I need some advice, I am pretty new.

Basically this is my regime, I plan to lose about 2 lbs a week. I used to be 155 lbs now I am 149 lbs. My goal is to weigh 130 lbs, so I have 19lbs to go. I need some advice though, here is my diet plan.

1200 Calories a Day
Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Fruit for a snack.
Dark Chocolate for the sweet tooth.
Exercise consists of using a treadmill and elliptical machine at varied times, speed, and angles. I burn approximately 150 - 300 calories depending on the day. (I am a student with a seasonal job so time can be tight).

I suppose what I am trying to ask, is how come I am not losing anymore weight? Granted I do tend to indulge in junky foods, how can I stop? I eat second helpings, and even sometimes get big portions, I sometimes do late night snacks. Basically I cheat how can I prevent these horrible habits/urges?


  • AmChristo91
    AmChristo91 Posts: 19 Member
    I read somewhere that it was recommended to drink a glass of water before every meal.
    When I had problems with wanting to eat more than I should I went for a piece of gum... mostly because I wasn't actually hungry, I just thought I was because I wanted to chew on something.
    If you need something to tide you over till your next meal, I suggest nut mixes or unsalted seeds.
    Try getting a designated plate or bowl for each meal so that you will be aware of how much you're getting & won't be tempted to get anything bigger.
    & cut out the junk food & leave it for that one guilt free day.

    Everyone's different so there's no telling if these will work for you but they are worth trying.
    Good luck with your weight loss!
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    If you feel hungry, drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes. If you are still hungry, then eat. Progresso or cambells soup is a great choice. Easy to microwave and in the 160-280 calorie range depending what you pick. Try greek yogurt with sugar free preserves for a delightful creamy desert.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Your overall plan seesm pretty good, though with not a lot to lose I think aiming for 2 lb a week is very ambitious.
  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    I sometime have the same problem and I amgoing to try to 'plate' my food before it get to the table using measuring cup and not have nay more for 15 minutes after you finish what was on the plate. Family style eating is killiing me the food is in bowls with serving spoons rigth THERE.
    The other thing I heard is measure the actual amount in you serving spoons level and heaped and only take a 'serving' portion