Which FOOD changes are you MOST proud of?



  • smilesalot1969
    cutting down on bread and cake staying away from the biscuit tin!! My diet was pretty healthy except for my addiction to bread, cake and biscuits, i ate for the sake of it in between my healthy meals. BAD BAD BAD *SLAP*
    no more cake
    hardly any biccys
    very little bread
  • suegmune
    suegmune Posts: 81
    Less carbs, lots more protein, smaller amounts....but the best is the lack of sugar :) I use stevia in everything! I think the recipes on dashingdish.com have really helped....especially the protein shakes, they are my favorite! Definitely helps when you have variety, and things on hand to make some yummy low cal/carb/sugar-free eats. :)
  • LCBinGA
    LCBinGA Posts: 102 Member
    Well I'm just starting for real this week..but I usually have an issue with drinking strawberry lemonade slushies from wherever I can find them..lol. McD's. Burger King, the smoothie place in the train station, everywhere...however, it's thursday and I haven't had one! With the exception of a naked smoothie on Monday/Tuesday (one serving one day, the next the other) and a cup of cranberry juice..all I've had was water! Proud of that!

    try crushed ice and one of the many drink sticks (crystal light, mio) they come in all sorts of flavors and you can mix and match together or with fresh fruit to make it more personalized. and should you indulge in a mixed alcohol drink, they are 10 calorie mixers not 100-200. they are also good with plain seltzer water! enjoy!
  • MSimm62385
    MSimm62385 Posts: 227
    - I have a can of soda at max 1-2 times a week, as opposed to a 20oz every day.
    - I haven't bought a bag of chex mix, combos, or ANY candy since I started on this site 50 days ago.
  • mirandamayhem
    Where do I start?
    Increaed water, love salads, aim for a vegetarian diet, without the junk as much as possible. I have cut refined carbs, don't even like chocolate that much any more!
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I enjoy food and don't fear it.

    :) That's awesome.

    I am most proud of eating breakfast every day (I used to skip it all the time because I didn't have time, well now I make time)
    Eating out less, and when I do I look at healthier options
    Planning my food
    Snacking less and when I do, looking for a better option rather then my go to's
    Drinking more water!
    Actually keeping a log for more than 2 days. (tried journaling before... hated it, this is much easier)
  • marthathebear
    Less sugary junk.
    More aware of portion sizes.
    More water.

    Me too!
  • kwin91
    kwin91 Posts: 128
    Drinking way more water
    Not snacking because I'm bored
    If I'm starving I don't pull through a drive through anymore, I wait until I'm home
    I don't let my friends encourage me to indulge when they do
    I don't let my friend encourage me to have one more drink

    The friend thing is a HUGE thing for me, because once I started losing weight my friends constantly were trying to get me to eat bad and drink more and whatnot. They were jealous and trying to put me at a stand still.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I enjoy food and don't fear it.


    Thanks, it's just a profound change in thinking I had to mention it.

    I love food, I love the variety, the possibilities, the nutrition. The effects it has on my body and mind.

    Calories are not the enemy, make the most of them and enjoy the best quality that you can :)
  • dynamicwon
    dynamicwon Posts: 175 Member
    Way less cheese! Drinking more water. Less binging. Less red meat and chicken.
  • cersela
    cersela Posts: 160 Member
    I am eating more food per day (volume wise) than I've ever eaten in my life, but it's way less calories and 1/4 the price.
  • Tracy_03311981
    The most signifigant food change I made was cutting out Starbucks lattes everyday.
    I used to drink a venti vanilla latte in the morning....everyday.....and I realized there was so much sugar in just the milk!
    I dropped 4 lbs. in two weeks by just cutting out that.....
    oh, and my purse also feels lighter :)
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    1. Wheat bread instead of white - swore this was something I would never do.
    2. Egg whites - also swore this off,
    3. I eat WAY less fast food and have learned to cook - and love it!
    4. I pack my lunch at least 4/5 days of my work week.
    5. When I do eat out, I make healthier choices.
    6. I eat 5-6 healthy, basically clean meals and snacks a day.
    7. My portions are more controlled.
    8. I count my calories and follow a meal plan.
    9. I drink water 90% of the time.
    10. I can say "no" to a lot of temptations now.
  • lilimini
    lilimini Posts: 56
    I can go to a nice restaurant with my hubby and not feel like I have to order a dessert. Before, the best part was the dessert. And, I would order way too much food - just because we were out. Now, I eat small meals, even when we go to a nice restaurant. Now, it is about quality - not quantity.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I enjoy food and don't fear it.

    :) That's awesome.

    I am most proud of eating breakfast every day (I used to skip it all the time because I didn't have time, well now I make time)
    Eating out less, and when I do I look at healthier options
    Planning my food
    Snacking less and when I do, looking for a better option rather then my go to's
    Drinking more water!
    Actually keeping a log for more than 2 days. (tried journaling before... hated it, this is much easier)

    MFP was my first attempt at logging and I am thankful that it makes it effortless and fun ... sort of :)

    Mindful eating is the way to go, every dietary decision counts ...
  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 415 Member
    Eating veggies with both lunch and dinner and every day not just a couple of times a week!
  • Marianeyda
    Marianeyda Posts: 60 Member
    1. no more fries or potatoes
    2. diet coke, only once in the weekend thats my treat
    3. no more corn
    4. lots of water

    making the right choices
    I try to eat everything just staying on my calorie count 1200
  • Ivana331
    Ivana331 Posts: 230
    I am just starting, but I am day 4 of no soda. I was drinking 2-3cans a day prior to this, so I am most proud of that, and I hope I can keep it up!
  • careyannal
    careyannal Posts: 161
    No mindless eating. I only eat now IF I am hungry, and IF I have the calories for it!

    Huge change for me :tongue:
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    That I eat more fruit, trying to eat more veggies, that I measure all my food out (most of the time), and that I eat proper portions. I do have an unhealthy relationship with cookie crisp and cocoa pebbles, but I am addicted to their sweet, sweet loving.