FASTING............ HELP OR ADVICE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

has anyone ever tried Intermittent fasting (IF) I heard that it works well because it gives you body more time to burn calories. for those who don't know it is basically where you fast for part of the day and the you leave a small window of time to consume calories. I have heard that it is best to exercise on a empty stomach because you will be able to burn more calories and lose weight easier. for example I could fast from 10 pm until 3pm that basically means that I will between 3 and nine and nothing after 10 pm. I have decided if this is right I just want know some of your opinions or if you have tried it what are the results. I havent look much into this but alot of people have said that they have gotten great results from this process and you can apply it to any diet.


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    Yep it works. I do it and have been for quite awhile.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tastywhalebacon
    i was just looking into this earlier. i read you eat from 6am to 6pm and then fast until the next day at 6pm.
  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    Mark's Daily Apple (Primal Blueprint) has some fantastic articles about IF, such as:
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    i was just looking into this earlier. i read you eat from 6am to 6pm and then fast until the next day at 6pm.

    There's a couple different methods- what you're describing sounds like the Eat-Stop-Eat method, which uses 1 or 2 24-hour fasts a week to cut your calories, you eat at maintenence the rest of the week.

    The OP is describing another method, which there's several versions of but the one I"m familiar with is Leangains. You have an eating window of generally 8 to 10 hours and fast for 16 to 14 hours, everyday. You eat the calories that your deficit would allow- a.k.a. the number MFP gives you, everyday. You fast overnight and generally in the morning. I generally do 2pm to 10pm. There's tons of information available on either method and MFP groups that have info and support for IF.
  • tastywhalebacon
    my question is.....can your drink water while you fast?
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    Yes...lots of it. Also can have tea/coffee with a splash of milk.
  • jasminemonique1
    my question is.....can your drink water while you fast?
    You can drink water because it doesn't have any calories? You have light calories I think but the goal s to consume most of you calories within a small time frame And fast their the rest of the day.
  • simonlcube
    simonlcube Posts: 73 Member
    It works well for me. I fast from 8 pm until 12:30 pm the next day. It works best if you exercise before your first meal. Drink plenty of water while fasting. Look up leangains for more info.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Heaps of us follow this lifestyle. There is an IF group on here too.

    The resources I'd suggest looking at if you are thinking about it and Eat Stop Eat.

    There are heaps of other variations and resources on this topic though.
  • jasminemonique1
    I been trying to do this fasting thing and I think its going to take sometime getting used to. I am afraid that I wont' keep up with it.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I been trying to do this fasting thing and I think its going to take sometime getting used to. I am afraid that I wont' keep up with it.

    It can take a week or so to get used to- but here's the thing- the greatest benefit for me, and others I know doing IF, is that it feels sort of natural, and its very satisfying to get to eat bigger meals during your feeding hours than you would if you were eating 6 small meals a day or whatever. Its also great for evening grazers, and people who just don't like breakfast, and people who for whatever reason (business, pleasure, aversion to cooking) go out to restaurants for dinner often. It's not a magic bullet for fat loss, and probably won't make any difference unless you're already in a low BF% and looking to cut even leaner. Knowing that it's not going to dramatically change your weight loss, you should decide for yourself if the lifestyle is one that works for you- it's not for everyone. But, I like it a lot.

    Edit: spelling
  • derpina88
    derpina88 Posts: 36 Member
    I been trying to do this fasting thing and I think its going to take sometime getting used to. I am afraid that I wont' keep up with it.

    It can take a week or so to get used to- but here's the thing- the greatest benefit for me, and others I know doing IF, is that it feels sort of natural, and its very satisfying to get to eat bigger meals during your feeding hours than you would if you were eating 6 small meals a day or whatever. Its also great for evening grazers, and people who just don't like breakfast, and people who for whatever reason (business, pleasure, aversion to cooking) go out to restaurants for dinner often. It's not a magic bullet for fat loss, and probably won't make any difference unless you're already in a low BF% and looking to cut even leaner. Knowing that it's not going to dramatically change your weight loss, you should decide for yourself if the lifestyle is one that works for you- it's not for everyone. But, I like it a lot.

    Edit: spelling

    I've been curious about this for a while and this was very helpful. Thank you.
  • hippietofugirl
    I was thinking about doing this myself. The thing I'm confused about is calories. If you skip a meal, do you end up eating those calories at your next meal, or are the calories just not there?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I was thinking about doing this myself. The thing I'm confused about is calories. If you skip a meal, do you end up eating those calories at your next meal, or are the calories just not there?

    You eat all of your allotted calories, just within a specific window. 2pm to 10pm for me. Today, with exercise, I had my full 2000 ish calories between those hours.

    If you do the 24-hour fast option, you eat all of your weekly calories, just in 6 days instead of 7, so you're eating more calories the whole rest of the week.

    To be clear, it's not starving by any means.
  • hippietofugirl
    I was thinking about doing this myself. The thing I'm confused about is calories. If you skip a meal, do you end up eating those calories at your next meal, or are the calories just not there?

    You eat all of your allotted calories, just within a specific window. 2pm to 10pm for me. Today, with exercise, I had my full 2000 ish calories between those hours.

    If you do the 24-hour fast option, you eat all of your weekly calories, just in 6 days instead of 7, so you're eating more calories the whole rest of the week.

    To be clear, it's not starving by any means.

    Ok, gottcha. Are you supposed to work out during your fast?
  • Toumani
    Toumani Posts: 78 Member
    Yes, I think it works for a lot of people. I've looked around extensively on the net and there are different types of IF: 24 hour, 18 hour, 16 hour, etc.

    But the guide I find most comprehensive, in terms of what you need to do, eat, and why, is Leangains by Swedist fitness expert Martin Berkhan. His blog takes some getting used to - I think he should make a proper website with a clear menu - but start here:

    and read his "key points" section at the bottom. You can also browse through his sections "categories" and "most popular" for more specific info. I like Berkhan because:

    1. he's not an idiot
    2. he's not into broscience
    3. he reads lots of scientific articles on the subject *critically*, ie he just doesn't read some ****ty study and claim it's a fact
    4. he discusses the articles on his website
    5. he's a success story himself (he was overweight and now he maintains something like 7% body fat)
    6. he has many clients who have used his diet and workout routine and are success stories themselves (see his "results" section)
    7. he believes women can get the same lean muscle (not bulk!) as men, e.g., through lifting heavy
    8. he doesn't make you pay for his information - all the stuff is free for you to look through without paying some stupid extra fee for "OMG register here and look at these awesome fat loss sectrets!!!" bull****
    9. he's not an idiot.

    I do 16-18 hour fasts and it really works for controlling my portions. Basically I stop eating around 6-7 pm and start eating shortly after lunchtime. If you think about it, that's not really hard, you're basically skipping breakfast. I've always skipped breakfast so all I've changed is *what* I'm eating - more protein than before, and working out in the mornings instead of the evenings. I only have about another 6 lbs to lose, but Leangains really set my portions back into control as I was eating like a damn pig at mealtimes.. lol.
  • Toumani
    Toumani Posts: 78 Member
    To be clear, it's not starving by any means.

    This is right what MoreBean says.

    Just a funny side note: yesterday someone posted some more or less like this as a thread topic "To be fair, I really don't see the difference between anorexia and fasting."

    It's amazing how some people that really have the IQ of a sack of hammers can operate a computer. How can you even compare.... anorexia is..... ugh, just forget it. I can't even begin to argue with that one!