Lost 67lbs and my family is unsupportive

Hi this is my 1st post but I am getting a little upset with my family and friends making serious accusations about how I lost/lose my weight. Over the past 2 yrs I have lost a total of 67lbs by watching my calories and fat intake, I went from 186lbs to 119lbs at 5ft 2. As a child I was really skinny but at about the age of 11 I started getting pretty curvy. Through my teens I stayed around 140lbs, getting down to 128lbs at my lowest. I come from a family where most of them are obese or overweight and when I started to get to about 130lbs I started getting nasty remarks about how I looked gross or too skinny and that I was getting out of control. Now, I am not a doctor but I am pretty sure at 5ft 2 and 130lbs, I was considered normal. Now that I am 119lbs and still at a normal weight, remarks are getting worse, now I am being accused of being anorexic or bulimic. I am getting so upset at having to defend myself everytime I am at family gatherings, telling family and friends that infact I do eat and I do not throw up my meals. It has gotten so bad that even my co-workers are starting to make comments about my weight. I worked so hard and try very much to be healthy and to lose the weight in a healthy manner and I thought I was doing well and to hear all these comments I don't know how to respond to them and get it through people's minds that I am not anorexic or bulimic, that I just refuse to eat junk food or over eat til I am sick! I have even made it a huge point to eat infront of the family that make the remarks but nothing helps they still accuse me of not eating enough. What do I say or do to make this stop!


  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    Boy do I understand where you are coming form. I have a sister that constantly gives me unsolicited advice about my "diet" even though I have told her a thousand times I am not dieting. I am making a lifestyle change in how I eat.

    Tell your family to go online and type "BMI" into Google and use it. I tried three different websites and all three put 119 lbs for a 5'2" women right in the middle of the normal range. I would say that is the perfect place to be!!!!

    Or, here is another thought.....the next time you are at the doctor ask him if he thinks 119lbs is okay. I am pretty sure he will say yes. If you have no reason to see a doctor maybe it would be worth making an appointment just to get the feedback so you can quiet your family.
  • dhudgin
    dhudgin Posts: 73 Member
    Do NOT let your friends and family steal your joy and sense of accomplishment. After you have reassured them that you are being healthy and deliberate in your eating habits, let the rest go!!! They are JEALOUS of your success and trying to sabotage your efforts- after all, misery LOVES company. You have done an amazing job and you keep right on going!!!
  • huntee75
    keep up the great work. also don't let them get in your head. as long as you and the good Lord above knows what you are/are not, then that is all that matters. you know you're working hard at what you're doing so stay encouraged about it because seeing that you've done it makes me know it can be done. and as to "what to do about the remarks", LOOK AND FEEL FABULOUS EVERY TIME THEY SEE YOU! eventually they'll want your support to lose the weight and be healthy too.:drinker: :smile:
  • meglide
    meglide Posts: 37 Member
    Wish I knew what advice to give so your family would quit with their remarks, but some people it seems just can't be helped. Sounds like you've done an outstanding job. Taking that much weight off slowly but surely is excellent. Whether it's 130 or 119 lbs, at 5ft 2in you dead on in the middle of the "NORMAL" range for BMI. See the CDC website listed below


    But 2 years ago you were "OBESE" at 186 lbs. I suggest next time a friend or family member starts to tell you that you're too "skinny," you bet them $5 that they are the ones overweight/obese and you're the normal one. Take them to CDC website above and have them put in their numbers and compare with your numbers. You'll most likely be $5 richer and maybe, just maybe they'll learn to think before they speak next time.

  • winky1
    winky1 Posts: 15
    Just remember you lnow ur own limits ur own restrictions follow ur plan 4 ur body not thiers eventually they may come around my familiy started that way but r coming round now, so hang in there be proud of ur self 4 ur accompishment.
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    i think its hard for family and friends to adjust to seeing you thinner..oftentimes people don't appreciate change, even positive ones if the change that presents itself makes them feel "less" successful..If you feel good where you at then do your best to smile, remain calm and say something positive about how good you feel..and leave it at that..In the end this is "your" life and if youre happy thats what its all about! .So congratualtions for all the success and coming here is a great place to feel positive and amazinggg about getting there at last! :)
  • mirandam1076
    3 words. THEY ARE JEALOUS!!!!!! I would print off your BMI results and carry it around with you. Next time it happens dont say a word and pull that out! Families can be the worst.