Tattoo Party!



  • childofArtemis24
    The last time someone posted this question they received like 15 pages of replies. So I know that there is a lot of us MFP ppl do.
    I have 1 and it is a dragonfly, with an elven inscription above it that says " Be Good or Be Good at it." Me and my bestie have matching ones.
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    I have three. Two have no meaning I just like them. The third is my uncles initials on my wrist, he past away late last year and during the funeral I got the tat. It serves as a reminder when I go to take a pill to stop and think "do I really need this?"

    I will be getting another one when I reach my goal
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I have two, although they're combined to look like one.

    My first one was a lotus. I got it after I ended my marriage. I really like the whole "calm after the storm" symbolism, even though it sounds a little cliche. It was the first time in years that I'd felt calm and peaceful. I'd also be lying if I said it wasn't partly out of rebellion, since the ex was so horribly against them.

    My second one, is a string of orchids. Again, maybe a little cliche sounding, but they represent passion. In the couple years I had on my own, I had no idea the zest I'd find for life.

    Honestly, I love what they mean for me, and I'm proud to wear them for the rest of my life :-)
  • mrysnshn
    mrysnshn Posts: 36 Member
    I have 5 tattoos. My first was when i was 18 and got a tribal heart on my lower back. (Now called my tramp stamp). My second is a rose on my shoulder blade for my mother who is named rosemary. My third and favorite is a human heart on my foot that has patches and nails on it with flowers meaning thatafterall my heartbreak i have been through i am still going and beautiful. My fouth was a breast cancer ribbon on my back. And my last was my water lines on my wrist for my sign.
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    I want a few but want to get down a few more lbs first. I love these threads! :happy:
  • PittBullMamma
    I've been tattooed 20xs and have 15 tattoos to show for it. Out of those tattoos, the dragon on my left calf and unicorn on my right calf are the only "flash" I have. They were a "just because", lol. From there I have my husband's birthflower (calendula) on my left hip, a kiwi bird on my right hip for a friend from New Zealand who left this world too early, a tribal diamond on both wrists in an almost henna color and above those I have fat puppies representing my two pitbulls. On my back is a collection of tattoos representing me and my life. Left shoulder all the way down my back are 9 wolf prints in memory of my father. In the middle top of my back is a tattoo of my birth flower and sign with water droplets around it, below that (lower spine) is a tribal phoenix to represent every thing I've gone through and will go through married to a military man. Top right shoulder is my kid's tattoo which consists of his birth flower, birth sign, and name in Gaelic since we're Irish. Below that is the Celtic knot for motherhood with my mother and kiddo's birth stone colors weaving through it. Below that is an angel for my mother. Then of course, I have the tramp stamp, lol, 2 four leaf clovers with "lucky charm" in between. That's it for now....... till i can save up enough money to get my Koi on my left shoulder.
  • Blayzn10Tiffers
    I have over 20 but I think I have pics of four or so on my profile here... they all have meaning, my lotus flower is one pic, my humming bird memorial for my grandmother who passed from ovarian cancer, my live love laugh elephant and my moon with three stars that matches a moon tat my mother has...
  • HayleyMB1284
    HayleyMB1284 Posts: 129 Member
    Hey ya'll ! I never thought Id ever get tattoos but my husband convinced me. (He has 9)Just got my first one few months ago, like 2 months now as of today. I hate needles, hurt like hell but i def dont regret, Its a cross on my foot. Its a design i found 5 years ago. Kept the printed paper in my purse for 5 years until i finally went may 30 of this year to get it. I always wanted a cross.. kinda looks like new orleans inspired. Since im from louisiana. Its also angled on my foot. kinda resymbols my christian faith( to represent gods feet being crossed on the cross)

    anyways, I truly beleive its addictiing..because even though it hurt, i want more! haha
  • MissGraziano
    Okay here we go...

    Chickadee on my hip because my gramma has called my her Little Chickadee since I was a baby.
    "Let Go" in Italian on my wrists because my mama always tells me this.
    "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish" on my feet because this quote really inspired me.
    A narwhal on my thigh because I was feeling a little crazy and who doesn't love narwhals?
    A stencil of a girl letting go of a balloon shaped heart symbolizing letting love go.
    Paw prints on my neck because I freaking love animals!
    A bird cage on my inner arm with two birds flying out- me and my husband because we are different than others who are "trapped"
    And a quarter sleeve of a gypsy girl with an animal skull on her head wrapped in a blue scarf and flowers in her hair with a pretty little fox curled up around her neck which symbolizes my love for wildlife biology.

    And my next one is a fishing lure my dad used all the time and a direct copy from a letter he wrote me when I graduated high school in his hand writing that says "I will always be there for you. I love you, Daddy" because he passed away last year.
  • BrandiL83
    BrandiL83 Posts: 100 Member
    This is mine. The wings are pink and purple to represent my girls. The ribbon in the middle is for our baby that we lost to ectopic pregnancy in February.

  • Wingwoman21

    1. Butterfly with the word "forgiven" underneath it on the back of my neck. Was making some changes in my life and it symbolized that, plus it reminds me of one of my favorite Bible verses 2nd Corinthians 5:17.

    2. Large guardian angel on my mid back. (From Rose is Rose comic, :bigsmile: ) Story is too long for that one, lol.

    Saving up money for my next one!
  • crush86
    crush86 Posts: 113 Member
    I have 8! :)
    1-Shooting star on my foot- to remind myself always shoot for the stars! :)
    2-Dragonflies on my upper back- always loved dragonflies, they remind me of my childhood spent at the lake.
    3-Linking hearts on my wrist- Hubby and I got matching ones before our wedding!
    4-Music notes on my inner arm- Love music, always in choir since I was little. Music is very important to me!
    5-My oldest daughters name on my ankle- I love her!
    6-My youngest daughters name on my ankle- I love her!
    7-"there's no place like home" inside of my foot- Love the Wizard of Oz....there really is no place like home!
    8- Owl and tree on my upper arm with the Pisces fish etched into to three- for my parents, I love them!

