Women with goal weight around 115 !!

I am down to my last 6 lbs (goal 115) and wow...my lower stomach hasn't really changed since I was 5 lbs back. Is it normal to have it take this long and be this close to my goal and still have my stomach poking out to the point where I still will not wear a really fitted shirt? Oh by the way..I am 5' 3

What is the last place you are seeing the weight come off?


  • sharonfincher1
    sharonfincher1 Posts: 311 Member
    My thighs and my lower abs .... I am trying to get to 115 as well, my goal was 120, but I wasn't completely happy so I thought I would trim a few more off, I am 5'2.5"......
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I'm 120 lbs. at 5'5" and still have a lower belly roll even though there's no excess fat anywhere else on my body. It's very annoying. I've tried cutting my carbs a little (although I wouldn't say I'm on a "low-carb" diet) and I'm doing heavy weight training. That seems to be helping to flatten out my stomach a little.
  • Are you a pear or spoon shape? It might be that you naturally hold weight in that area, as do most short gals( myself included)!
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you! I've been struggling with the last few pounds for a while. For the most part, I'm happy about my weight. But I hate having this gut and lovehandles and I don't wear fitted shirts because of it! I'd love to hear what worked for other people with the same problem. I'm 5'4 and would like to get down to 120lb.
  • Reached 117lbs ish and still didn't feel comfortable enough to wear fitted clothes :( I feel your pain!
  • Mama_Mila
    Mama_Mila Posts: 511 Member
    YES! My goal is about 112 but with us short folks, every pound makes such a massive difference. Also, those last few are so hard to lose :( But I'm pretty pleased with my body except for my thighs and that "pooch" at the bottom of my stomach :/ My upper stomach is great! I'm doing the 30 dau shred right now, and they say the best way to get rid of that is to do reverse sit-ups....so keep your back on the floor and lift your legs up :) It targets that area
  • abi113
    abi113 Posts: 12
    I am just starting out ... Again. But I have always found lower stomach the very last thing to loose :(. Infact my tummy used to look worse when I was slimmer as it seemed to poke out more in comparison to the rest of me. Measure round your belly button and hips to check how the loss is going. I was always loosing inches even though I didn't feel it
  • Classyandra
    Classyandra Posts: 74 Member
    My goal is 115-118, I'm around 10lbs out before I get there and my belly is still bad. Everything else is fine. So I'm hoping these last 10lbs will take care of my belly! I'm 5'1"
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    I'm 5'3", and the last place I really want to lose is the inside of my thighs. There is this little bit of fat left on each inside thigh that I want to be gone. I'm between 116-117 right now, so I may have to get lower than 115 to make it disappear. We will find out.
  • filomenae
    filomenae Posts: 110 Member
    I'm 5'1 and looking to get down around 105-108lbs.. I'm about 118lbs right now and I started around 165lbs. I've lost a lot of weight already, but the areas that take the most work and length to show any difference are definitely my thighs and butt. I'd honestly just love to turn into a pile of muscle, ahaha. I don't care if I don't drop another pants size-- I am working towards getting tighter all around!!

    Add me if any of you would like! Please add a little message though saying why you're adding me / where you found me. :flowerforyou:
  • VisBella
    VisBella Posts: 21 Member
    I think it greatly depends on genetics. For some women, the hips and butt are the hardest places to lose inches. For me, it seems to be my thighs and the wings on my arms. I’m 5’2” and my goal is also 115.
  • I'm 5 3 and 123, I don't feel ”perfect” unless I'm under 110.
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    I'm 5'6 and my goal is 114 (:
    I'm currently 121. Weight loss gets harder and harder when you get closer and closer!
  • I am 5'7 at 123 lbs. My goal weight is 115 as well :)) The best lower ab workout is laying on your back and lifting your legs straight up, works wonders on them!
  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    I'm 5'1" looking to get to 105. I'm at 113, so pretty close. I still have myriad of trouble spots though: stomach, inner thighs and triceps. Those areas are all still pretty squishy. I definitely notice that they're not as flabby - the inches are down, but I can't exactly wear fitted shirts yet either. :ohwell:

    I'm hoping if I concentrate on weights while whittling away at those last 8lbs, that the improvements will come.

    (Any one can add me if they like. ^_^)
  • xsabrinalynn
    xsabrinalynn Posts: 146 Member
    I'm 5'2 and 123, GW of 120, and I seem to have lost weight everywhere except my stomach! I've got wide hips and am curvy so not sure if that hasn't anything to do with it. Hoping once I add more strength training and weights to my routine it'll help tone everything up.
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    I'm at 107lb (5'4" - so still underweight right now) and still can't seem to drop that fat on my belly, I seem to be stuck at skinny fat no matter what I do. I think I'm around 20% BF which is totally normal for a woman, but I see the fat is all on my stomach, and the excess skin from having babies, and a little on my inner thighs too.

    I don't think it helped that I had to gain weight to get to 107lbs either...I hope to do another bulk later in the years then a proper cut down to 110...but right now I'm just trying to look in some kind of shape so I can look alright in a bikini in a few weeks, and this belly crap is pissing me off to no end!!
  • TanyaGirl76
    TanyaGirl76 Posts: 113 Member
    Oh BTW I am 120.5 right now.
  • Tattoos_and_Tea
    Tattoos_and_Tea Posts: 529 Member
    Im 5'5 and wanting to get to 115lb. Currently at 126lb.
  • cheyennetheeventer
    cheyennetheeventer Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 5'8, currently at 119 or 120 (it varies) and I'm seeing the last of it around my hips and thighs. Just have to find an exercise that targets your problem areas. :) Mine is running!