Deployment overeater

Hi. I just joined today. A year ago I was 10 lbs lighter, 2 yrs ago I was 20 pounds heavier. I have gained 10 lbs in 3 months due to deployment stress. My son leaves for AFG in a few weeks, I have got to get myself back under control or I'll weigh 300 lbs when he comes home.
I work 48 hrs / week have a 15 yr old and have watched my daily gym routine go to heck over the past yr.
I walk 30 min at lunch 5 days/week, even when it was -6 F with 50 mph winds this week.
If there are any other Deployment eaters on the list please feel free to get in touch. I am living my worst nightmare, a kid going to war and hating to look at myself in the mirror.

H- :brokenheart:


  • SlimSasha
    SlimSasha Posts: 54 Member
    I really understand!! My husband just deployed on Dec 5th, and for the month of Dec I was just eating alot to deal with it and deal with the stress and being in the freezing cold of winter with my 2 year old son (i think today it was -22 with a -36 wind chill). I just wanted to let you know i do understand where you are coming from. I have started to drag myself back on the wagon the last few days and continue to do so into the coming year and plan to look smokin hot when he gets back. Hang in there and focus on your goals. If you need anything I am hear along with tons of other wonderful people on this site!
  • SlimSasha
    SlimSasha Posts: 54 Member
    I know it it not exactly the same, with it being your Child and my husband (of almost 8 years been together almost 10). We are here for you, hope this site is helpful to you=)
  • hilarij
    hilarij Posts: 22
    Yes it is. And my son's deployment ceremony was Dec 5.
    Can I friend you?
  • SyrNYSalsera
    Hi there, ladies! Happy New Year and thank you so much for being heroes (or in this case, heroines) to the heroes that are serving our nation so bravely. God bless both of you and I'll be praying for your loved ones. If either of you needs to chat, I'm here. I have an ultimate goal of about 180 pounds. I have a very long way to go, but I'm thankful to have support on this site.

    Blessings to you and best of luck in your quest for health!

  • Cassandra1219
    My husband is leaving very soon and Ive already began the deployment eating... im so stressed and worried and blah...
  • holly122677
    My boyfriend left Aug 30th...this was my first deployment...It took me constantly reminding myself that he is relying on me to take care of myself. The last thing I want for him to stress over is me. He has so much to concentrate about. Coming Home Safe. He is constantly asking how I am doing and I dont want to lie to him. I make sure to take care of myself for him. You can get over the hurdle. There are many stages to deployment emotions. With the support of family and friends, food wont become a comfort. :) I bought the Biggest Loser workout video to keep me company. Also my Wii Fit has helped also when I cant get outside. I hope this helps some. Good Luck and God Bless your family.
  • run_girl_run
    My husband is gearing up to leave in less than 2 weeks. I am an emotional nutcase (read: angry, *****y, moody, etc). I want to look smokin' hot when he gets back.
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    you're not alone! My husband left on Oct.10 for an 18 month stint in Baghdad as a contractor. And I already tend to stress eat. I can totally understand your struggle. i've found that making sure the bad foods aren't around during the stressful times and finding something else to distract me have really helped. Instead of eating, I'll read a book to our 2 yr old. That reminds me of why I'm losing weight, and it lasts long enough for me to get over the craving. You can do this! It will be over before you know it, and he will be home safely soon.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    well, I am with you ladies. My husband has been in AFG for 6 months. I was hoping to do great with weight loss while he was gone and have failed miserably. When he went to Korea, I dropped weight and unfortunately gained it back and then some, but I hoped I would get that motivation and mind set and just haven't been able to. :( And then to top it off, his R&R was supposed to be in the next week or two and got pushed back to the end of the month so that hasn't helped my emotional eating :( So I am just really at the point where I can take off whatever I can and just keep progressing. I keep coming back to this site and should really stick with the community more so I can get the motivation I need.

