Hi everyone.....Looking for Friends

Hi, my name is Jackie. I am a 30 year old teacher and single mother of 2. I live in South Florida. I gained 92 pounds with my first pregnancy and I still have not lost it. I work out 3-5 times per week, but it is so hard for me to stay on track with my eating. I really enjoy food. I would be happy to meet new friends that are going through the same issues that I am experiencing. :smile:


  • zombiemusicgirl
    zombiemusicgirl Posts: 98 Member
    Hi Jaclyn! Good job finding your way over here! I totally understand how hard it can be to get the eating in order. Working out is a must for me, but the food feels so easy to get caught up on. I know you will be able to do this if you stick with it and keep working at your goals.

    One thing that really works for me is actually planning out my meals, day by day each week in advance. Friday or Saturday I take about an hour (used to be 2 hours) out of my day and plan out what I will eat and subtract my workout for the day. It sounds like a lot of work, I know. When I started doing that I stopped grabbing stuff on the fly and it made a huge difference! I also saved a lot of money from buying snacks on the go and wasted food.

    I hope that helps as you start your transformation! Try not to get discouraged and keep going when things are tough. Welcome!
  • cindys0417
    cindys0417 Posts: 1,163 Member
    We are all in this together. Welcome! Add me if you want! Good Luck!
  • NikkiB101
    Hi Jackie,

    I'm a foodie too. I've tried a few different things over the last year or so, I've been doing Diet Chef recently which works & gets your portion sizes right but the choice gets a bit limited. Hope you find something that worksfor you, feel free to add me for some support, i'm on most days.

    Best of luck with your journey.

  • noellyenciso
    Dont worry I been there and everyonce in a while I slack off but it motivates me to make better choices the next day. Dont give up!! you got this.
  • lostandgotpaid
    I know the feeling. I was addicted to food so I had to take supplements to curve my appetite. Hopefully I don't have to take the supplements forever but if it keeps the weight off and gives me the energy like I have now, I will. Just keep trying and working hard.
  • cire1974
    I just joined too. I've recently had to reevaluate my diet due to migraines and thought this would be a great time to start losing weight as well. One thing that has helped me to start exercising is the motto "Just show up". Even if I only work out for a few minutes a day, it is better than not trying at all. I usually start to feel better and keep going.

    I used to crave sweets like crazy so I stopped drinking pop and crystal light. I still drink one packet of crystal light pure a day. The aspartmente in the drinks caused me to crave more sugar and send my blood sugar spiking. Also, I started looking at sodium levels in food. Sodium makes me retain water so even if I do start to lose weight, the sodium adds it back on. I am hoping this site will help me keep my calories in check. I have to start the elimination diet in 2 weeks..(which is awful :) ) so I am trying to get my body to adjust. My husband recently lost 30 pounds and I am so proud of him.

    I hope you stay motivated and achieve all your goals! Food may taste good, but determination to stay motivated in the end will taste so much better! Feel free to add me
    if you like!
  • cire1974
    Just joined! Looking for tips and friends to help stay on track! Kudos to all who have lost weight so far!
  • kay930
    kay930 Posts: 54 Member
    You can add me to your friends if you like. I'm a Mom of 3 kids. I also LOVE food and I need to lose 75 pounds! So I would love a new friend to help support each other. :)
  • BiggyFuzz
    BiggyFuzz Posts: 511 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!

    wish you the best of luck...add me if you please

    i can always use extra motivation :)
  • cathstafford
    Hi everyone! I just joined yesterday on the advice of my Lipid dr. I am 55 yrs old and have heart disease. I have a genetic disorder that doesn't allow my body to control and take care of cholesterol. I found out I had this after a heart attack and stents in 2007. I take tons of meds for it and still had another 95% block last week. It is my goal to get my diet under control and get my numbers down. I found that alot of the food that I thought were good for me were not! If anyone has ideas let me know. I feel like I am battling this alone and my family doesn't understand that it is scary and very depressing to try so hard and still be in health trouble. Thanks for listening. :flowerforyou:
  • Baila518
    Baila518 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi!! I just joined!! I am a single mom of one boy. I am 32 and have about 100 lbs to lose. I lost quite a bit during my divorce but gained it back. I know i am an emotional eater and have worked very hard to improve that. Now its time to shed the weight. I work much better with support too!! Im in mfp for the long haul :)) i have to lose this weight and be healthy. I am def looking for accountability partners :) i have to finish my profile that how new I am lol