Food shopping!

Going to get some shopping done in a little bit. Since I'm new to this whole diet thing. What are some necessary foods that I should get? Obviously, veggies and fruit, but what are some specific!


  • JDUR19
    JDUR19 Posts: 60 Member
    Going to get some shopping done in a little bit. Since I'm new to this whole diet thing. What are some necessary foods that I should get? Obviously, veggies and fruit, but what are some specific!

    I find bags of iceberg lettuce are a filling and tasty way to snack with extremely low calories!
  • slim104
    slim104 Posts: 160
    Chicken, chicken, more chicken, tuna, cottage cheese, laughing cow cheese triangles.
  • Bexxi420
    Actually you are best off buying other types of lettuce. They are all low calories but iceberg lettuce actually has next to nothing in nutritional value. Go for romaine lettuce instead or spinach!
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    While veggies are a must, try to find satisfying protein sources for you. Protein is what is really going to make you feel satisfied. Also, you will probably want something bread-y. Try to get the most for your calories. You need fiber, whole grains, avoid "diet" foods that are still high in sugar, fillers,etc. I like beans, filling with protein and fiber.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    Going to get some shopping done in a little bit. Since I'm new to this whole diet thing. What are some necessary foods that I should get? Obviously, veggies and fruit, but what are some specific!

    Let's see...if you're going to get some bread, look for 'whole-grain' on the label (and read the ingredients). 'Whole-grain' simply means that the wheat wasn't processed to death before it became bread.

    Milk--lowfat or nonfat.

    Meat--if you get the poultry, have the skin removed (loads of fat). Have the fat trimmed from any beef you buy. But do look at fish (such as salmon) for the omega-3s (watch what the tuna's packed in).

    Produce: if you buy canned fruits, go for light syrup. Raw always beats out processed.
    Lettuce: Iceberg, from what I've read, is largely water. Try some of the other greens: romaine, red/green-leaf, spinach, butter, etc. There are also several cabbages. Also suggest trying different veggies--bell peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc.
  • UnleashingLovely
    Mmm... 0 fat greek yogurt...
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    these are always on my list when i go shopping.

    low carb whole wheat tortillas
    cheese sticks
    fruit cups
    bags of spinach/lettuce mixes
  • gogospice
    gogospice Posts: 185 Member
    Quinoa. I eat it instead of rice, pasta or potatoes. Super filling, and gluten free!
  • cfregon
    cfregon Posts: 147
    My favorite snacks:
    Non-fat plain strained Greek yogurt (Fage)- I add in some honey or fruit, yum!
    Cocoa roast almonds
    Peanut butter
    Low fat Hummus (Oasis brand is awesome) with snap peas and/or carrots, even bell pepper strips
    Make your own ranch for dressing if you want a good dressing option- buy the ranch powder packets and make with half the content of mayo (and use a light variety) and skim milk...quite tasty and way lower on the fat/calorie scale (though it still has that darned sodium)
    I agree with the vote for cheese sticks or string cheese (Laughing cow light wedges are awesome too)
    Definitely whole grains versus processed
    To spice up your water grab some crystal light packets, tons of flavor and only 5cal for an 8oz glass
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    Here is my short list of items I always seem to buy:

    Whole Wheat Bread
    Peanut Butter
    Romaine Lettuce Hearts
    Fruits (whatever is cheapest that week. Currently peaches, strawberries, bananas, blueberries, etc.)
    Greek Yogurt
    Sugar Free Maple Syrup
    Oatmeal (bulk)
    Skim Milk
    Boneless Skinless Chicken
    Canned Tuna
    Dried Beans (Typically Pinto - for my homemade (not fried) refried beans)
    Canned Beans (Northern, Black, etc.)
    Reduced Fat Mayo with Olive Oil
    Whole Wheat Pasta

    But, it varies with my meal plan. I like to plan a set number of meals out - and then make my list, so I know what I need before I hit the store. I typically plan for 2-4 weeks at a time. I shop a LOT at Aldi, since they are really the best prices in town.

    I read (and their healthy cooking magazine), watch for recipes here on MFP, and like other sites like to keep our meals from being boring. My favorite meal recently was Quesadilla Burgers and fish tacos, with home made pico de gallo. YUM!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Personally, I always have broccoli, carrots, and chicken and/or tilapia on my list.
  • ginnyderoche
    I find Pinterest has some good recipes. I recently found two. Roasted broccoli and roasted parmesan tomatoes. They are delicious and still have low calories. Also, a couple of years ago, I began liking raw spinach. It basically tastes like lettuce. I eat that and shredded lettuce as part of my salad, along with roasted red peppers, dried tomatoes, sunflower kernels, canned chuck chicken and a little dressing. It tastes better with more healthy items.

    Blueberries are also very good. Egg whites are good too for breakfast but they are a little on the expensive side. Raw almonds are also very good to get.

    Check your newspaper because local grocers tend to have fruit on sale each week.