    Still want more! Plan on getting something to celebrate when I reach my goal weight!
  • Jotell
    Jotell Posts: 139 Member
    I've got four now. The first is a cross I designed on my right butt-cheek for my beliefs, second is a trinity knot on my left hip bone for my Irish heritage (very little of) and because it means the circle of life, the third is the tramp stamp of a fancy butterfly and the newest addition is on my left foot and says "Consectatio" which means dedication in Latin because, I am dedicated to doing anything I put my mind to such as working out and losing weight. They all are in odd places because, if I ever decide to work in a professional setting I wont have to hide them and can wear what I want. :)
  • Crazibaker
    Crazibaker Posts: 130 Member
    I LOVE this thread!! I have 3 and definitely want more:

    - Lower back design (hard to explain) that I got when I was 22 and still absolutely love it (I'm 35 now)

    - Inside of left ankle I have a butterfly profile that my husband drew by hand

    - top of right foot by pinkie toe, two different sized black stars

    Want to get more - thinking about one right behind my left ear.
  • TheLakeBeast
    I have a cross with 2 football helmets on my right arm. Says "God help the BEAST in me" because my nick name is lakebeast.... getting another tattoo on Saturday :) an eagle with the saying "American First, Irish Forever"
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    1. left lower back: Purple dragonfly sitting on a yellow Lilly. ~ my husband drew it for me and I had it done in ink.
    2. left outer: our symbol (hubby and I's initials together in this symmetrical tribal looking symbol) ~ I don't believe in words/names being inked, I did this instead.
    3. middle of shoulder blades: 10 point purple star with Chinese symbol for friendship ~ My best friend and I went together and both got matching tattoo's only hers is blue.
    4. right outer ankle: Crescent moon(blue & purple) with a black cat sitting on it, then 6 4 point yellow/orange stars circling. ~ in memory of my cat Midnight, I raised from a kitten and she died @ 17 years old.
    5. right wrist bracelet: silver cross with sapphire, orange heart, sliver anchor with red background, repeat ~ In memory of my grandma, whom was very religious. The symbols are because she gave me a gold necklace with those on it. The sapphire is her birthstone. It means "Faith, Love and Hope, for all Eternity." I told my tattooist to use any color but purple, because this tattoo is not about me. (purple is my favorite color)
  • mandachristine
    mandachristine Posts: 58 Member
    I have one, but I definitely want another. I have "I took the one less travelled by" It's from my favourite poem by Robert Frost. It has a lot of meaning for me. :) It's across my shoulder blades.
  • Terryism
    Terryism Posts: 314 Member
    I have 3:

    My first one is a pair of dice on my left ankle I got while in Las Vegas, one has my zodiac symbol, the other has my husband's zodiac symbol. I had wanted something for us for a while and since we also got married in Vegas, it just fit. I'd like to add a 3rd die with our sons symbol to complete our family and maybe add something pretty for the hell of it!

    My second one is on my right ankle and is a really cute turtle. I love turtles, lol! My mom got the same tattoo with me, and my grandmother got the same tattoo a few years later, so this one is really special to me having it on 3 generations. Maybe my son will want it too?

    My third is another tattoo I got in Vegas, it's a lily on my left shoulder blade. Lilly's are my favorite flowers and I had been looking for one I liked for a long time. My husband wanted to get a tattoo at Vince Neil Ink so I was looking through the books and came across the prettiest lily I had seen as far as a tattoo, they usually look too cartoony for my taste, so I got it.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    Oh, I love tattoos :) I'm posting photos because I never show them off irl.

    Ignore how different I look in this first one. I was almost 3 years younger than now and I weighed only about 235 so I look a lot different. Its just one of the only pics I can find where you can see the tattoos on my shoulders. They are identical black stars. The significance is that I like star shaped things. lol.


    The next two I got at the same time. This first one is on my wrist. Matty is my significant other, we're in year 8 of our relationship. We met in the beginning of our freshman year of high school and have been inseparable. After I got it done, my mom hated it and said I'd regret it if we ever broke up, but honestly I think that breaking up a family with 3 children would be more heartbreaking than a tattoo!


    This last one my SO designed. We share a lot of passions, from music to video games to Doctor Who to comic books, so we had a hard time settling on something cool. I wanted to get a Starman forever, and he paired it up with one of my favorite Bowie tunes. Its on my lower back but its kind of an odd pic so its hard to tell lol. Both of these pics were from when they were fresh, thats why it is red.


    So, none of them are insanely significant compared to other people who get them for loved ones and stuff. I just get what I like. I plan on getting my back tattoo expanded sometime with some more Mario themed characters. I also plan on getting a few more done in the future.

    Edit to fix one of the pics so it aligned properly :)
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Ohhhh I love tattoos! I have 6 now and there are 5 more in mind that I want.. Now just to find all the money for them...

    Mine are...
    1. "vivre" (french for "live") on the side of my foot
    2. A liiiitttllee tiny baby heart on my wrist, which matches my sisters c:
    3. My left shoulder to elbow is a half sleeve of colored lotus flowers and a bunch of swirly traditional japanese looking waves, in black and grey
    4. A teeny anchor on my left pinky right next to my wedding ring
    5 & 6. Traditional american style swallows on the backs of my legs, achilles tendon area I suppose would be the best definition.