Old fat guy.



  • JohnB50
    JohnB50 Posts: 7 Member
    lol...wish I was 40! I'm in the same position but 10 years older. Getting there slowly, 44lb down and about 30 more to go
  • Hey - welcome! I'm 49 and joined MFP 10 months ago with a goal of being able to wear my first two piece swimsuite EVER by the time I'm 50 (next year). I'm almost there..... If I can do it young man - you sure can (getting in shape part, not the 2-piece part....well...whatever you're into! :laugh: ) Wishing you every sucess!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    You can accomplish your goals. Its gonna take hard work though. Good luck to you!
  • hijude57
    hijude57 Posts: 97 Member
    Forty is so not old!!! I'm 55 and am learning more every day that's it's all in your attitude! Gotta think young!
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    You need to think positively--you WILL meet your goal for your birthday.:smile:

    And by the way, you are NOT OLD--I'm in my mid-sixties trying to lose 20 lbs. It'll take me awhile, but I'll make it.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    You look pretty hot for an old fat guy....but then again, all I can see is your face with sunglasses.
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    If I can do it you can too young fellow! Since last October I've gone from 286 to 191, and still losing - and I'm 58. I even went shirtless at the beach in June! Never say never, but always say "I can do this!"

    Good luck!
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Old you are not, fat you got. I dropped 45 in 9 months, from 215 to 170. Am an inch shorter than you but 17 years older. So as others have said, it can be done. How? Strict intake monitoring to high protein low carb profile. A bunch of activity, some call it exercise. Weight training. Religious devotion to all of the above. Result- I now feel your age. Go for it, it's worth it. PS. Maintenance is not nearly so taxing once you get where you want to go. PPS. I did not give up beer, wine, or even the occasional pizza slice. My view. Good luck.
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    geesh - I can't keep up with all the replies!

    To answer a few things: re: my comments about what i can't do, about not making my goal.

    I know it's not a good attitude, but I'd rather be honest about where I am mentally, than simply put on a good face. I'll get there. My blog is helping a lot to work through some of my issues.

    My calorie counter thing here says it wants me on 1200 calories a day. That seem low to anyone? I'm averaging about 1000-1200 generally.

    I left the Army with terrible knees. Cardio is about out of the question. Will focus on weight training and very light cardio on the stationary bike. My injury is affected through motion - not impact.

    MtnKat - I AM pretty hot for an old fat guy, thank you, honey. :) Love handles around my gut, and too-thick thighs. Not so fat I couldn't spend time in Iraq last year - but I am so fat that I am embarassed of my body. That'll get better, I know.

    I appreciate y'all.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    geesh - I can't keep up with all the replies!

    To answer a few things: re: my comments about what i can't do, about not making my goal.

    I know it's not a good attitude, but I'd rather be honest about where I am mentally, than simply put on a good face. I'll get there. My blog is helping a lot to work through some of my issues.

    My calorie counter thing here says it wants me on 1200 calories a day. That seem low to anyone? I'm averaging about 1000-1200 generally.

    I left the Army with terrible knees. Cardio is about out of the question. Will focus on weight training and very light cardio on the stationary bike. My injury is affected through motion - not impact.

    MtnKat - I AM pretty hot for an old fat guy, thank you, honey. :) Love handles around my gut, and too-thick thighs. Not so fat I couldn't spend time in Iraq last year - but I am so fat that I am embarassed of my body. That'll get better, I know.

    I appreciate y'all.

    YES it seems low. Raise it up buddy. I was eating 1800-2000 but I am moving more towards 2100 a day. I am pretty active but yes1200 is LOWWWWWWWWWWWWW
  • np11073
    np11073 Posts: 30
    About five years ago I went from 234 to 160 in three months...I am 5' 10" and 61. I felt great but people were always asking me if I had a terminal disease. I have always been overweight so reaching a weight that I had not been since I was probably 10 was thrilling; but I could not stop thinking of myself as a fat person. Through the years and beacause of a back injury I could not exercise without intense pain. I however kept eating...like a fat person eats. I am a carboholic and that was my downfall. Fortunately I did not re-gain all the weight (212) but was creeping back day by day. In March I finally had my back issued corrected. Now that I can exercise again and watching what I am shoving into my mouth the weight is going down...now 193.2. My point is this....it may seem that you cannot possibly reach your goal. Believe me when I say that it can be done if it is done the right way. As the weight comes off you will start feeling better about yourself. By losing slowly your body will get used to its new status. You must re-train yourself to see what is truly in the mirror...not your OFG goggles. Good luck as you transform yourself into the buff mature dude. And women love older guys who have aged well.
  • Math_Geek
    Math_Geek Posts: 67 Member
    Very nice dpemb, I have a similar goal as well, 50 by 50...I started in June, who knows if I'll make it or not by February but it's going to be one heck of a ride trying!

