Hello From Missouri

Hello I'm Erica, full time mother of five and full time student..Yikes! I started my journey to lose some pounds and get healthy this past April when I quit drinking sodas. Since then I have joined a gym and started strength training and calorie counting. I started out at 310lbs and now 272 and counting :) I feel better and I look forward to seeing what I can do.


  • Less0Beth
    Erica--I have been inspired reading your journey and seeing how you are making such strides, literally, towards achieving your goals. Life keeps throwing you curve balls, but you don't let it get you down. Impressive weight loss to date! You know....we talk about trimming down or shedding a few pounds. It is a slow and steady process...and if we just keep going, pound by pound, inch by inch....we see results that will more than likely stay with us. 5 kiddos is a lot to chase after and keep up with. I salute you for being a great Mom to your 5 precious babies. Keep up the great work. I for one am very proud of you. :wink:
  • suefrasson
    Congrats...I joined a gym and I am finding it very very difficult to get motivated to go!!
  • jakemolina
    Im just starting today.Trying to make myself a breakfast ,lunch and dinner meal option chart so I can choose quickly without slipping into bad habits.Any suggestions?
    Maybe you dont like gym.Try set classes at a set time.More accountability.:)
  • jakemolina
    Wow! good for you.Soounds like you are doing awesome.
  • jakemolina
    Im 33 mom of 2.I don't really know how to curb my eating.Trying to make a meal options chart.Love to have suggestions.
  • Luckystars4
    Awe ty Beth :)