A Step in the right direction

About 6 weeks ago I climbed on the scale and it read: OBESE...well it didn't actually say that.. but 287lbs. was a wake up call for me. About 3 years ago I had gotten down to 233 lbs. after struggling with being big since about 8th grade. I was the happiest I had ever been at 233 and I promised myself that I would NEVER get big again...Well..obviously that didn't work out...

When I started MFP I was at 280 lbs. So I had already lost 7lbs. and today I have lost 17 lbs. with MFP making a total of 24 lbs. lost since my journey started. I'm about 43 lbs away from my goal still, so I am definitely a work in progress....

One of my biggest motivators was things people would say or do to me on a daily basis....People would call me big guy (which I hate) and some of my buddies would "bean dip" my man boobs (which I HATE even more.) I came to a point where I said enough is enough, and I knew only I could change my situation.

I want to encourage anyone other guys out there who struggle with the same things...to stop settling for where you are and set your goals high. If you are even reading this post then you've already made an awesome step in the right direction by just being on this site. It really works. MFP is not only a motivation and accountability tool, but the support of everyone on here is amazing. I can come here and know I'm not alone in this struggle of weightloss and moving towards a lifetime of healthy living.

Be motivated. Stop letting others tell you who you are, and become the person you were meant to be. Lose the "well I've always had moobs so I might as well not do anything about them" attitude. Start living your life the way it was meant to be lived, and when you reach your goals you will realize that you not only have become a better person, but you will have saved your own life.

Keep pushing MFP! Thank you all for your inspiration!


  • Great attitude man! I like the mindset that just because you may have always been big, doesn't mean you always have to be. I have always struggled with weight even in high school when I was really active. Congrats on the progress, keep it up and know that you are making changes that can last your entire life.
  • RyDoc21
    RyDoc21 Posts: 1
    This guy....so proud of you bro.
  • Amazing attitude:)
  • winamb
    winamb Posts: 18 Member
    Awesome!!!!!! Great job!!
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Awesome you are........you are :drinker: You have the kind of approach and attitude that is contagious. Keep spreading the word k??

    Stand strong