Almost Done with my Insane Journey-With Pics :)

So I am almost through my journey with Insanity and let me tell you, I am scared excited and nervous all at once.

I worry that once I have completed I will go back to the way that I was. Excited that I for once have stuck with a program for more then a week. And nervous that I am not going to get the results that I had hoped for. Maybe I set my expectations too high?

It has been a tough one and I definately could not have done it without the love, support, and help of my friends here on MFP. I do not even get that much support at home. So a big thank you to all of you.

I have included pics so far, dating from when I got the program in the mail to todays photos. I am hoping to push deeper then I have these past two months. The next time I will be posting will be when I finish. I can not wait.

I have only lost a total of 6 pounds through out this and I honestly am not sure if the scale will drop any more for the next two weeks, however I am begginning to let go of the scale numbers and go with how I feel and how my clothes fit. So take it from someone who went from getting on the scale everyday to maybe once every two weeks. It is not worth it to stress over the numbers.

I had to throw the first one in too. Double chin and all :)







  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    Holy crap!!! Awesome!!
  • Pretty amazing!
  • thats so motivational! good job!
  • cristeberga
    cristeberga Posts: 251 Member
    WOW! Amazing results! You can easily see how your tummy has changed. Your waistline is a lot smaller now. Keep up the good work and keep us posted. :drinker:
  • I did Insanity also. That is one hard series of workouts. I had similar results, I didn't lose a ton of weight (10 lbs or so), but my waist got super small and my belt kept tightening. I now do a hybrid Power 90 (not P90X, the easier, less extreme one) and Insanity workout. I would recommend Power 90 if you are looking for something a little easier to maintain. It's good after Insanity.
  • OnMyWay4
    OnMyWay4 Posts: 264
    Congrats girl!!! I'm nervous as hell about next month :(
  • marvelmo
    marvelmo Posts: 119 Member
    you look fabulous!
    keep on keeping on
  • Rach_Gem_n_Disguise
    Rach_Gem_n_Disguise Posts: 140 Member
    You're doing so great!!! :)
  • bump
  • DawnMarieMomofTwo
    DawnMarieMomofTwo Posts: 186 Member
    You look amazing keep up the good work
  • ndnmomma
    ndnmomma Posts: 466 Member
    As always girlie you are a beauty. Well some hun, and I am proud to have been on this journey with have got this girl!
  • Streetpreacher82
    Streetpreacher82 Posts: 21 Member
    Awesome! Keep up the good work. A very amazing change since you began!
  • Damn girl! you look great!
  • shannonmch
    shannonmch Posts: 194 Member
    Your results are amazing! I am going to have to break down and spend the $ on Insanity! I've been wanting to try it, but hated to spend the money. I'm gonna have to do it. Maybe after I get my 3 kiddos clothed for school, I will do it.
    Thanks for your story and your pics are UNBELIEVABLE:)
  • How awesome! Good job!
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    You look awesome. great job. I hope my insanity results are as showing! Thank you for sharing.
  • christyallgood
    christyallgood Posts: 79 Member
    OMG! AMAZING! I got my Insanity and am scared to death of starting Monday!! Great inspiration! Thanks!
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    YOU LOOK AMMAAZING!! I look forward to getting on that program. My Dad has it (not sure why) and is passing it on to me. Oh, and did I mention you look amazing!! I'm definately inspired keep up the good work. :drinker:
  • WenonaY
    WenonaY Posts: 203
    That is some awesome results. Did you follow the eating plan it came with? I'm starting insanity on monday and really dont like alot of the food it says to eat.
  • Wow, that is awesome!!!!
  • b1g_tun4
    b1g_tun4 Posts: 48
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    Thats insane!!youve lost some serious Inches!WOW!Congratulations girl.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Nice job! You look great!!
  • That's it. I'm doing Insanity. I want your abs!! You look fantastic :)
  • Great job you look great. You sure you have only lost six pounds. It looks a lot more but any way congrats.
  • katicasi82
    katicasi82 Posts: 121 Member
    All I can say is WOW well done you look like a personal trainer :)
  • Lefty634
    Lefty634 Posts: 56
    I would say you earned the tshirt!
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    You look fantastic! Congrats to you!
  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    This is definitely motivating to me. I am on week 5. I hope I have the same results.
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    Ummmm.... GO GIRL!!!! :drinker: You look amazing!!!

    I love your attitude too... don't stress over the numbers on the scale. The proof is in the pudding.
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