Newbie here! Need friends/support!

Hello all! My name is Claire and I just joined! I don't have tons of weight to lose (15-20) but I am struggling none the less! Any support/tips help!!

Nice to meet you all and looking forward to success!


  • missmayeb
    missmayeb Posts: 182 Member
    Great to meet you Claire! Start reading some of the posts and just entrench yourself in the MFP world. You will get support and motivation every where.

    Glad we are friends! And definitely check out my page. I will post fun mini challenges and things you can do to help out in your struggles! I post every day and I don't mind answering question. I only need to lose about 15 too so I understand your pain.

  • Elukiee
    Elukiee Posts: 9
    Hey, welcome to MFP!
    I joined up a few days ago too :3 I'll send you an addy, good luck with your weight loss goals!
  • Hi Claire :) Feel free to add me if you want. Good luck with your weight loss and don't give up! :D
  • Hi Claire :) Feel free to add me if you want. Good luck with your weight loss and don't give up! :D
  • Nigelfightingfit
    Nigelfightingfit Posts: 27 Member
    Hey Claire, feel free to add me for support and encouragment, dont give up, the you you want is closer than you think, friend request on the way :smile:
  • Hi!
    I only joined yesterday and have another 20lb to go! I will add you and we can compare notes!! Good luck!
  • DazzlingDD
    DazzlingDD Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Doll,

    I am in the same place in only needing to lose 15 pounds. I love this site! If you need support just add me. Good luck in your weight loss. :wink:
  • Hello Claire! Just like you I am new too... My name is Shaina, I'm 22 years old and have finally decided to take my health and weight into my own hands :). Welcome and I hope your journey is as exciting as I hope for mine to be