4 Lbs Thats It Really!



  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    I totally understand where you're coming from. You've made a big adjustment in your lifestyle, and you expect to see big results, too!

    The thing is, you're eating a healthy amount of food, doing a healthy amount of exercise, and as a result - you've lost a healthy amount of weight in a healthy timeframe. Everyone here has given you great advice - try to reframe your expectations.

    This is a lifestyle change, and if you look at it as something you're doing to impact the rest of your life, as opposed to a "diet", you will very likely have better results over the long term.

    And good luck - stick with it!
  • kumitekg
    kumitekg Posts: 61
    I have been here about 50 days now and have lost a total of 7 pounds (which actually sometimes fluctuates back to 5 !)... I was initially discouraged like you, but what I am discovering here is that as long as you stay consistent in what you are doing, it will pay off. I try (as so many have advised here) to obsess a little less about the number that is on the scale and more on what I am eating and making sure I am getting some activity. The scale will eventually move (or as in a lot of cases I've read here - the inches will - even when the number don't) and in the meantime, you just get to feel better about being healthier and on the road to getting more fit. Again, as many have said, it's about a lifestyle change and not so much a "diet". Try not to get too discouraged and if you do - well - that's what we are here for!! Feel free to add me as a friend.

    (p.s. As a side note - I do totally hear you about the cost of eating healthier. I have found that it is definitely more expensive to be going this fresh and healthy route over some of the easier processed foods I had once been buying. I am just trying now to pay much more attention to what I'm buying, where I'm buying it (fruits and veggies at a fruit market vs grocery store, for example) and watching for specials. Do the best you can! It's all anyone can expect.)
  • Four pounds? That's outstanding. Every pound lost is a victory. Keep going, you'll get to your goal. :)
  • Dont be discouraged...4lbs a month x 12 = 48lbs a year...between 1 -1 1/12 lbs lost a week is recommended for a healthy program...keep going...u can do it!!!!
  • That is very good and losing weight too quickly means its easier to put it all back on again, the nice steady rate is what you want, its not a race and in the end your body will be healthier !!
  • kumitekg
    kumitekg Posts: 61
    p.s. Congratulations on your loss so far and your decision to start making changes ! 4 pounds IS great !
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    I agree 4 lbs in a month is great. Keep up the good work!! You are right on track a 1lb per week. :drinker:
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    You're where you're supposed to be! If you loose it gradually, the less chance you'll have of regaining it. Be easy on yourself :)
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member

    Justa visual of ONE pound of fat....now multiply by 4 lol
    Doing a great job, keep it up
  • 1 pound a week is healthy. How much did you expect to lose? Just curious.

    Im not sure. I Just heard of other people loseing 10 in a month.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Rapid weight loss like that can be a few different things. It's not generally considered a normal rate. 1-2 pounds a week is fairly standard.
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    1 lb. a week is GREAT! Keep it up and don't get frustrated. You see yourself everyday so you won't notice it at first. Give it sometime and before you know it you will suddenly find you can carry the 50lb. bag of dog food with no problems, or run up and down the stairs and not be out of breath. It's the long run with weight loss. Stay focused and remember it's all about a healthy you!
  • Good job!!! To reiterate what everyone else has said, that's the best and most sustainable way to do it. 10-20 lb a month weight loss is usually due to 1) dehydration 2) cancer (or something else really nasty) or 3) unsustainable starvation which will lead eventually to rapid and dramatic weight gain. None of which you want. You are a poster child for appropriate healthy weight loss! Good for you. :-)
  • 4lbs in a month = 48lbs in a year.

    I lost at a steady pace 26 weeks = 28lbs lost (August 11 to Feb 12) which was my goal, since then I have been maintaining and lost another 3lbs (so have lost 31lbs in total). It is true if you lose steadily it stays off.

    It is nearly a year since I joined MFP and I remember feeling frustrated in the early days that I did not lose loads of lbs a week but a year on I am so glad I did the weight lose slowly and learnt loads along the way to keep the weight off.

    Keep going you are doing really well. x
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    Depending on how much you have to lose 10 lbs the first month is sustainable especially if some is water weight. I lost 10 lbs since joining and may possibly sustain those 10 this next week which would equal out to 2lbs a week. But I wouldn't say I'm unhealthy or abnormal. LOL
  • sotellmedarling
    sotellmedarling Posts: 35 Member
    I've been here for going on 2 months and have only lost about 4 pounds. So, while I understand it's discouraging, there are some of us who would love to see an actual 1 pound per week result like you are seeing.

    To echo everyone else, you are losing at a healthy rate. Never forget that the tortoise can beat the hare. And best of luck in the future :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    1 pound a week is healthy. How much did you expect to lose? Just curious.

    Im not sure. I Just heard of other people loseing 10 in a month.
    Usually BIG losses happen for folks with BIG amounts to lose (like 100LBS or more).
    When I changed my eating habits 12 years ago I went on a super healthy, organic, lifestyle change, with calorie counting. I lost about 3LBS the first month. and then about 3LBS a month there after. I only had about 20 to lose...so it went slowly.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Way to go!!! Four pounds is excellent!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I find focussing less on the scale and more on the measurements is better for mood and motivation.

    Bodyweight varies tremendously ... water, the contents of your stomach, time of the day, time of the month ;)

    Congrats on the 4lbs, yer doing fine :)
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    You are doing great! I know we want it to come off faster... but it took awhile to come on so it is going to take awhile to come off. Keep doing what you are doing!