    Good luck on your journey...this is a great place for positive reinforcement (as long as you don't get into the low carb/paleo argument ;)
  • 1slimlinda
    1slimlinda Posts: 44 Member
    I know you're a guy and all, but you are going to have to Commit! 40? not old.......Good luck! Stay positive. Look for support here and be consistent, not perfect, and realize you are a work in progress. It doesnt happen over night. Not fat either ......pleasantly plump, but not for long! Git er done!
  • "My calorie counter thing here says it wants me on 1200 calories a day. That seem low to anyone? I'm averaging about 1000-1200 generally.+ <
    First off... WAY too low! Go here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    If you need help figuring your TDEE I can help. You need to eat more than that, in my opinion, or you'll eventually just stop doing this. I couldn't live on 1200 calories and I can't even fathom how a man could.

    There are plenty of people here that would be willing to help you lose those pounds by your birthday. I'm turning 40 in a couple weeks so I'm right there with ya!

    Good luck and if you'd like to send me a FR, I'll accept.

  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    I know you're a guy and all, but you are going to have to Commit! 40? not old.......Good luck! Stay positive. Look for support here and be consistent, not perfect, and realize you are a work in progress. It doesnt happen over night. Not fat either ......pleasantly plump, but not for long! Git er done!

    That's hot. Just sayin.

    yeah - I commit TOO easily. True story.
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    Go Navy!
    Beat Army!

    Not sure how long you were in, but I'd wager you have the discipline skills to see this through. That is really the key to this whole thing. Best of luck.

    From an old(er) Navy guy.
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    Go Navy!
    Beat Army!

    Not sure how long you were in, but I'd wager you have the discipline skills to see this through. That is really the key to this whole thing. Best of luck.

    From an old(er) Navy guy.

    Yessir. Thank you for your service, firstly.

    I have it..somewhere deep down..under all this blubber :)
  • flyingpurplemonkey
    flyingpurplemonkey Posts: 105 Member
    Go Navy!
    Beat Army!

    Not sure how long you were in, but I'd wager you have the discipline skills to see this through. That is really the key to this whole thing. Best of luck.

    From an old(er) Navy guy.

    Yessir. Thank you for your service, firstly.

    I have it..somewhere deep down..under all this blubber :)

    Thank you both for your service. I have a lot of respect for anyone who was or is in any of the services (even though I come from an Air Force family...)

    And just my opinion, 1200 a day seems WAY too low for you... I am a 5'3, 155 pound girl, and that's what I'm eating. Seems like it should be considerably higher for a man of your size.
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    Thank you both for your service. I have a lot of respect for anyone who was or is in any of the services (even though I come from an Air Force family...)

    And just my opinion, 1200 a day seems WAY too low for you... I am a 5'3, 155 pound girl, and that's what I'm eating. Seems like it should be considerably higher for a man of your size.

    Thank you very much!

    I'm gonna re-look that calorie thing.

    To all - send all the Friends requests you want...I love the support/encouragement.
  • venusinprogress
    venusinprogress Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, I'm in the same boat as you (nearly)! I'm 49, was 205lbs 2 months ago, and need to lose 50lbs by January. My goal is to be fit, fab and 50.

    I'm gonna work out 5 days a week. (Ive got a new bike) joined a gym and have resoved to swim 3x a week, (biking 3 miles ea way), bodycombat 2x and gym work 2x. Apart from that, walking the dog daily and walking for pleasure. Although I dont know if i'll be capable of walking after all that. Anyway, gonna give it my best shot and keep focused. Comments on here make it more worhtwhile and encourage you to hang in there even if you lapse, as Ive done a couple of times, but going on this site every day definitely helps.