Juicing .... Has it worked for you?



  • jenichenny
    jenichenny Posts: 73 Member

    Juicing breaks the fruits and veggies down so that your body can absorb the micro nutrients.

    That's something you wouldn't get had you just eaten the fruit or veggie whole.

    This is incorrect. Your body will absorb the micronutrients from whole foods when eaten.

    I get what your saying but I've read quite a few books on it and this is what the studies show. I guess it's a personal decision. Good arguments on both sides. I don't juice to replace food but in addition to. I've seen so many benefits from juicing that I never got from eating raw.

    If you didn't absorb micronutrients from eating fruit and vegetables don't you think there would be a whole lot of dead people from nutrient deficiencies?

    Wouldn't I have scurvy by now since I don't juice?

    The way it was explained to me was that eating the fruit and vegetables raw you get tons of nutrients. The body will absorb a percentage of these. But when you break them down by juicing it breaks them into micro nutrients which the body absorbs 100%. Plus when juicing on an empty stomach it gives your digestive system a rest which can have many benefits also. I think people that don't juice can be just as healthy by eating tons of fruits and vegetables. But for ME this way makes my body feel better.

    Like I said it's a personal decision. Best thing is to inform yourself of both sides of the argument and make an educated decision what works best for your family.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Juicing breaks the fruits and veggies down so that your body can absorb the micro nutrients. That's something you wouldn't get had you just eaten the fruit or veggie whole. It's best to get both. I tend to juice half fruit and half veggies then I eat whole veggies the rest of the day.

    There are tons of benefits from juicing but it's also important to make sure you eat whole fruits and veggies and watch your fiber intake. Juicing removes the fiber.
    Sorry, but the hydrochloric acid in your stomach does just fine to break down any foods you ingest to be absorbed. You've been swayed to think that juicing does a better job of this when it's not true.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Infact I would recommend you don't juice. You miss out on the fiber if you filter it out!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member

    Juicing breaks the fruits and veggies down so that your body can absorb the micro nutrients.

    That's something you wouldn't get had you just eaten the fruit or veggie whole.

    This is incorrect. Your body will absorb the micronutrients from whole foods when eaten.

    I get what your saying but I've read quite a few books on it and this is what the studies show. I guess it's a personal decision. Good arguments on both sides. I don't juice to replace food but in addition to. I've seen so many benefits from juicing that I never got from eating raw.

    If you didn't absorb micronutrients from eating fruit and vegetables don't you think there would be a whole lot of dead people from nutrient deficiencies?

    Wouldn't I have scurvy by now since I don't juice?

    The way it was explained to me was that eating the fruit and vegetables raw you get tons of nutrients. The body will absorb a percentage of these. But when you break them down by juicing it breaks them into micro nutrients which the body absorbs 100%. Plus when juicing on an empty stomach it gives your digestive system a rest which can have many benefits also. I think people that don't juice can be just as healthy by eating tons of fruits and vegetables. But for ME this way makes my body feel better.

    Like I said it's a personal decision. Best thing is to inform yourself of both sides of the argument and make an educated decision what works best for your family.

    Wheres the face with the eyebrow being raised?

    I'd like to see some of these "studies" you've read so much about because basically what you are saying is that the human body doesn't function as well as a juicing machine. Sorry lady, but our bodies are meant to break down and extract nutrients from our foods. Juicing doesn't "break them down into micronutrients," all it does is squeeze out the fluid and leave all the good stuff behind. Why do people insist on drinking the juice instead of just eating the darn apple -.-
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    I juice in the mornings, simply because I cannot bring myself to eat solid food first thing when I wake up, and I find juicing gives me more energy than coffee! I still regularly eat fruits and vegetables throughout the day, but in the morning, I juice them.

    However, I do not reccomend doing a juice fast nor replacing meals with juicing. It's still better to eat actual food to fuel you for the day.
  • jenichenny
    jenichenny Posts: 73 Member

    Juicing breaks the fruits and veggies down so that your body can absorb the micro nutrients.

