Biggest calorie burner workouts?

Last week I joined a turbo kick class-that kicked my wimpy butt! MFP claims it was worth over 700 cal-which was awesome! (if it's correct?)
Just curious what some of your biggest calorie burner workouts are? I'm always up for new ideas and motivation :)


  • Crazibaker
    Crazibaker Posts: 130 Member
    Great topic!! I have been wondering how to get more bang from my buck also.
    I do BodyCombat at the gym and supposidly it burns 600 + per hour.
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
    bump need some ideas myself
  • twiglips
    twiglips Posts: 136 Member
    zumba burns tons of calories for me and it's fun!
  • falcon367
    falcon367 Posts: 116
    Don't believe any of the predetermined calorie burns on MFP! Wear a heart rate monitor or its nothing more than a guessing game. :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    unfortunately now that i'm fitter it's harder for me to get the HUGE numbers i used to get.

    i used to burn mega calories during cardio kickboxing (like 800+) but last time i went i barely registered 500.

    at the moment stair running and HIIT sprints are the biggest calorie burners.
  • natwen
    natwen Posts: 81
    My biggest calorie burners are my extra long bike rides. Sometimes I get going fast and don't realize how hard I am working because the wind is in my face and its exhilarating. Of course, other times I am struggling with my crappy gears and pedals. My bike might not win any races but it gives me a good workout!
  • Zumba is really good about burning alot of calories! When I do about an hour of it, it's atleast 500+ calories!
  • Belligerent_Wombat
    Belligerent_Wombat Posts: 63 Member
    Don't believe any of the predetermined calorie burns on MFP! Wear a heart rate monitor or its nothing more than a guessing game. :)

    Oh please don't ruin the illusion for me... ;o)
  • I walk alot and for hours....i also did kickboxing and zumba dance which for me are fun and MAJOR calorie burners
  • The best way I've found to calculate my burn is to do it myself. I recently bought a Heart Rate Monitor, and I love it! That way I know how many calories I burn per workout. I thought the chest strap would be annoying but it's not. And since MFP has customizable exercises, it's just that much easier.
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    Tennis burns a ton of calories! :wink:
  • Zumba! I burn like 500-600 calories from it.
  • Chellybell13
    Chellybell13 Posts: 54 Member
  • LadyIntrepid
    LadyIntrepid Posts: 399 Member
    Yes - Body Combat and also RPM if your gym offers those classes. If your gym has a Jacob's Ladder, it's one of the most burningest of cardio machines.
  • Heart rate monitor is a must to determine the true number...unfortunately, don't go by what the instuctors say or MFP says...all just a guestimate...sad but true...I just found that out today when I tried my Polar HRM out for the first time...made me want to cry a little, but I picked myself up off the floor and now realize I just have to work harder!
  • lol-no kidding! ;)
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    Spin burns about 12 calories a minute for me. It's great because you get to control how much effort you use. I normally burn about 650-700 per class according to my HRM.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    The best burners I know are running and swimming - Both can be done to the level of intensity you are capable of so you need to dig deep to get the burn but if you do you can go at a level where you can just sustain for a long period of time. Also hill/mountain walking is pretty spectacular - it would take all day but you can kill a couple thousand calories no problem as well as seeing some good country.
  • Step ups! 100 calories in 8 minutes for me! :D
  • codapea
    codapea Posts: 182 Member
    I was just reading in Shape that jump rope burns a ton of calories:
    Slow Pace:
    130 pounds – 470 calories burned per one hour;
    150 pounds – 560 calories burned;
    180 pounds – 650 calories burned;
    205 pounds – 750 calories burned.
    Medium Pace:
    130 pounds – 590 calories burned per one hour;
    150 pounds – 704 calories burned;
    180 pounds – 820 calories burned;
    205 pounds – 930 calories burned.
    Fast Pace:
    130 pounds – 710 calories burned per one hour;
    150 pounds – 850 calories burned;
    180 pounds – 980 calories burned;
    205 pounds – 1120 calories burned.