Which FOOD changes are you MOST proud of?



  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    -Portion control
    -I now crave fruit
    -Eliminated processed food almost entirely
    -I eat when I'm hungry, not when I'm bored
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    Definitely don't eat fast food as much.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I copied your list and just edited, as we have a lot in common:

    -I have cut WAY back on fast food.
    -My portions are usually normal/regular now.
    -I often pre-plan meals (try to pre-plan my day for food AND exercise).
    -I eat WAY more fruit and veggies (definitely veggies).
    -I drink ALOT less alcohol (well...except for the last few weeks...shhhhhh I was in Vegas so what happens there stays there).
    -I bring my lunch to work every day (except every other Friday when we go for Greek)
    -If I have a bad eating day, I don't throw in the towel! (never! I believe in moderation...I still allow myself the occasional indulgence).

    Oh, and I drink LOTS OF WATER!!!!!
  • Atarahh
    Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
    Cutting out soda
    Being a obsessive label reader
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Going from canned to fresh fruits and veggies makes me proud!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    no more soda, fast food, muffins, bagels, all of those for about 6 years!! and lots more fruit & veggies :)
  • filomenae
    filomenae Posts: 110 Member
    I'm struggling to find pride in the fact that I am recovering from my eating disorder, though I'm still in the beginning stages. I got out of treatment not too long ago, but I really want a happy, healthy, wholesome life. I have had my ED for more than half my life (started at around age 9) and I'm fighting to create a better life for myself.

    With that said, it's hard to get all my calories in and I know I definitely should be taking in more, but so long as I don't go under 1200 (which does happen, but I'm working on it). My behaviors switched from bulimia to anorexia and I've been knocking on Death's door numerous times; I don't want to be so miserable, empty, and hopeless as I have been in the past.

    I'm working on getting in three meals a day with 1-2 snacks. I need to get in more vegetables, but I'm proud that I've only skipped 1 meal in the past 4 weeks. : ) I am a pescetarian, so no meat! When I was knee deep in my bulimia, I would binge and purge the most disgusting, processed foods, but with the anorexia, I wouldn't even take in water after overexercising and went days w/o eating.

    So here, I'll say it: I am proud of the progress I have made. :bigsmile:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Kicked my Mt Dew habit. I was easily drinking 3-4 32 oz mt dews a day. Over my daily calories in just drinks!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    MAJOR decrease in soda/sugary fake juice/energy consumption. Granted, I still partake every once in a while, but it's still not as intense as before. The result is I don't sweat as much? Weird, but OK! I just plain feel more healthy~ Trying to get my parents to convert!
    ETA: Also, increase in water intake as well. I used to NEVER drink water unless there was nothing else, haha.
  • verbalriot
    I always knew what was right for me in terms of healthy eating. Now I'm actually DOING it.
  • aleshai
    aleshai Posts: 55 Member
    Cooking and eating more at home instead of fast food!! It has been a hard habit to break but it sure is saving money and is much easier to eat healthy and within our caloric limit. (My husband is on MFP too)! Being mindful of the calories in all of my food -especially the bad stuff I used to eat!
  • PradaChick
    I gave up Soda for the first time in my life! Sorry Pepsi! lol. I also live an active lifestyle and I have motivated my spouse and kids to do the same. That's what i'm most proud of!
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    My portion size and giving up soda.
  • bgtorres
    bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
    -tracking my calories
    -not drinking soda
    -letting go of pizza
    -avoiding fast food
    -eating more vege's & fruits
    -letting go of sweet bread/cake (this one was super hard for me)
  • Desterknee
    Desterknee Posts: 1,056 Member
    I eat to live. I don't live to eat.

    No more binging. No more emotional eating. I have breakfast EVERY morning (don't know how I was going without it). Haven't had candy in a while. Haven't eaten an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting.

    I always ate pretty healthily, just over ate.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Being able to give up crap like pizza, bagels, deep-fried anything, and other heavy things that made me feel sluggish and gross, and actually not "feeling deprived", like so many people seem to believe will happen!

    I'm proud that I don't even crave that garbage anymore and if I do have even a little bit of it, my body rejects it!
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 313 Member
    Drinking way more water
    Not snacking because I'm bored
    If I'm starving I don't pull through a drive through anymore, I wait until I'm home
    I don't let my friends encourage me to indulge when they do
    I don't let my friend encourage me to have one more drink

    The friend thing is a HUGE thing for me, because once I started losing weight my friends constantly were trying to get me to eat bad and drink more and whatnot. They were jealous and trying to put me at a stand still.

    Those don't sound like real friends, hun. :( I'm glad you didn't listen to them!
  • dbarchus
    dbarchus Posts: 42
    reducing both my real and fake sugar intake.
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    For me:

    STOP: sugars, alcohol, gluten grains, starches, artificial sweeteners, breads, processed foods, fast foods, bad oils

    START: raw vegetables, good oils, lean protein, quinoa, millet, AM fruit, lots of water
  • Brengild
    Brengild Posts: 127
    Gave up a life long soda habit in Feb, not a drop since! Also, just thinking about what I am eating and how much. So much of my eating was just mindless grazing!