    Good luck, ladies!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Hilari and others,
    My son was deployed last year to Iraq for 15 months. During that time when I felt like things were out of control, I learned I could control what went into my mouth and how I treated my body. I had trouble sleeping so I began exercising to relieve stress. I also watched what I ate and the weight began to come off. While he was deployed I actually lost 20 lbs. I was so proud that he noticed I had trimmed down while he was gone!
    However, since he returned I let myself relax in these good habits, but I am back and ready for bootie camp again! :) (I didn't gain it all back.I have had to learn to let go and LET GOD be in control. As an ulitimate controller that was quite a challenge but a good lesson learned. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and we are so very thankful for the sacrifices your son and family are making for our freedom.
    YOU CAN DO THIS. Start logging your food, exercise and water. This will help you begin to feel in control. I also recommend you add some yoga and relaxation techniques to help with stress. Keep in touch. You have support!
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    Hi everyone!! I would just like to extend my hand in support for all of you as well! My husband has been deployed to Afghanistan since April and is not schedualed to come home until March-May of this year! We have a 10 month old. Some days are better than others as we all know. My moto for myself is "make him proud". No matter how miserable I think I am here I realize that my husband probably has it worse! I have our daughter and forms of entertainment and he has to post guard for 14 hours a day and then goes to the gym!! If he can get super hot (seen a few pics) while he is gone and work that much I can surely get my butt in shape. when he comes home I really want him not to be able to keep his hands off me and not because he has been away for so long but because I am that hot!!!

    For all us emotional eaters a good thing to do is make a sign and put it on your refridgerator. Saying "ITS NOT IN HERE" !!! The answer to our problems is not in the refridgerator or in the cabnets or the drive through or at the bar. All those things just cause more problems! The more you over eat and gain the worse you feel about yourself and then the more you eat to sooth your feelings and so starts the chain!

    We are proud of our husbands/sons/family members!! So what better to work toward than making them proud in return!!!!

    Happy New Year everyone!!!!
  • hilarij
    hilarij Posts: 22
    I noticed that there is a page dedicated to 'TEAMS' to help people stay motivated...ANyone interested in starting a Deployment Team or even breaking it down to Army,Navy etc..
  • holly122677
    I would be interested hilarij...I am up for any help I can get :happy: Its been a struggle and I have 6 more months left to go before he comes home!!!! :love: I am so excited for that day to come!!!!
  • leesapeesa
    hi everyone.. my boyfriend is working overseas in Kosovo currently. I only got to see him for 2 weeks in September and i will not be seeing him again until April. The distance has really put a strain on me emotionally and I miss him so much. He will not be living back in the states until November this year. I am so lonely and lose all lack of motivation some times because of this. I had lost over 40 lbs and then i slipped off track and was at a stand still for so many months. I have been back at the weight loss thing for about a week now and I feel more determined than ever! Plus I want to look beautiful for him when I see him in April. I am here for anyone who needs a friend.
  • SlimSasha
    SlimSasha Posts: 54 Member
    i am so on board for a deployment team=)
  • emam
    emam Posts: 1

    i am currently deployed overseas with my husband. We have both be deployed previously in the past. Everyday I see the struggle that these men and women go through just to finish the day. And while they definetly have it hard, I must say that you always have it harder. Never forget that you are the true heros of our nation. Wtihout you, they would have nothing to fight for. Your all in my prayers.
  • whidbeyweight
    whidbeyweight Posts: 43 Member
    i have only found deployments to be a time to consume less... you cook less, you eat out less, you have time to work out more.
    i do work and have a daugther to raise... but this deployment was working for me and my figure. i have a few months left and about 10lbs to go!
    i finally feel the pressure, that is a good thing :indifferent:

    i think a group is appropriate for this too
  • hilarij
    hilarij Posts: 22
    Deployment team up and running
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you and your husband for your service. Your comment was so sweet. Have a safe and blessed New Year!
  • holly122677
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Day two doing Julian Michaels Shred videos along with the Biggest loser ones. I got a call from my boyfriend yesterday and today. Has made a world of differnce in my motivation. Always happy to hear his voice from Iraq. Hope you all have a wonderful day and keep up the good work....:flowerforyou: