Giving up carbs



  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    People people people...

    Worry more about how much you eat and less about what you eat. Speaking purely from a weight loss standpoint, you're going to have more success eating 1500cals of McDonalds every day than you are 2000cals of fresh fruits and veggies.

    Don't lose perspective here and get all wound up about what your eating to the point where you forget about how much you're eating. Carbs are fine, good and necessary actually... just don't go crazy with them.

    Limit, don't give up.
  • 1jlazymom
    1jlazymom Posts: 197 Member
    You can boil & mash cauliflower like mash potatoes.....(I know not the same but its close enough) add a little butter.
    I actually just saw a recipe for the faux mashed potatoes using boiled cauliflower then you add a wedge or 2 of the low calorie laughing cow cheese wedges and some salt and pepper...and mash it all up. I plan to try it tomorrow! :smile:

    I would have never thought of trying that if I hadn't seen it here. I definitely will be putting that in next weeks dinner menu.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Um, I don't. Why would anyone want to do that?

    *some* people have metabolic challenges that require them to reduce their carb intake. About 8 years ago I had insulin resistance, and under medical supervision had to cut my carb intake down to under 50g net per day. It was reversed, and I no longer had to eat lower carb.

    Then 6 months ago I started working out and watching my diet. I spent 3 months following the MFP suggested macros, and only lost 7 pounds. Then I cut my carbs under 100g net per day. The first month I lost 8 pounds, the second I lost 6 pounds, and the third I lost 3-4lbs. I plan on staying lower carb as long as I can--maybe the rest of the year!
  • nicole9008
    I'm low carbing for a little bit. My go tos are Atkins shakes, string cheese, celery and fiesta ranch dip, low carb fried pickles (nomnomnom) almond milk, omelettes. And lots of low carb booze haha. Its not that difficult after the first few days if you stick with it but if you cave it never gets easy!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Um, I don't. Why would anyone want to do that?

    *some* people have metabolic challenges that require them to reduce their carb intake. About 8 years ago I had insulin resistance, and under medical supervision had to cut my carb intake down to under 50g net per day. It was reversed, and I no longer had to eat lower carb.

    Then 6 months ago I started working out and watching my diet. I spent 3 months following the MFP suggested macros, and only lost 7 pounds. Then I cut my carbs under 100g net per day. The first month I lost 8 pounds, the second I lost 6 pounds, and the third I lost 3-4lbs. I plan on staying lower carb as long as I can--maybe the rest of the year!

    That's limiting, not giving up.

    I have no problem with limiting.
  • rocknrollcliche
    Um, I don't. Why would anyone want to do that?

    I was just thinking the same thing... Carb is not your enemy, just stick to complex carbs and manage your grams consumed... Carbs are your best source of energy and can be your friend in the weight loss journey! The drastic change you see at first in the scale is water loss instead of fat loss since carbs (glycogen) hold on to water.

    What are complex carbs? is this more complicated than I thought?! Generally I am the right weight for my height and Im at the gym 3-4 times a week but Ive put on 14pounds. Am just trying to lose a bit so my clothes fit again. Was thinking if i cut out carbs this would help? I generally eat quite healthily, except indulge with pasta and potatoes.
  • rocknrollcliche
    I'm low carbing for a little bit. My go tos are Atkins shakes, string cheese, celery and fiesta ranch dip, low carb fried pickles (nomnomnom) almond milk, omelettes. And lots of low carb booze haha. Its not that difficult after the first few days if you stick with it but if you cave it never gets easy!

    I didnt know you could even get low carb booze! what do you drink?

  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Um, I don't. Why would anyone want to do that?

    I was just thinking the same thing... Carb is not your enemy, just stick to complex carbs and manage your grams consumed... Carbs are your best source of energy and can be your friend in the weight loss journey! The drastic change you see at first in the scale is water loss instead of fat loss since carbs (glycogen) hold on to water.

    What are complex carbs? is this more complicated than I thought?! Generally I am the right weight for my height and Im at the gym 3-4 times a week but Ive put on 14pounds. Am just trying to lose a bit so my clothes fit again. Was thinking if i cut out carbs this would help? I generally eat quite healthily, except indulge with pasta and potatoes.

    It's a distinction most people don't need to worry about, but one that a lot of people do, presumably, just to over complicate things.

    your body needs carbs. Keep the intake to a reasonable amount, keep them from varied sources, have a great day.
  • andrewlazenby
    Um, I don't. Why would anyone want to do that?

