Turning life around in the 20s

Anyone who's been to college or is in college knows how crazy it can get. The late nights, the studying, the stress, and most deadly of all the gobs of unhealthy food ( but i mean who isn't going to eat free midnight pancakes?!) Its a constant struggle between the good and the ugly which is where I currently find myself.

Now, I'm not one of those girls who has always been skinny and succumbed to the pressures of food and a frantic life. I've always struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember.

I was an average sized kid but then when hit puberty i ballooned out to a staggering 176 pounds and I was teased constantly because of it (and because of an unfortunate unflattering haircut). In middle school things started changing when I started swimming and then in high school with even more swimming and water polo I dropped tons of weight and inadvertently widdled myself down to 133 pounds. This didn't last long because swimming got put on the back burner after my mom got a brain tumor and I went back up to 145 my senior year of high school.

When college started I excersized even less because I didn't have time to join the water polo or swim team and I was taking tons of classes and I had a pretty poor diet which after two years of got me up to 174 pounds. Almost exactly what I was in middle school.

So far this summer due to diet and excersize and an insane amount of motovation after turning 20 I've lost almost 15 pounds and I want to get back down to the 130s.

Which brings me back to the purpose of this post. I need friends to keep me in check.

Other ladies in their 20s, working moms, college students, who are just as busy as me and just as motivated to get healthy. So if you can relate to me, or have a similar story or words of encoragment feel free to add me or share in this post :)


  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    I just graduated from Uni. I know how you feel, I have totally been there. I am working off my "freshman" 25 and hopefully more to obtain a healthy weight. I don't always stay on track, as of lately. Ill send ya a friend request. Im 22.
  • I'm 21 years old (but I probably seem like I'm 12 based on my avatar) and tryna lose 15 pounds. I love working out but haven't been doing much exercise lately due to a cyst on my back :(. But I've been eating much more balanced and healthy in the past few days and am loving it. I am not very active on the community forums here so I don't know how it works, but you can friend request me if you'd like.
  • I have a pretty similar story, actually. I was always the chubby kid, weighing in the 160s for a lot of my teen years. When I was 15 I lost about 20 lbs, first when I went on an international exchange, just through a total lifestyle shift, and then when I decided to get my lifeguarding quals, and started swimming upwards of 3 hours/week. It was better, but I still never felt great about my body or the way that I looked.

    Then I started college and started slipping again. I've always been an emotional eater, and a bored eater, and pretty much an everything eater. And then a little over a year ago I was diagnosed with clinical depression and put on medication which, combined with my eating habits, brought me all the way back up into the 170s.

    I'm 22, just graduated from university this spring, and have promised myself that with this lifestyle change, and losing the excuse of being stressed and in school, I will get back into a healthy range, and try to find some body confidence for the first time in my life. I don't feel like I have the willpower to go on an extreme diet, and I've always felt like it would be better to go about making some long-term changes, and develop habits that I will be able to maintain, so I can not only find the body I've always wanted, but keep it. Since I joined MFP about 3 weeks ago, I have been better, although still not perfect, about keeping track of what I eat, and making myself accountable for it, and I have lost 4 lbs. I'm really hoping this keeps up, and more people to keep me accountable and help me stay motivated can't hurt, right?