Looking for people to inspire me an push me along

Hi my names Kate, im new to this, iv had alot of negativity in my life about my weight, been called names since I was a kid, i always ignored it an just played the role of the jolly fat girl, i always tried being positive, but this past few years have weighed a toll on me, iv had alot of negative intake sadly from people i love, my family members, yes people i joke about my weight to help cope, it doesnt mean i want you joking about it with me, iv lost all self esteem an all love for myself, my daughter is about the biggest joy of my life mostly because i know she loves me for me, not for how i look I AM HER MOMMY, but i dont want my daughter growing up to be like me, i want her to be healthy an enjoy being healthy, i want her to be proud of her mommy ... so to conclude this Id like to ask for help, from some of you, i need encouragement and advice on how to stay healthy ,happy, and positive, and i wouldnt mind some friends that know what i am going through as well!!


  • ill help push you if you do the same for me :wink:
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    Always here to give and receive inspiration! :flowerforyou:
  • ahelsel1970
    ahelsel1970 Posts: 65 Member
    I will help the thin person in you come out. She is waiting and now is her time!!!!:drinker:
  • I need motivation too! Let's all help each other. :)
  • steffiej88
    steffiej88 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I just joined this site myself today. So far it great. Good luck to you.
  • im more than willing to help anyone thats willing to help me. Thank you!
  • I am looking for some friends to encourage and be encouraged by.
  • I would like some inspiration too...keep in touch.
  • stephanieGbraswell
    stephanieGbraswell Posts: 38 Member
    You come to the right place then. You will definitely fined tons of people going through the same thing that will inspire you and help keep you on the right track. When you having one of those low moments just remember why you started this and I always keep in mind that you either have to suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret! Remembering that always keeps me moving forward.
  • natalianogueira
    natalianogueira Posts: 76 Member
    It's always good to have friends to motivate each other!
    Count me in and let's do this together! :smile:
  • muriah2
    muriah2 Posts: 143 Member
    ill help push you if you do the same for me :wink:

    ^^^^^^Same goes for me!
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    ill help push you if you do the same for me :wink:

    ^^^^^^Same goes for me!

    ^^I'm there, add me!
  • I am all about trying to inspire others to eat healthy, exercise, and just feel good about any small changes or goals they may accomplish! I have struggled with yoyoing for years! This time I am determined to lose the fat, gain muscle and feel better! So I am here for you if you are here for me!
  • I am here for you! Anyone feel free to friend me...I need some motivation at times as well!!
  • jenniferlthomas0305
    jenniferlthomas0305 Posts: 76 Member
    We're all in this together!! Feel free to add me and we can all help one another! :)
  • ludeo
    ludeo Posts: 75
    same here add me!!!!!!
  • dreamsofsomeday
    dreamsofsomeday Posts: 62 Member
    I've been criticized way too much for my weight, also.
  • I am new to this also. I have just tried to utilize the app to help me make smarter food and eating choices. I would be happy to help, especially if its reciprocated! I have even broke out the WII Fit to help me along.
  • TOxen
    TOxen Posts: 9 Member
    I'm also needing the encouragement, and I'l be there to help anyone else that needs it. I'm 5'7" and 250lbs. Long term goal is 140-150lbs. I would love to lose at least 50lbs. by New Years, I'm only on my 2nd week on MFP.
  • dfammama
    dfammama Posts: 20 Member
    We're all in this together! Feel free to add me!