Doing the right things but not loosing

I am starting to get frustrated that I can't loose the last few pounds that I want. I don't know what I'm doing wrong exactly. I stick to the allotted calories per day and eat all three meals including snacks focusing on fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy. I work out for an hour a day 5 days a week. Even if I was off by a little bit on my calorie count I would be right at the calories plus the extra from exercising. It seems like I can go up by 1.5 pounds in a day which I would say is impossible unless it's water weight, but I'm not drinking anymore water than usual. Does anyone have any ideas why I would be gaining weight?


  • skinnynerd
    skinnynerd Posts: 110
    I can't give any real advice without being able to see your diary. However, when I go over on sodium, I have a 1-2 pound gain. It's gone the next day though.
  • petiteLady89
    petiteLady89 Posts: 198 Member
    It's hard to give you advice not knowing what is in your food diary. Fluctuating weight throughout the day is very normal. Best time to weigh yourself is in the morning after using the bathroom and before eating or drinking.
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    First relax. It happens. I agree with skinnynerd (love the name) I can't really suggest anything without looking at your diary. However, a few things to consider...sometimes you need to eat more and exercse less. Yes, I know, that's how we got into this situation. But I've found that when I get "stuck" relaxing the calories and exercise for a week is enough to get me moving again. I'm not talking about eating an entire pizza every day but up try upping the calories 200 or so a day and exercise 30 minutes a day instead of an hour. Might be enough to wake up your body. Good luck.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    more strength work?
    you might share your diary if you want input from people on that.

    And finally if they don't come loose, try wacking them with a wrench, works for me. :wink:
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    It seems like I can go up by 1.5 pounds in a day which I would say is impossible unless it's water weight, but I'm not drinking anymore water than usual. Does anyone have any ideas why I would be gaining weight?

    Water gain happens because your body isn't getting *enough* water (or hydration, if you don't drink water). I know, it's hard to wrap your brain around that drinking more fluids will usually make water retention go down.
  • popzork
    popzork Posts: 78 Member
    Google "why the scale lies" - it can give you some insight into weight fluxuations. Also, my dietician told me that I wasn't eating enough calories at 1200 a day. I upped it to 1600 on days I wasn't exercising and 1800 on days I was. Now I'm losing!
  • Have you ever found that you're not hungry for the extra calories at the end of the day? The past two days I was down about 200 calories by the end of the day but I felt absolutely stuffed by the end of dinner that I couldn't have eaten more if I tried. Maybe it's because I tend to eat more in the afternoons snacking than in the mornings?
  • I had the exact same problem, went above and beyond to loose weight. measured everything I eat and added everything to my diary.Put myself on 1300 cal intake. worked out evry night and burned a minimum of 500 cals. addtional. loose a pond or two but it always came back within a couple of days.
    Go to the Dr and have your thyroid tested specifically. I did and it turned out I had Hypothyroidism, My metabolic rate was incredibly low. I couldn't have lost weight in a million years. The dr. put me on thyroid medication and I started dropping weight immediately. Been on it now for about four weeks and have dropped 11 pounds.

    If you are sticking to your diet and exercise and not cheating and still not loosing weight. You should definitely make an appointment to have the test done.
  • I notice you don't log your water. Maybe you think you are drinking enough and you are not. I use to think I was drinking plenty until I started logging it and realized I was not. Start logging that and try to get 8 or more glasses a day. This might help.
  • Sorry I miss-read since you say the "last" few pounds apparently you have been loosing so my advise is not applicable in your situation. My advise would be for someone who can't get started loosing.
  • Alisi1234
    Alisi1234 Posts: 131 Member
    I just looked at your diary and you need to eat more food. Increasing your calories works! Look at the group EMTWL