    That's something you wouldn't get had you just eaten the fruit or veggie whole.

    This is incorrect. Your body will absorb the micronutrients from whole foods when eaten.

    I get what your saying but I've read quite a few books on it and this is what the studies show. I guess it's a personal decision. Good arguments on both sides. I don't juice to replace food but in addition to. I've seen so many benefits from juicing that I never got from eating raw.

    If you didn't absorb micronutrients from eating fruit and vegetables don't you think there would be a whole lot of dead people from nutrient deficiencies?

    Wouldn't I have scurvy by now since I don't juice?

    The way it was explained to me was that eating the fruit and vegetables raw you get tons of nutrients. The body will absorb a percentage of these. But when you break them down by juicing it breaks them into micro nutrients which the body absorbs 100%. Plus when juicing on an empty stomach it gives your digestive system a rest which can have many benefits also. I think people that don't juice can be just as healthy by eating tons of fruits and vegetables. But for ME this way makes my body feel better.

    Like I said it's a personal decision. Best thing is to inform yourself of both sides of the argument and make an educated decision what works best for your family.

    Wheres the face with the eyebrow being raised?

    I'd like to see some of these "studies" you've read so much about because basically what you are saying is that the human body doesn't function as well as a juicing machine. Sorry lady, but our bodies are meant to break down and extract nutrients from our foods. Juicing doesn't "break them down into micronutrients," all it does is squeeze out the fluid and leave all the good stuff behind. Why do people insist on drinking the juice instead of just eating the darn apple -.-

    I drink the juice and eat the apple. I can give you the book titles but honestly it sounds like you could care less.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member

    Juicing breaks the fruits and veggies down so that your body can absorb the micro nutrients.

    That's something you wouldn't get had you just eaten the fruit or veggie whole.

    This is incorrect. Your body will absorb the micronutrients from whole foods when eaten.

    I get what your saying but I've read quite a few books on it and this is what the studies show. I guess it's a personal decision. Good arguments on both sides. I don't juice to replace food but in addition to. I've seen so many benefits from juicing that I never got from eating raw.

    If you didn't absorb micronutrients from eating fruit and vegetables don't you think there would be a whole lot of dead people from nutrient deficiencies?

    Wouldn't I have scurvy by now since I don't juice?

    The way it was explained to me was that eating the fruit and vegetables raw you get tons of nutrients. The body will absorb a percentage of these. But when you break them down by juicing it breaks them into micro nutrients which the body absorbs 100%. Plus when juicing on an empty stomach it gives your digestive system a rest which can have many benefits also. I think people that don't juice can be just as healthy by eating tons of fruits and vegetables. But for ME this way makes my body feel better.

    Like I said it's a personal decision. Best thing is to inform yourself of both sides of the argument and make an educated decision what works best for your family.

    Wheres the face with the eyebrow being raised?

    I'd like to see some of these "studies" you've read so much about because basically what you are saying is that the human body doesn't function as well as a juicing machine. Sorry lady, but our bodies are meant to break down and extract nutrients from our foods. Juicing doesn't "break them down into micronutrients," all it does is squeeze out the fluid and leave all the good stuff behind. Why do people insist on drinking the juice instead of just eating the darn apple -.-

    I drink the juice and eat the apple. I can give you the book titles but honestly it sounds like you could care less.

    Rather, you've figured out that your argument is just plain wrong. Please do supply is with the titles so that we can check them out and verify if what you've read is real research or nonsense to convince someone to juice instead of relying on the mechanisms of the well-evolved body.
  • jenichenny
    jenichenny Posts: 73 Member

    Juicing breaks the fruits and veggies down so that your body can absorb the micro nutrients.

    That's something you wouldn't get had you just eaten the fruit or veggie whole.

    This is incorrect. Your body will absorb the micronutrients from whole foods when eaten.

    I get what your saying but I've read quite a few books on it and this is what the studies show. I guess it's a personal decision. Good arguments on both sides. I don't juice to replace food but in addition to. I've seen so many benefits from juicing that I never got from eating raw.

