No Sugar???

Okay, so I have heard or read, that those who want to lose weight(and belly fat especially) are supposed to eliminate sugar. My question is how are we supposed to do that when everything has sugar? I would assume it means don't eat a whole bag of cookise or chips. Don't eat ice cream or candy or drink soda. Things like that. Am I correct in my thinking?

I have stopped drinking regular soda and switched to diet. I have even cut back on that and only have 1-2 sodas a week. I drink alot of water or green tea. I have stopped "pigging out" on junk food. If I end up eating a candy bar, its maybe once a month. I measure out food and eat only the serving size. I figure that any bit of change and what I am doing will help me lose weight. I could still be eating healthier, but I am already a picky eater and do the best I can. Food is expensive and I can't always grab the healthy stuff. I do eat fruits and veggies.

I did a comparison at the store today. I picked Ketchup(only cuz I was next to it when I had the idea to check grams of sugar in things). I would also assume that the less sugar grams the better the choice and it would help you eliminate alot of sugar intake. These were all 14-15 oz squeezable bottles. Here is what I found.

Organic Ketchup: 1 tbsp---20 calories---total carbs 5g---Sugar 4g----Sodium 190mg
Reduced sugar: 1 tbsp----25 cal----total carbs 1g----Sugar 1g----Sodium 170mg
Regular Ketchup: 1tbsp---20 cal---total carbs 5g---Sugar 4g---Sodium 160mg

So, my 2nd question being...based on trying to eliminate or lower sugar intake...would the reduced sugar be the choice to pick? It has more calories but fewer grams of sugar. I have not ever tried reduced sugar or organic so not sure if there is a big difference in taste and if I would want to eat it. I don't know if 1 tbsp would be enough for me, so I know also that you have to take into account how many servings you have.


  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    If you eat food close to it's natural state that hasn't been processed then most of the sugar intake disappears.

    Meats, Veggies, Nuts, Eggs, Fish, Poultry that kind of thing.

    I stick to fruits as natural sources of 'sugar' (fructose) but even then I treat these like a dessert.

    I have cut grains out completely as I think they don't give me much nutritionally that I cannot get elsewhere (including fiber). I swear I feel better for it too and not just from a blubber-slashing point of view.

    All carbohydrate will metabolise down to glucose anyway so the body doesn't care if it comes from 2 heaped tablespoons of sugar in your coffee or some bread/pasta/rice/whatever.

    As you can tell I am pretty low in carbs but I have some ice cream daily, I just don't have much of it :)

    (edit) 'Whole bag' of cookies and chips don't enter into it for me. I just don't open them. And in my experience it gets easier the less carbs you consume.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I stick to under 50g but if I stalled I might drop. Reckon 40g would be restricted enough. That's me more or less always just eating veggies, the milk I use etc and the lowest sugar yogurt I can find. I would personally find it hard to go under 50. I love my yogurt x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I stick to 150g carbs also x
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I love sugar! I eat it all the time and still lose and have abs. I don't eat low carb either. You don't have to cut everything out. Just don't go overboard on refined sugars.
  • ghjklo9
    ghjklo9 Posts: 57
    Get the regular Ketchup.
  • lifeissweet89
    I have always wondered about this also!

    It's funny how in magazines asking about a celebrity's diet secret to their smokin' hot body and their like, "NO SUGAR, NO CARBS, NO FAT"

    Honestly....there is too much good food in this world.

    Sugar is my ultimate weakness (especially at night) but I try my hardest to replace those sugar cravings with something that is naturally sweetened :)
  • skinnybefore
    Sugar is bad for us in so many ways, and yes it is in almost EVERYTHING! I went on a sugar-fast for 3 weeks with my family & we all lost weight without counting calories or exercising. As soon as we stopped the sugar-fast, the weight immediately came back on. It's no wonder our nation is so unhealthy & overweight!

    Look at the ingredients in the food you want to eat. If sweetener of any kind is an (ADDED) ingredient, by-pass it. Try it and see the difference it makes. You will be amazed. (Please note that some foods have natural sugar, such as milk & fruit. You can still eat them as long as there's no added sugar.)
  • Nixenne
    Nixenne Posts: 37 Member
    You're obviously losing weight doing what you're doing. I don't think that eliminating/reducing sugar is going to help with belly fat, but there are certainly other advantages to it.

    To say "everything has sugar" isn't true at all--I eat less than 20g carbs per day, and it's really been the only thing that works for me. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything, as there are still PLENTY of amazing things to eat and enjoy. :) It's not for everyone, but it's not impossible in the slightest.

    I say skip the ketchup entirely, though I have tried the "reduced sugar" stuff and really couldn't tell a difference from normal ketchup.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    I tolerated more sugar in my diet when I was younger and working all day, going to school at nite, out dancing with the girls 3 nites a week and doing the wild thing 3 times a day with my BF. That is so not my life anymore.

