wanted a notification on, I can still tell you how to change your email preferences.

    Navigate to the "my home" tab, then choose "settings." From that menu choose email address and preferences. From this page you can change your email address, AND you can choose the option to receive an email when you receive a message in your MFP mailbox, or get a friend request. It is also possible to choose to received notifications from MFP about special offers, etc.

    I hope this answers the original poster's question.:flowerforyou:
  • HealthyMom4MyKids
    Thanks. I guess my topic title was too long. I was looking for an email notification when someone replies to a post. Thanks for telling me how.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Right now there is no notification for someone replying to a post. The only way to check it fairly quickly is to go to "my topics" and check to see who the last poster is on the thread you started. If the name is not yours, then you know someone has posted below you, and you can view it from there.