"Lost this before" feeling

Ever feel like you have lost the same pounds over and over, only to see them return with friends?

I am down 39 pounds and should be thrilled! but I have seen these numbers before and more but I am so afraid that this time is like every other ... that I am doomed to go up again! Working very hard to keep my eye on the goal and get over this mental brain freeze. This time I am taking small steps so I can make it to the goal. I want more out of life than feeling like others think I am fat, lazy and not as good as they are.

I just wonder when I will begin to feel the joy of loosing, and not just the "been there done that before" feeling. I am motivated, but feeling in a "funk".


  • smallbore
    smallbore Posts: 14 Member
    2 years since I originally joined MFP, and I gained back most of what I lost. Started again at 289 and in one week I am down to 282.8. Progress! I am motivated again, and due to "downsize" I have time. Fingers crossed this time is the last time I see these numbers!
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Keep at it! I've gained and lost the same 20 lbs 4 times in the last 2 years!!

    Stay Positive!
  • myownadvice
    myownadvice Posts: 95 Member
    I think the best way to not re-visit the same pounds again is to re-think your goals. Is your goal really just a number on the scale? Or a particular dress size? Or is it a feeling, a way of life, a freedom that comes with being fit and healthy. If your only goal is to reach a certain number, there is a tendency to "stop" working on yourself once you reach it. Hence, seeing the same numbers again and again. Been there, done that. Change your thinking and you can change your world. There is no reason you EVER have to see those numbers again. You are in control of your own destiny!

    You can do it!
  • grdnr03
    grdnr03 Posts: 547 Member
    you can do it!, you have a lovely family, start again with small steps,goals... add me as a friend if youd like!! we all need help and support to get us to our goals you joined MFP for a reason somethig clicked lets see what tomorrow brings
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I think the best way to not re-visit the same pounds again is to re-think your goals. Is your goal really just a number on the scale? Or a particular dress size? Or is it a feeling, a way of life, a freedom that comes with being fit and healthy. If your only goal is to reach a certain number, there is a tendency to "stop" working on yourself once you reach it. Hence, seeing the same numbers again and again. Been there, done that. Change your thinking and you can change your world. There is no reason you EVER have to see those numbers again. You are in control of your own destiny!

    You can do it!

    This is good advice.
  • smallbore
    smallbore Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for all the great advise and support. I now have an even greater motivation ... after 6 months being unemployed it looks like I have a good chance at being a state wildlife officer (game warden). Ans Will have to attend tje police academy at 280 pounds this is going to be tough. Just hope weigh does not knoknock me out of the running.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    ... *sigh* ...

    In the last year I've had to relose pounds... though - I don't really ever call it "losing" (to me that just has an implication that they can be/will be/need to be found again). But when I do?!? I have... HAVE to change the messages in my head and heart. What I find that works for me is to think about each pound as a "lesson" so to speak. If I find it revisiting? I figure I didn't really learn the lesson with it. So I concentrate more on truly RELEASING that pound into the Universe... sometimes there is a hurt attached, a lack if belief in myself, a weakness, etc. But... I really try to internalize a lesson with it so that there's even more of a purpose and success as I send those pounds back on there way out into the Universe...

    Maybe all that is weird or too... "involved"... but it works for me! *shrug*
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Your attitude will either make you or break you.

    Whether you think you can or think you can't - you're right.
  • smallbore
    smallbore Posts: 14 Member
    I really like the idea of "released" pounds rather than "lost" pounds! I Will use that! I have now almost released 20 pounds (now I Will not find what I have lost.) Great idea.