30-day Shred and toning!

I recently starting the 30-day shred in hopes of toning my body (specifically my arms/lower abdomen). I started my weight-loss journey January 2012 and have lost a total of 50 pounds since. I've been having a very difficult time toning my lower abdomen and fear that I may have some loose skin (not sure if it's fat or loose skin). I was wondering what exercises would be most effective if I wish to strengthen/tighten my lower abdomen/arms. Also, would consuming whey protein be beneficial? Thank-you!


  • ravikrishna
    ravikrishna Posts: 51 Member
    Whey Protein, or in general, any kinda protein helps you for basic building blocks of your body (cells). Its very good to consume calories which come from Protein, more, rather through Carbs or Fats.