weight lifting right for me? other resistance training?

Let me preface this by saying I don't want to pack on muscle, but maintain what I have. I don't want to get any bigger. I started at 208, am around 193 right now and want to get down to about 170-175. If I stayed in that weight range I'd be fine.

I'm on a calorie deficit to try and lose 1 lb a week. Although I've been cheating a bunch recently. I'm at about 1750 calories 152g carbs, 152g protein and 58g of fat is what I'm shooting for.

In addition I play one hockey game a week, have a practice on ice 1-2 days a week and try to do one 15 minute HIIT session (2 minute warm up, 12 mins of HIIT, 1 min cool down) 1 day a week or 2 if I only get on the ice twice.

My main goal is to get to my weight. I'd like to work in resistance training so when i lose the weight, I look good. Not only looking good, but I want to lift (or what ever I end up doing) for injury prevention in hockey and just overall health and fitness. I'm 34 so it's just rec hockey. Not going to make the NHL at this point.

do you think lifting weights is a good option for these goals or should i do some other type of resistance? If so, do you have a program recommendation?

I'm doing starting strength right now, but I don't know how long I'll last on that with the calorie deficit and the cardio exercise I get with hockey. i did read where you could do work out A and B once a week for starting strength but add in a body weight work out instead of doing SS three days a week.

my week would look like this:

monday - workout A of SS
tuesday - skate
Wednesday - body weight work out (dips, pull ups, push ups, abs, lower back ghr) SKATE
thursday - HIIT
Friday - workout B of SS
Saturday - game
Sunday - off

any thoughts, suggestions for a program or look somewhere else?


  • mjpisat
    mjpisat Posts: 46 Member
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I used to play hockey and I found weight training to be very beneficial to my game. The HIIT is good, keep with it.

    I think if you tone down your cheating, keep what you're doing and add in a couple days of strength training you'll get smaller, not bigger. Getting smaller is a matter of losing fat, which you'll do weight training but your diet is key.
  • Jynus
    Jynus Posts: 519 Member
    Your template and calorie goals look pretty solid. My only worry might be that for that amount of activity you're eating too little. I'm currently 215 and cutting down to 205 on 2400 calories a day, with 5 hours a week training. (active job though, tradesman) So be wary of that, you may need to up your calorie intake slightly, specially once your lift numbers hit a intermediate level.

    Another template to look at would be Westside for skinny *kitten* 3. It's a sports template that has both in season and off season training. Has a decent amount of strength components, but other aspect of training like power and endurance. and would do more for you for hockey if thats a goal of your training. SS prob good for now just to get a solid strength basis, but Westside is a very good sports template.
  • mjpisat
    mjpisat Posts: 46 Member
    Your template and calorie goals look pretty solid. My only worry might be that for that amount of activity you're eating too little. I'm currently 215 and cutting down to 205 on 2400 calories a day, with 5 hours a week training. (active job though, tradesman) So be wary of that, you may need to up your calorie intake slightly, specially once your lift numbers hit a intermediate level.

    Another template to look at would be Westside for skinny *kitten* 3. It's a sports template that has both in season and off season training. Has a decent amount of strength components, but other aspect of training like power and endurance. and would do more for you for hockey if thats a goal of your training. SS prob good for now just to get a solid strength basis, but Westside is a very good sports template.

    I don't sweat the calories because 1. my job is extremely sedentary all day and I drive 3 hours a day total. I'm sitting from 9-15 hours a day. 2. My template may look active, but typically I lift two to three times a week and get on the ice twice a week at most. Sometimes I make it a third day. One session being a light practice with a 15 scrimmage at the end where you go hard. the other is a game so it's pretty intense.

    The template above is what I want to START doing.