People are interesting . . .

utahgirl247 Posts: 370 Member
I honestly do not understand how people can 'turn on you' when you are succeeding at something that you are working very hard for.

I started this new lifestyle of better health two months ago and have lost 24 pounds (quite possibly more as I have not weighed now for two weeks due to a broken scale), but a few of the people that know I am doing this are actually trying to sabotage my attempts and some are even getting mean.

I have turned down a couple of 'invites to go out and eat' or a 'girls night out' because I am not yet at that point where I feel that I have proper control over my habits yet and I do not want to fail. When I have explained this, I just get ripped a new one even when I have offered to have every one over to my place for movies, games, dinner etc.

One of my favorite quotes is by Dr. Suess: " Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." I find this statement tried and true with many people, but until recently, it has never been an issue with close friends and some family even.

I am not going to disown them, or drop them as friends but I am closed mouthed about me and this part of who I am trying to become too many now. How sad is that? If it were someone else trying to improve and change, I would be their biggest supporter and want to help them any way I could.

Any way, I just had to vent. I love this site and the good people who allow me to just be me. I am not perfect, I am taking baby steps, I am slower than most, but damn it I am doing it, right? A work in progress! Okay, rant over.

Happy Wednesday!


  • julesribar
    julesribar Posts: 43 Member
    You my dear are doing AMAZING!!!!!:flowerforyou: I love hearing your updates and stories. This site has truly been a blessing for me because of people like you. And I love the Dr. Suess truly is what life is about. Do not seem like a really strong person! :happy:
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    I think a lot more people go through this very thing that what we realize. I have had people pull away from me and then, I have had other people get closer to me. It is odd how certain people react to seeing someone go after and succeed at bettering themselves. It's like they don't know how to handle it or maybe they're jealous? Maybe inside they are thinking, "If she can do it, I should be able to do it but I can't." "I can't" is a great sabotager. Should that be saboteur? Dang county school system. lol At any rate, it is sad to be at odds with friends and family BUT no one is going to do this for you but you. You are in charge of your future, not them. You've got this. You've been doing so wonderful. Do what you are comfortable with when you are comfortable doing it. Try not to let them get you down.

  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 182 Member
    You rock, my friend (and neighbor!)!!! I hope they open their eyes and minds and realize that you are doing great things for yourself and your future and not ruining their enjoyment of an evening. And if they'd rather have you with them, they should encourage your lifestyle so you can continue to be the life of the party for a loooooooooong time! :happy:

    You're doing great and I'm so glad to know you and follow this path to health with you! :flowerforyou:
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Hello friend. Sometimes there is no explanation for the way we as humans treat each other. There is so much fear in change. Look at how long some of us have held on to our weight, some measure of fear there - even if just fear of failure. Your friends have known you as you are. It could be jealousy, fear of not being the "right" kind of friend to support you, their own insecurities. The reasons are as numerous as the friends we have. And you're right. It will also extend to family. I only know you through the "internets" (LOL) but from what I know I enjoy your comments, your sunny disposition, you infectious happiness. I could go on, but you know how great you are! Hang in there. Your Dr. Seuss quote is pretty accurate. The people that remain standing at the end of your journey? They are the ones that you would want to keep anyway! Carry on. Stay strong. Jan:flowerforyou:
  • hanneberries
    hanneberries Posts: 119 Member
    This has happened to me too. :/