    If you didn't absorb micronutrients from eating fruit and vegetables don't you think there would be a whole lot of dead people from nutrient deficiencies?

    Wouldn't I have scurvy by now since I don't juice?

    The way it was explained to me was that eating the fruit and vegetables raw you get tons of nutrients. The body will absorb a percentage of these. But when you break them down by juicing it breaks them into micro nutrients which the body absorbs 100%. Plus when juicing on an empty stomach it gives your digestive system a rest which can have many benefits also. I think people that don't juice can be just as healthy by eating tons of fruits and vegetables. But for ME this way makes my body feel better.

    Like I said it's a personal decision. Best thing is to inform yourself of both sides of the argument and make an educated decision what works best for your family.

    Wheres the face with the eyebrow being raised?

    I'd like to see some of these "studies" you've read so much about because basically what you are saying is that the human body doesn't function as well as a juicing machine. Sorry lady, but our bodies are meant to break down and extract nutrients from our foods. Juicing doesn't "break them down into micronutrients," all it does is squeeze out the fluid and leave all the good stuff behind. Why do people insist on drinking the juice instead of just eating the darn apple -.-

    I drink the juice and eat the apple. I can give you the book titles but honestly it sounds like you could care less.

    Rather, you've figured out that your argument is just plain wrong. Please do supply is with the titles so that we can check them out and verify if what you've read is real research or nonsense to convince someone to juice instead of relying on the mechanisms of the well-evolved body.

    This will be my last reply to this conversation because your not even listening to what I am saying. I NEVER said the body can't be healthy with eating raw fruits and vegetables. I eat raw fruits and veggies everyday. BUT I also choose to juice. It's a personal choice based on the fact I can FEEL a difference in my body.

    Of the books I have read my favorites are :

    Raw Juicing and The Power of Juicing.

    I suggest reading these if your interested in hearing the other side. But I also suggest (as I did myself) reading up on anti-juicing books. Having both sides of the story helps make and educated decision.
  • ladyfingers39
    Wow, I don't get the anger behind this. Someone needs some juice and quick!! LOL It's like an elixir, it might just calm you down. hehe

    Juicing is amazing and can be really good for giving your body a rest. Just as fasting is good for the body.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    I know this is not an option for some people... but for most - please just ditch the juicer and eat whole fruits & veg. The juicing process leaves so much goodness behind you make mother nature cut herself. :wink:

    ^ Most juices are dense caloriewise because let's face it, you're not getting one glass of orange juice out of one orange. Or at least I haven't had the pleasure to meet such an orange. Most people wouldn't eat two oranges but they can drink it under a minute. Amazing.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    Wow, I don't get the anger behind this. Someone needs some juice and quick!! LOL It's like an elixir, it might just calm you down. hehe

    Juicing is amazing and can be really good for giving your body a rest. Just as fasting is good for the body.

    More debate than anger I'd say. If it works for you, great.

    I get that some use fasting as a time for personal reflection, etc But I'm curious about the need to "rest" the body. Do our organs really need to rest?
  • ladyfingers39
    Wow, I don't get the anger behind this. Someone needs some juice and quick!! LOL It's like an elixir, it might just calm you down. hehe

    Juicing is amazing and can be really good for giving your body a rest. Just as fasting is good for the body.

    More debate than anger I'd say. If it works for you, great.

    I get that some use fasting as a time for personal reflection, etc But I'm curious about the need to "rest" the body. Do our organs really need to rest?
    yes! I think they do! Why do people need kidney transplants, their livers fail. They are overworked. Not to mention the heart. Whatever eat or drinks determines how hard/fast our body has to process it. They are muscles and yes, they too need a break. My personal opinion of course :)
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    Wow, I don't get the anger behind this. Someone needs some juice and quick!! LOL It's like an elixir, it might just calm you down. hehe

    Juicing is amazing and can be really good for giving your body a rest. Just as fasting is good for the body.

