Too hungry!!!

slieber Posts: 765 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Hi Y'all,

I'm having a problem and I'm not sure how to deal with it. Been to the doctor who's done the blood work and nothing's showed up. FYI: I'm celiac and have to be dairy-free (allergy AND intolerance for dairy).

I eat a really good breakfast - high protein, reasonable fiber. Usually 3 egg whites, apple and potato (small). I also have a cup of tea and a 16-20 oz glass of water.

The trouble is, about a half hour or so later, I'm STARVING, as if I hadn't eaten at all. If I'm not exactly starving, I feel like I've had a blood sugar crash. I'll take a piece of fruit at that point but that doesn't stay long.

Throughout the day, I try to eat high fiber, high protein. I do a lot of training after work - 12 hours of ballet classes and 4 hours of cross-training at the gym - usually two days of those with weights. I earn around 4000+ exercise calories a week, on average.

I also take a large handful of vitamin supplements: multi-vitamin, calcium+D, green tea with hoodia, glucosamin/chondroitin, vitamin B complex, fish oil capsules and Airborne (I work with kids...I need the protection!).

So, any help with why I suddenly feel so hungry just a short while after eating? Or lose energy, feeling like I haven't eaten?

Thanks for any help!!


  • Try adding a healthy fat like nuts to your breakfast or morning snack it will help you stay full longer. Good luck!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I don't mean this in a tongue-in-cheek way at all...but sometimes the easiest remedy is to just eat a little more. Increase your calories by 100-200, then when the feelings pass, drop back down. Some weeks I just need to eat more, so I do. I can't go every day feeling like I'm starving. I can handle one or two 'hungry' days and then I bump my calories up. After a few days I usually feel satisfied at the amount I used previously.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    Thanks to both of you. I have done that - adding more cals. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I eat gluten-free - I use "corn loaf" by Ener-G foods which is pretty high in fiber and even that doesn't help the crash.

    There's just no rhyme or reason to why I have this happen. It's not pleasant - I get headachy and crabby when it happens.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hmm...are you sure you're eating enough now so that when you do eat more, it's really 'more' and not just 'enough'? that clear as mud?
  • pasbd
    pasbd Posts: 7
    Talk to your doctor. I have this feeling when my reflux is acting up. Protonix has really helped me.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    I agree with Jillkim and think it's the fat - try the same thing but add in fat or have a spoon of flax seed oil to see if it makes a difference - you'll be able to rule it in or out pretty easily.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    slieber, we have a gluten-free thread, and we were actually just discussing being hungry... take a look:
  • barb130
    barb130 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm also celiac...the apple and potato are too high in"sugar" ....add one egg yolk, skip the potato and add 1/4 cup rice and shine (hot brown rice cereal) with splenda, nonfat milk and cinnamon won't be hungry...
  • barb130
    barb130 Posts: 4 Member
    oops, just realized you have a problem with dairy, too...skip the lowfat milk on the cereal and add some chopped walnuts instead...
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I haven't looked at the celiac thread lately - I'll do that.

    Can I substitute brown and wild rice instead of rice cereal, barb130? That's interesting as I thought apple and potato were considered "resistant starches" so allegedly metabolize more slowly. That sounds like it might be the issue. I'll give it a try and see how it goes.

    Songbyrd, I'm pretty sure I'm eating enough - more than enough - I haven't lost a pound in ages. I haven't worked out the right ratio for my calories. It's not pleasant. I'm so SO close to my main goal! :-(
  • I don't mean this in a tongue-in-cheek way at all...but sometimes the easiest remedy is to just eat a little more. Increase your calories by 100-200, then when the feelings pass, drop back down. Some weeks I just need to eat more, so I do. I can't go every day feeling like I'm starving. I can handle one or two 'hungry' days and then I bump my calories up. After a few days I usually feel satisfied at the amount I used previously.

