Any teachers out there?

Now that I"m relaxed I am going back to work on Monday. I love my job for sure but the routine is stressful. Getting up at 5:00 am, getting my own kids ready for school.....................etc. etc...... busy .....busy .......busy............we cannot fall back on old routine and NOOOOOOOOOO schoo lfood, even if the ladies in the cafe. claim the food is good for you. Also bring healthy snacks to school such as nuts..........good luck to all.

Any advice to make the transition soomther please passs it on. Thanks


  • patricepeop
    patricepeop Posts: 50 Member
    I hear you! I teach third grade. My kids have morning snack every day. I am going to have to keep nuts in my drawer for me! I am really hoping this site will keep me on track!
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I always cook extra food at dinner, like extra chicken breast etc. I put together my lunch for the next day as I clean the kitchen that night. It's so easy! As far as snacks go, I keep frosted mini wheats with me at all times. It is my breakfast and usually holds me till lunch if I eat it slowly throughout the morning. Yeah, they have sugar, but it works!
  • northernmama705
    Personally, I find it way easier to stick to a healthy routine on school days. I pack my thermal lunch kit and only eat what I bring. That little recess bell reminds me to eat at regular intervals. The only pitfall is SNACK FRIDAYS when staff sign up for different Fridays and bring in food.... avoid the staff room on Fridays and all goes ok:smile:

    We don't start back to school here until Wednesday since we went to school until the 22nd.

    Good luck getting back into routine!
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    We have to eat lunch at 11:00 then sometimes i go right to tutoring which ends at 7ish crazy........
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I teach 4 periods of sports medicine at 2 different high schools so I know how crazy you feel! I always pack a lunch ~ Turkey sandwich and an apple and then usually a granola bar when school is over and I'm on my way home. If I don't pack a lunch I usually end up eating something that isn't good for me.
  • yodacho
    yodacho Posts: 90 Member
    I know what you mean about stress, transition, and school lunch! I teach junior high choir and theater, which I love but certainly takes a bit of energy. I think planning planning planning is the key. If I get behind with sleep, start having coffee instead of breakfast, forget lunch, buy a cookie, fast food on the way home - not so good!

    I have planned meals out for the next week or two, which includes fresh fruit and nut snacks for school. I tried energy bars but they're so sweet it got me craving sugary stuff. I also froze some meals in case I have a crazy set of days and need something in a pinch.

    Good luck!
  • emannion
    I also find it easier to stay on target during the school week! I have a snack with my morning coffee (usually fruit) to keep my metabolism going and then a simple but healthy lunch. I don't eat again until after my afternoon work out. I do get days where I need a bit more, and all those nut people are right on! They really do help curb cravings.