    More debate than anger I'd say. If it works for you, great.

    I get that some use fasting as a time for personal reflection, etc But I'm curious about the need to "rest" the body. Do our organs really need to rest?
    yes! I think they do! Why do people need kidney transplants, their livers fail. They are overworked. Not to mention the heart. Whatever eat or drinks determines how hard/fast our body has to process it. They are muscles and yes, they too need a break. My personal opinion of course :)

    Livers and kidneys fail because of diseases and infections and high levels of toxins not because they were working 24/7. Yes, your liver will need a "rest" from drinking a bottle of whiskey everyday but not from eating regular healthy food everyday.
    Heart disease is more likely in people who eat too much and don't move enough not from exercising every day.

    Not saying that people don't need to rest (don't cancel my vacation please :smile: ) but our bodies are designed to function 24/7. When our lungs or hearts stop we're technically dead, right?
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Wow, I don't get the anger behind this. Someone needs some juice and quick!! LOL It's like an elixir, it might just calm you down. hehe

    Juicing is amazing and can be really good for giving your body a rest. Just as fasting is good for the body.

    Fortunately for me, when I eat my whole fruit I also get the juice. And I get plenties of sleep. I am amazed that so many people think our bodies need to "rest" as the last thing I want is my liver taking a nap.
  • Skinny_Jeans_Soon
    Skinny_Jeans_Soon Posts: 326 Member
    I agree with the OP. I love juicing and the way it makes me feel. My skin loves it too!
  • ladyfingers39
    Wow, I don't get the anger behind this. Someone needs some juice and quick!! LOL It's like an elixir, it might just calm you down. hehe

    Juicing is amazing and can be really good for giving your body a rest. Just as fasting is good for the body.

    More debate than anger I'd say. If it works for you, great.

    I get that some use fasting as a time for personal reflection, etc But I'm curious about the need to "rest" the body. Do our organs really need to rest?
    yes! I think they do! Why do people need kidney transplants, their livers fail. They are overworked. Not to mention the heart. Whatever eat or drinks determines how hard/fast our body has to process it. They are muscles and yes, they too need a break. My personal opinion of course :)

    Livers and kidneys fail because of diseases and infections and high levels of toxins not because they were working 24/7. Yes, your liver will need a "rest" from drinking a bottle of whiskey everyday but not from eating regular healthy food everyday.
    Heart disease is more likely in people who eat too much and don't move enough not from exercising every day.

    Not saying that people don't need to rest (don't cancel my vacation please :smile: ) but our bodies are designed to function 24/7. When our lungs or hearts stop we're technically dead, right?

    True. If we ate the way we did 50 years ago we wouldn't have all these problems either. Our bodies were not created to eat the kinds of processed food that we consume now. Pretty gross really...lol
  • berryfield
    berryfield Posts: 5 Member
    I juiced for 3 days (72 hours) and I saw a dramatic difference in my habits. I stopped drinking coffee, my portions sizes were smaller, I craved nutrient rich foods and did not crave the foods that made me too full. It gave me a jump start or momentum to get going.

    I heard somewhere that the #1 priority of your body is to digest food. So if you were to take that activity away by drinking juice that needs little to no digestion then your body will have time to do all the things it didn't have time to do before such as cell repair and cleansing. Also it gives your body a chance to remember that you have stored energy that can be used (fat to burn).

    Overall it was a great experience for me and I would do a juice fast again.
  • Jrb627
    Jrb627 Posts: 4 Member
    I haven't juiced before, but I think that the only reason why I might juice would be because I would be able to have a lot of vegetables and fruits at one time. I like smoothies for that reason too - I can put a load of spinach and strawberries and have all my servings practically at one time.
  • cruisenerd
    Today is my 3rd day on the Juice diet, I am doing fine and plan on doing about 30 days of Juicing. any Feedback from other Juicers would be great.
  • dr3wman
    dr3wman Posts: 205
    Sounds like another fad to me.