Successful weight loss without 8 glasses of water???



  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    I have a hard time getting in all the recommended water. Certain times during the day, due to my acid reflux, it can actually give me heartburn! I try to add Mio or Crystal Light to it, but that's generally worse. I do try to get a bottle or two in each day, but that's about it. However, I do drink other liquids such as coffee, iced tea or diet soda. I'm hoping that even though I have trouble getting in 8 glasses a day that I'll still be successful in my weight loss journey. What do you think?

    Water, juice, milk, soup broth, green or herbal or decaf tea (hot or iced)...I personally count all those. I do not count coffee since I know how it effects me personally even though I drink some every day, but a lot of people do. Can't comment on diet soda as I don't drink any (allergic to nutrasweet...aka aspartame), but I do not count regular soda when I do drink some.
  • geri67
    geri67 Posts: 2 Member
    I used to hate drinking water, too. But over time, I've gotten used to it. I think drinking ice water tastes better, weird, I know. I'm pretty sure that if you are drinking coffee, tea and soda that you are staying hydrated. I am a big coffee and tea drinker myself. I also have acid reflux. I can't believe soda doesn't bother you! If mine is acting up, soda kills me. The carbonation is awful! But water will also bother me if it is being active. Just have to sip it, then. If it frequently bothers you, you should talk to your doctor about taking a preventative like Prilosec or Prevacid. I've used them in the past and they help tremendously. My husband's is worse and he has been on them for a while. I can always tell when he gets lazy and stops taking them - every thing he eats sets it off. I've managed to keep mine under control. It also seems better with weight loss. I tend to gain in the middle these days! I used to drink a lot of diet soda. But it is so unhealthy! I've really cut back. I would stick to the coffee and tea and try a little water here and there. Try putting a lemon, lime or orange in your water for flavor!
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    there are too many theories by everyone in the scientific community to be able to go by any one of them. make sure you're not drinking too little. crystal light upsets my stomach too. and I don't have acid reflux. I count everything liquid as water intake. You need to find a way to be your own judge. : )
  • hippietofugirl
    try decaffeinated tea, as the caffeinated kind is acts as a diuretic.
  • TheBooBooStew
    TheBooBooStew Posts: 54 Member
    I drink a gallon a day, :drinker: :drinker: I never record it because I forget. Have you tried eating ice? :drinker: :drinker:
  • Dennisfiller
    I drink 2 cups of coffee in the morning, then it's nothing but water. I do about 1800 ml a day, more when working out. I just don't bring soda into the house. I'll get a diet coke maybe once a week.
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    I never drank water before trying to lose this weight. I think it helps a lot. I try to drink 2 glasses when I first wake up then 2 with lunch, 2 with dinner and 2 before going to bed. It helps me eat less too, drinking the water makes me fuller so I don't eat as much. Any doctor will tell you that you need to drink at least 8 glasses a day.

    Good Luck!!
  • myeca77
    myeca77 Posts: 18
    At first I thought this post was a joke....

    With that said, if I don't drink at least 8-10 glasses of water, I gain weight. Plain & simple!!! No matter how much I exercise and diet, if I don't drink a lot of water all the other hard work is in vain. I too use to HATE water, but the more I drank, the more bareable it became. I know a lot of people have posted that they have been able to lose weight without it, but just try to remember how much better water is for your body.

    If acid reflex is the main reason, try some prilosec. It works miracles! Good luck to you.
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    I have a hard time getting in all the recommended water. Certain times during the day, due to my acid reflux, it can actually give me heartburn! I try to add Mio or Crystal Light to it, but that's generally worse. I do try to get a bottle or two in each day, but that's about it. However, I do drink other liquids such as coffee, iced tea or diet soda. I'm hoping that even though I have trouble getting in 8 glasses a day that I'll still be successful in my weight loss journey. What do you think?

    For the reflux, try to limit your caffeine to before noon or whatever your halfway point in the day is. Caffeine can make reflux worse, and especially if you have it late enough in the day to cause reflux at night. I feel ya on the refluxing water thing. But, if you are drinking it after coffee or on a full stomach, then its more due to the weakening of the muscle keeping your stomach contents where they belong being loosened/weakened. If you don't have any actual physical damage to that muscle or the diaphragm, losing weight and making some changes to diet and learning your triggers will definitely help!
    I had reflux for 12 years, caused by two diagnosed hiatal hernias that did damage the muscles and was starting to cause issues with irritating my throat and teeth. I had surgery to fix it all in 2009.

