another one for the ladies ...

Right, so it's my first TOM during my diet and apart from having extra horrible PMS leading up to it (we're talkig near psuchotic b*tch from hell... My poor family :( ) I am HUNGRY.
We're not talking cravings, but stomach growling hunger! Is that normal/usual? I've not changedmy new diet habits in the past week leading up to it as it's worked really really well for me ad has so far NOT left me hungry. But yesterday and today in particular I'm starving.
Happy to stick it out but just wonder if anyone else has the same problem?


  • therealmax
    therealmax Posts: 33 Member
    Your BMR does go up around when its around that time of the month (usually a couple days before your period starts to mid cycle), somewhere between 5-15%, but if you're hungry, you should eat! Even if its only a 150-200 calories more in a day. Your body definitely knows when it needs some extra fuel, so you should listen. Your weight loss might slow down, but it's only 1 week.
  • MangyAngy
    I agree with above, we have to listen to our bodies. You can also try eating foods that are filling, high in iron and low in calories. Chard, spinach, eggplant, etc. I make Giada De Laurentiis' recipe for eggplant rolltini. Lots of fiber, potassium, and protein. Very filling!. I supplement with iron capsules, very very important when your body is depleted.
  • MangyAngy
    Also sinach salad with strawberries and balsamic dressing. Very high in iron. You can add toasetd walnuts for fiber, protein and get your omega-3 for that servng
  • babesintow
    You are not alone! That is the hardest time for me as well. I find that I am hungry all the time and if I love my family I will eat because I turn into a horrible individual otherwise.
    Look at your goals as a weekly is okay to go over a bit one day and then your under the takes a week of a cutting 3500 calories to lose a pound and the same is true for gaining a pound. The hunger thing doesn't usually last that long and I tend to not be hungry after that so my calories then to even out. It seems like to me I will want to eat until I am full...I mean stuffed. It is like a craving in itself but once I do it I am done.

    Do yourself a favor EAT, you will feel better. If you really want to watch your calories but need to eat...veggies are filling and low in calories... fruits are so so because of sugar but it may help if you have a sweet tooth...goggle a list of low calorie foods and have at it. If you go over your calories down fret over it... you would have to eat an extra 3500 calories to gain a pound. Relax, take a bubble bath, watch a movie, read book, take a walk or hit the gym...whatever will make you feel better and eat, this too will pass.

    Chin time is here and my daughter must be mad at me because she is making chocolate chip cookies... the one thing I still can't say no to!!! I ate a dozen of them the two times she made them...I might just find myself eating 3500 calories of them today. Hang in there!