    Very good advice....I did the exact same thing recently. I also added more flax oil to my diet which helps with satiety, as well as fat burning.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I don't mean this in a tongue-in-cheek way at all...but sometimes the easiest remedy is to just eat a little more. Increase your calories by 100-200, then when the feelings pass, drop back down. Some weeks I just need to eat more, so I do. I can't go every day feeling like I'm starving. I can handle one or two 'hungry' days and then I bump my calories up. After a few days I usually feel satisfied at the amount I used previously.

    Very good advice....I did the exact same thing recently. I also added more flax oil to my diet which helps with satiety, as well as fat burning.

    Where did you add in the flax oil? Did you put it in food or take it as a supplement? I'm not a cook, you see, so my meals need to be simple. I would love recommendations on how to use the oil. *embarrassed*
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    I actually like the taste, so I have it straight. You can add it to anything, just don't cook with it. Add it to vegetables, rice, cereal, smoothies - anything.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I actually like the taste, so I have it straight. You can add it to anything, just don't cook with it. Add it to vegetables, rice, cereal, smoothies - anything.

    I'll give it a try straight, first. Thanks for letting me know about not cooking with it, because that's what I was thinking. LOL!

    How much do you take and how often?

  • barb130
    barb130 Posts: 4 Member
    yep, you can sub brown rice for the cereal..(.the cereal is actually just ground organic brown rice)....but be sure to add the nuts (good fat) and the cinnamon (really great antioxidant)
  • ccounts
    ccounts Posts: 57
    Hi, I'm feeling hungry, too, after having a good breakfast of fiber one with skim milk, sliced almonds and a banana. I would say you aren't eating enough carbs, but you've got both apple and potato in there. I seem to be eating enough carbs. I am supposed to have 45 carbs at each meal, per my diabetes dietician, along with protein and a little fat (almonds, and the milk is a high-protein milk). I'm about to test my blood sugar. Wow! It's 116, which is right on for a couple of hours after eating, but it was 137 before I ate. Hmmm. This is a mystery, as I am really hungry! :smile:
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    yep, you can sub brown rice for the cereal..(.the cereal is actually just ground organic brown rice)....but be sure to add the nuts (good fat) and the cinnamon (really great antioxidant)

    Thanks! I'm thinking of using brown and wild rice (half a cup), egg, chicken or beef (about 2-3 WW points' worth) for breakfast. I do need a fruit, and will stick to the apple, I think, because it's the lowest on the GI and highest in the fiber of the choices I like.

    We'll see what happens.
  • I don't mean this in a tongue-in-cheek way at all...but sometimes the easiest remedy is to just eat a little more. Increase your calories by 100-200, then when the feelings pass, drop back down. Some weeks I just need to eat more, so I do. I can't go every day feeling like I'm starving. I can handle one or two 'hungry' days and then I bump my calories up. After a few days I usually feel satisfied at the amount I used previously.

    Very good advice....I did the exact same thing recently. I also added more flax oil to my diet which helps with satiety, as well as fat burning.

    Where did you add in the flax oil? Did you put it in food or take it as a supplement? I'm not a cook, you see, so my meals need to be simple. I would love recommendations on how to use the oil. *embarrassed*

    I add "Udo's 3-6-9 oil" to LOTS of things....stir fried veggies, baked potatoes, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, protein shakes, etc.--just about anything. You just cannot cook with it, or it will destroy the fatty acids, so you add it afterwards.... It has a very mild taste since it's made from flax and sunflower oils, not fish. You can find it on-line at several different places. I've been taking this for 2 years now, and it's my favorite. Hope this helps!
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    Yes, thanks! That helps a lot.

    I've swapped out egg white for a full egg each morning, now, and added the brown and wild rice (swapped it out for potato). There's a slight improvement but not enough as yet.

    I'm printing out the suggestions here to keep on the board so I can use it more easily. Thanks all!
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member

    I tried the rice breakfast for this week and it made a HUGE difference. Thanks so much for that. I'm going to keep on with it. Whew!
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