
Okay, so I'm not overweight but I have extra fat that I want to get rid of so I can be toned and lean. I stopped drinking sodas but did not lose any weight. So now Ive started using mfp to help me control how much I eat. But I am getting frustrated because I feel like it is a waste of time because I cant seem to lose even half a pound. I don't know what else to do. Help!


  • jeffkeenan123
    Well your not over weight, so why lose weight? You will get rid of the fat either by working out or liposuction . Remember, 3500 calories is one pound.
  • PoliticalRN
    PoliticalRN Posts: 112 Member
    Strength training should help you, especially if you're not overweight to begin with. I would try weight training which will increase your resting metabolic rate to help burn fat even when you're sleeping. Muscles require more fuel to sustain and more muscle you have the more calories you will burn to sustain the lean muscle.
  • hlaspecials
    If you are doing the same exercise, you need to change it everyday to something else. Also I was told that if you say for instance jog, throw in some quick sprints once in a while to get your heart rate up, then go back to jogging, then another sprint. Don't know if that will help.