


  • mdelcott
    mdelcott Posts: 529 Member
    I will be starting on Monday!! Im a little scared because I have been sick and am hopeful that I will be better monday, but I have put it off long enough and am ready to go..
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    On Day 3 of Week 2. had a nightmare last night that bugs were crawling all over me, woke up and was having crazy muscle twitches! Guess I need to get some electrolyte replacement drinks....
  • RedDiva24
    I just did cardio recovery & Iam counting caliores! Does any know the average amount burned during these workouts ANDDD any advice to assist with getting the most for weight loss
  • dreamcatcher168
    Up until Monday, I've been doing Insanity like 2 times a week for 3 weeks then I stopped and just stuck to the elliptical, but now I'm getting back into it.

    But here's my plan: do the Insanity pure cardio 3 times a week; Goal: to complete the whole video with only 2 (15 seconds pauses)pauses; Ultimate Goal: to complete the whole video with no additional pauses to the video!!

    Insanity really makes you feel insane when you go back to do it because it's like 40 minutes of running through hell, but hey it's great afterwords haha! :D Good luck and keep going!
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    Wow I wish I knew of this site when I was doing Insanity. I finished my first round this spring with some great results. Crazy tough this program is... it breaks you down but builds you up better and stronger.

    I wish you all well... great results are on there way!!!
  • nikig7
    nikig7 Posts: 240 Member
    I am on day 54 of insanity, and I love it!! It has me beat about halfway through, but I just push through and dig deeper, and I am loving the results!!! I have lost 23 pounds so far, 20 inches off my body, and am gaining muscle tone!

    You are AWESOME! Seriously, 23lbs and 20 inches...that's a BIG deal! What advice can you give to the others just starting the program? I love your enthusiasm!

    For those of you who are just starting the program, some advice.....
    Cut out all bad carbs, and the only carbs i eat now are from fruits and veggies and whole grains. Also, cut way down on the fat, so your body will be forced to use its excess supply instead of giving it an immediate supply of fat by eating fatty meals.

    As far as the workouts go, Stay focused! and do the absolute best you can do, even if you are so tired you cant stand it and your eyes are burning from all the sweat in them, just dig deeper! If you feel your legs are going to give out, take a little rest, and get back to it.

    DRINK LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER!! and take a protein shake immediately after you get done working out, just the water and powder (no milk, adds too many calories), and the pounds will start coming off! and you will be getting toned very soon! GOOD LUCK!!

    Thank you so much for the advice...I just started week 3 and haven;t really seen weight loss (gained a little actually) but my body is beginning to change...I have to admit though that I have not been really serious about my eating and that is something I plan to work harder at improving going forward...those are AWESOME results...congrats!!!!
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    Need motivation! I'm on day 3 of the recovery week and very discouraged today. I have gained 2 pounds, which I'm sure is probably muscle. However, I took progress pics today and do not see any change. I'm eating healthy and staying in my calorie range. I drink plenty of water and am very active with my kids. I actually lost more weight doing a 30 minute WII dance workout than I have with insanity. Any advice?

    I think you should hang in there, keep going, and maybe focus on tightening up your diet? I lost about 5 lbs in the first two weeks of insanity and tracking my food..and then the following 2 weeks i went back up to my start weight and was super discouraged. I stuck with it though, and then all of a sudden i had a huge drop and now at almost 6 weeks, i'm down 10.
    Just keep going!

    Keep at it. I read this somewhere and it was true for me that you will see the most results the last few weeks. You have to push yourself with these workouts to get the most out of it. Like I mentioned before it breaks you down and builds you back up. Look at the warm ups... the first time I did it I thought... This is the warm up??? I never knew how dirty my carpets were until this program had me drop dead lying down so much! LOL
    Good Luck.
  • Yosemite4vr
    Yosemite4vr Posts: 84 Member
    Definitely keep going!! I remember day 3, it was the most painful for me. Just push through it and before you know it, you will be done. I'm at the end of my second week and that day was the hardest for me so far.

    After that, soreness got better, and workouts, although still hard, became more bearable.

  • 3650734
    3650734 Posts: 2
    I need motivation also. I am on day 6 and I dont' see any changes. I was hoping my enery level would improve. I am drinking protien shakes to help. Maybe I need to control my diet better. Anyone have any protien shakes they would suggest using.