    Regardless, liquid is liquid and you are probably getting the needed fluid via food and other drinks.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    The need to drink 8 glasses of water a day is a complete myth. Most of the water you need comes from the food you eat. It won't hurt you to drink some extra fluids unless you go way overboard, but there's absolutely no requirement.

    Edit to add: I've lost 80+ pounds total without purposely drinking any extra water.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    There are a gazillion technical documents on proper hydration - I am sure of it. I am too lazy to look them all up- so much easier for me to just have a glass. ;)

    Here's my experience- 30 days ago, I was forcing the 8 glasses down, and some days, it was only 4 or 5 glasses. I saw all these folks drinking tons of the stuff- and got curious. Will it really make me feel great- or just spend a lot of time on the pot? So I upped my intake to 16 glasses, just to see if I could (and because someone posted a challenge- I'm a sucker for a healthy challenge). ..............AND I peed (sorry, but that's the truth of it). I felt full and water logged. :frown: Day two- I peed some more, but not as much. I did decide that 16 or 17 glasses was a bit much for me right now, but I am at around 10 a day, and my skin looks great, I recover much more quickly from physical activity, and I feel terrific! (I still pee a lot- but it's worth it :tongue: )

    If you choose to build up your water consumption- do it just as with everything else- baby steps - listen to your body. If you drink 4 glasses a day and feel full.. bump to 4.5 or 5 for a few days, then bump it a little again, after you feel comfortable. IF you decide that you want to stretch your limits a little, and see what all of the fuss is about.

    Good luck! I am not sure if water will make or break your success, as I am not an expert - but I do wish you success! :happy:
  • Hudderstub
    Hudderstub Posts: 11 Member
    I always drink coffee, and a few different types of tea without milk. Getting water from the office cooler has made it easier to add a few cups in and I notice that the days when I drink more water are more likely to be followed by weighs losses.
  • markhudson1968

    I did try drinking water but just never really get around to it and being honest never really have..even though I know I should.

    I set myself a goal to lose 3 and half stone in 4 month and did it..WITHOUT drinking water on a regular basis so it CAN be done.

    Everyones bodies work differently and so what works for one may not work for another - I can only speak for myself.

    I am no expert at all and realise that you should drink plenty but it can be done without !!

    Good luck in your journey
  • smithy85
    smithy85 Posts: 104 Member
  • pedraz
    pedraz Posts: 173
    I hate water....makes me gag silly I know, but then I discovered MIO and now I drink one cup of coffee a day then nothing but water I pee like crazy and it seems the more I drink then thirstier I get! I haven't noticed a big weight lost difference but I'm still drinking it.

    what's MIO?
  • thisisjl
    thisisjl Posts: 1,074 Member
    I lost 45 pounds 3 1/2 years ago I drank some water but not a lot, probably drank more Dt. Soda than water as a general rule and I have kept the weight off. I'm now working on loosing another 60# and I'm drinking maybe 4-6 cups of water a day just because I'm trying to be healthier not just loose the weight.

    I agree Soda, coffee, etc will just aggravate your Acid Reflux!
  • pattyann1112
    Thanks for all the helpful info. I really do watch what I drink and eat because of the items that can trigger the acid reflux. I only have one cup of coffee per day, first thing in the morning. And if I have diet soda, I generally go for a clear one such as Sierra Mist over the cola products. I take a store brand of Pepcid Complete everyday at night to keep it all under control. It does a pretty good job, but like I mentioned, there are times I can still get the heartburn. There's no doubt, that weight loss will help that situation. Several years ago, I lost some weight with WW and got to the point where I didn't take anything at all for the A.R.

    I'm going to continue to try to gradually get more water in just because it's good for me.

    And for the poster who asked...Mio is a water enhancer much like Crystal Light but it's sold in a small liquid bottle, so you can add as few or as many drops as you wish. I like mine on the weak side, because if you add too much, it does have an after taste.

    Thanks everyone!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    My partner has lost 33lbs and has never touched a glass of plain water, he can't stand it. He drinks diet soda, tea, coffee, squash.

    Personally I prefer water , but not everyone's the same :-)
  • Jexebel
    Jexebel Posts: 67
    I have no idea how much water I drink. I don't keep track. But I'm pretty certain it's under the supposed 8 glasses or whatevs. But I'm never dehydrated. I drink when I'm thirsty, I drink when working out. And I don't drink many other beverages besides coffee/tea. And I eat plenty of fruit and vegetables so I suppose water comes from there too.