Any Teens on Here? Need PeerSupport

I'm 18 an ready for a change. I'm 5' 11" and 240 lbs and have struggled with my weight my entire life. I'm looking to lose weight so I can gain more self-confidence, and also to excel better at myfavorite sport: basketball. Any other teens who are going through a similar process feel free to tell me about yourself and what your inspiration is :smile:


  • Synryo
    Synryo Posts: 54 Member
    Hi =]
    I'm 19, I too have struggled with weight for most of my life. There have been a few years in between where I was a decent weight, but I've never been in my ideal shape. I want to finally accomplish my goals so I can start fresh in college. I'm pretty new here too, could always use a bigger support circle =)
  • Feel free to friend me :) im almost to my goal but I could still use more support.

    I'd been trying to lose weight since I was around 13. not because I was horribly overweight, but more just because I ate all this junk and somehow found myself shocked to see the number on the scale increase. I've been trying to develop a better lifestyle while losing some unnecessary weight. :)
  • Thanks both of you for sharing with me! It's nice to see other teens who are trying to change their lives too! I love having all this support and I'll definitely add you as friends :)
  • Hey :) I'm 18 I have struggled with my weight most of my life and i had a hard time with binge eating for a while but im over that and have been ready to change! We can support each other if you would like im newish also! I will send you a friend request add me if you want!
  • Hello there :)
    Looks like I'm in the right crowd! I'm 18, and I've also been having problems with my weight for as long as I can remember...Here's hoping that this system is just what I need for change - happy to be a support for you guys, it's great (ironically) to see others in the same boat as me, trying for something a bit different!
  • same boat here!
    i am 18 and i am also new :)
    i want to loose weight for a confidence boost, would love to add you, seeing as we are all in the same boat and we all need support :D
  • shakeitoffbxch
    shakeitoffbxch Posts: 25 Member
    Me too! Im 18 and have struggled with my weight my entire life. Got worse with some tough times, emotional/binge eater right here. looking for some positive people :) I will send you a request- add if you want :)
  • I'm 19 and I have always wanted to get back into shape! I hope with support and this site, I can do that, and I hope everyone else in high school or college can get the body/life they want too! I'm a very positive person and I know support is the most important thing and seeing other people's progress is just as helpful! It's nice to be in the same boat for once! :)
  • serhioramos
    serhioramos Posts: 59 Member
    My name is Caroline and I'm 19... I'd love as many friends on here as possible!
    I've never been super overweight or anything, but as of lately I've gotten into long distance running and really feel motivated to become the athlete I know I have the potential to be... I'm about 5 pounds overweight at the moment but I'd like to lose 30 in order to have a super fit body. :) I've lost 3 pounds so far.... Feel free to add me if you want.
  • fluteypie
    fluteypie Posts: 42 Member
    Hello! :) I'm also 18, I'm 5'0" and needing to lose about 15lbs. I definitely know where you're coming from, wanting to feel confident and everything. One thing I always try to remind myself, though, is that even though I'm a little chubby, doesn't mean I can't change my attitude and love my body now! I used to get really down about it but I've changed my way of thinking and it makes the whole weight loss journey a lot better. Feel free to add me, I'd love for us to help each other out! <3
  • repponse
    repponse Posts: 10
    Hey! :) I'm 18 and a college freshman. I am 222lb and 5'4". My ultimate goal is to be 130 by April 2013. I've always had issues with overeating, binge eating, and a strong hatred for exercise. I've only been on this journey for about a two weeks (was sick for one week ): ) , BUT I'm making progress now. I'm naming my journey the "freshman anti-fifteen" Because I WILL NOT be the freshman that goes to college and gains, but I'm going to prove everyone wrong by losing 90lbs! I want to be confident, love clothes shopping, and look absolutely stunning for my second anniversary with my boyfriend. I try to be positive most of the time. I would really love encouragement from others (Even those small comments help sooo much!) Also, if anyone has easy recipes I can make in my college apartment, please message me! Feel free to add me as a friend! Can't wait to hear from others! :)
  • Hey, I'm from Germany and will be in the USA for a year. actually a half year is already over. I'm 5'5" and 158lbs. Not that bad but I gained 13pounds since I'm here in the states and that doesn't feel good. I have troubles with my weight for so long (got rude comments since the 6grade) I just want to loose that weight again to fit in my German cloth again. I would love to have some support and i.would like to support others so please add me.:)
  • hey there!
    i'm 19 (almost 20!) and ive been battling my weight for over 10 years. Ive been over weight ever since my parents split, back when i was 7 years old. I am here now, making the change and I could use the support too! I am here for anybody else that needs support as well. so anybody is free to add me (: the more friends the merrier!
  • collarbonelove
    collarbonelove Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I'm 18 years old, I desperately need to lose this unsightly weight. I am 5'1 and 204lbs. Disgusting. So add me and help me keep on track. Happy counting!
  • piya121
    piya121 Posts: 11 Member
    hey :) I'm going to be a senior in high school, and i have been overweight pretty much my entire life. I am definitely ready for a change, and i want to be confident and look amazing for college next year :)

    I am 5'2" and 170 pounds. Being short and fat is an awful combination.

    Friend me!
  • I'm 17, 5"7 and am about 240. I'm entering my senior year and would really like to feel happy and healthy so I can enjoy this time. And even better, so when I leave for college I can leave confident. Feel free to add me.
  • mfp116
    mfp116 Posts: 108
    I'm 19:) feel free to add me if you would like! ive tried losing weight so many times but i do think mfp is the most effective not only because you get support from loads of people but its so much easier to know exactly how well your doing with food and exercise :3
  • Hi everyone! I'm 19, like most of you, 5'3 122-119 and just wanting to tone up. I'm also leaving for bootcamp in three weeks, so trying to get ready for that! I have confident issues, a lot lately. I have workout ALOT and i have been for the past four years but have never focused on the way i ate. Now i am and I'm hoping to see more progress with my stomach.
    Feel free to add, i would love to get to know all of you!!
  • I'm 18 and I just started hmm about a week ago. I didn't really have an issue with my weight until I got to high school but since I'm starting college in two months I figured I should probably change a few things.I'm 5'1 and weigh 190 . I'll be going to school for baking and pastry and something tells me I'll be eating more than I bake if I don't get into shape soon.
  • intergalactick
    intergalactick Posts: 18 Member
    I'm a teen, message me about the specific age, 5'1 1/2" and 198. I've just always kind of struggled with myself and I've been promising myself for years I'd get skinny. I just want to be confident before high school ends. And I will be. Hi. :)