    If you are hella active chasing kids around, always on the go, exercising your *kitten* off, chances are some sugar is just fine. If you sit behind a desk all day, a computer screen or tv at nite and get only a few hrs of exercise in a week, step away from the sugar.
  • Blayzn10Tiffers
    I do no synthetic sugar besides whats in my protein shake. I use fruit as my sugar intake..... I dont have cravings and I actually feel great!
  • asmithson19
    I can email you a handy 'cut sugar out of your diet in 8weeks' plan if you'd like to try it! Inbox me if you like! ;-)

    I am trying a no sugar diet at the moment - More 'cold turkey' than cutting it out slowlly but I do substitute sugar in my tea with a natural sweeter (natvia) and have the occasional dollop of Greek Yogurt, so it's more 95% no sugar I guess!?

    ...but you're right, it is in most things we eat - Sauces are my weakness! I'd put ranch dressing on EVERYTHING if I could!!
    Trying to slim down for my December wedding so being really strict until then! (By eating meats, veg and nuts pretty much... Oh and spices for flavour!)

  • clobercow
    clobercow Posts: 337 Member
    I'll make things easy for you.

    Unless you have some medical condition that makes you a very unique human, dietary glucose is not required to be in our diet at all.

    In fact, we don't need any kind of carbohydrate. So why pick foods with sugar in it at all?

    Focus on moderate protein and fat. Eat leafy green veggies and quality meats.

    You can't cut sugar and not eat more fat. There simply is no other way unless you eat some protein only substrate, but that's missing the point now isn't it?

    Do your research and you will find that our bodies run on fat and protein. Sugar (carbohydrate) is a toxin and our bodies treats it as so.
  • Blayzn10Tiffers
    I'll make things easy for you.

    Unless you have some medical condition that makes you a very unique human, dietary glucose is not required to be in our diet at all.

    In fact, we don't need any kind of carbohydrate. So why pick foods with sugar in it at all?

    Focus on moderate protein and fat. Eat leafy green veggies and quality meats.

    You can't cut sugar and not eat more fat. There simply is no other way unless you eat some protein only substrate, but that's missing the point now isn't it?

    Do your research and you will find that our bodies run on fat and protein. Sugar (carbohydrate) is a toxin and our bodies treats it as so.

    This is the truth indeed!
  • sissyr75
    sissyr75 Posts: 24
    :happy: Thank you all! Great information to consider.
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    I just found Organic Ville ketchup made w/agave nectar which has 3grams of sugar.
    Ingredients: organic tomato puree, organic agave nectar, organic white vinegar, salt, organic onion pwdr and organic spices.

    I know, it's confusing! I just try to keep my daily sugar under 30. I don't always succeed, but I try.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I'll make things easy for you.

    Unless you have some medical condition that makes you a very unique human, dietary glucose is not required to be in our diet at all.

    In fact, we don't need any kind of carbohydrate. So why pick foods with sugar in it at all?

    Focus on moderate protein and fat. Eat leafy green veggies and quality meats.

    You can't cut sugar and not eat more fat. There simply is no other way unless you eat some protein only substrate, but that's missing the point now isn't it?

    Do your research and you will find that our bodies run on fat and protein. Sugar (carbohydrate) is a toxin and our bodies treats it as so.

    Stop making things up
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    unless you have diabetes, don't even bother tracking it. doesn't matter.
  • thedancingleper
    thedancingleper Posts: 158 Member
    I don't eat desserts or sugary junk food and it's had a huge impact on how I feel physically. My energy level went through the roof after a few dessert-free weeks.

    I might also note that If something has sugar in it as an ingredient and it's fairly low on the list, then fine. Fruit, also fine. Being too draconian about anything usually results in failure so I don't freak out if my yogurt is a little sweet for example. It's the candy, cookies, cake and the like that you want to curb.
  • andrewlazenby
    I'll make things easy for you.

    Unless you have some medical condition that makes you a very unique human, dietary glucose is not required to be in our diet at all.

    In fact, we don't need any kind of carbohydrate. So why pick foods with sugar in it at all?

    Focus on moderate protein and fat. Eat leafy green veggies and quality meats.

    You can't cut sugar and not eat more fat. There simply is no other way unless you eat some protein only substrate, but that's missing the point now isn't it?

    Do your research and you will find that our bodies run on fat and protein. Sugar (carbohydrate) is a toxin and our bodies treats it as so. much misinformation in there it's painful to read.

    However answer me this, if sugar is so "bad" for you, why is it the only source of energy your brain and your mitochondria in each of your cells use to produce ATP? Then there is that whole fruit thing... When we were still swinging from the trees fruit was a great way to get almost pure fructose. Remember, leafy greens were not cultivated until well into our history as a species.

    Sugar is not EVIL. It's good. You just need not eat 2 pounds of it in a sitting.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Most "reduced" anything products are filled with other garbage, and taste awful. Do you really eat enough ketchup that a couple grams make a difference? If so, you might be better off reducing the amount of ketchup you're adding to your food, and use mustard instead, or hot sauce, or some other spices to make your food more flavorful.

    Reducing the amount of sugar by means of reducing pastries and added sugar (in coffee, for example) makes sense- you're cutting unnecessary calories with little nutritive value. Cutting ALL sugar, and thus eliminating fruit and eating a lot of chemical soup "reduced" products does not make sense, unless you have a specific condition (like diabetes, for example) that makes sugar control crucial.

    Eat at a moderate calorie deficit, exercise, and be conscious of added calories (like ketchup) and the belly fat will come off. There's no need to be so restrictive.