    *some* people have metabolic challenges that require them to reduce their carb intake. About 8 years ago I had insulin resistance, and under medical supervision had to cut my carb intake down to under 50g net per day. It was reversed, and I no longer had to eat lower carb.

    Then 6 months ago I started working out and watching my diet. I spent 3 months following the MFP suggested macros, and only lost 7 pounds. Then I cut my carbs under 100g net per day. The first month I lost 8 pounds, the second I lost 6 pounds, and the third I lost 3-4lbs. I plan on staying lower carb as long as I can--maybe the rest of the year!

    *some* people do... Most people don't.

    I like carbs. In fact, I love carbs. They are not the enemy. Portions are. As is quoted, you get a huge water loss kick when your drop / reduce them. I regularly ride my bike for two-three hours at a time. Carbs are a important part of my ability to do that.
  • nicole9008
    I'm low carbing for a little bit. My go tos are Atkins shakes, string cheese, celery and fiesta ranch dip, low carb fried pickles (nomnomnom) almond milk, omelettes. And lots of low carb booze haha. Its not that difficult after the first few days if you stick with it but if you cave it never gets easy!

    I didnt know you could even get low carb booze! what do you drink?


    Well pretty much all hard liquor is low carb like vodka tequila etc. I make delish Marga ritas.

    Light Jose cuervo marg mix, ice, tequila, handful of frozen strawberries voila delicious.
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    I am currently eating low carb, about 50g net a day (BTW, net is carb grams minus fibre grams, fibre has no effect) and I aim for 25 g fibre a day (so i eat about 75g carbs). An easy way to start is maybe having eggs for breakfast, chicken and greens for lunch, chicken/fish and greens for dinner and snacks of nuts (small portions) and berries. Then you can start to add in more foods as you learn how many carbs are in the foods you eat. The first couple of days you may feel a little weak and tired, totally normal. Your body is used to using carbs (sugars) as energy and has to change its ways. Also, I don't believe in all that bacon, heaps of cheese stuff. I tried that and the scales didn't budge (I dont know, I've never been overweight, maybe its differant if you have a lot to lose). And I felt pretty yuck. You can eat heaps more fat, but stick to natural, unprocessed fats, like nuts, avocado, salmon,coconut ect..... you will lose quite a bit of weight in the first couple of days, most of it water, but it does give you the psychological boost, lol. Goodluck, and remember, eat HEAPS of greens, good fats, and drink water like its your job!
  • andrewlazenby
    Um, I don't. Why would anyone want to do that?

    I was just thinking the same thing... Carb is not your enemy, just stick to complex carbs and manage your grams consumed... Carbs are your best source of energy and can be your friend in the weight loss journey! The drastic change you see at first in the scale is water loss instead of fat loss since carbs (glycogen) hold on to water.

    What are complex carbs? is this more complicated than I thought?! Generally I am the right weight for my height and Im at the gym 3-4 times a week but Ive put on 14pounds. Am just trying to lose a bit so my clothes fit again. Was thinking if i cut out carbs this would help? I generally eat quite healthily, except indulge with pasta and potatoes.

    Then cut back on pasta and potatoes. Don't cut them out.
  • rocknrollcliche
    I'm low carbing for a little bit. My go tos are Atkins shakes, string cheese, celery and fiesta ranch dip, low carb fried pickles (nomnomnom) almond milk, omelettes. And lots of low carb booze haha. Its not that difficult after the first few days if you stick with it but if you cave it never gets easy!

    I didnt know you could even get low carb booze! what do you drink?


    Well pretty much all hard liquor is low carb like vodka tequila etc. I make delish Marga ritas.

    Light Jose cuervo marg mix, ice, tequila, handful of frozen strawberries voila delicious.

    Sounds great!
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    Um, I don't. Why would anyone want to do that?

    I was just thinking the same thing... Carb is not your enemy, just stick to complex carbs and manage your grams consumed... Carbs are your best source of energy and can be your friend in the weight loss journey! The drastic change you see at first in the scale is water loss instead of fat loss since carbs (glycogen) hold on to water.

    complex carbs release the energy slower. Or referred to as low GI. High gi foods use all the energy quickly, and can leave you feeling hungry again sooner, like sugar and white bread.... but you still gotta burn all those calories! Sugar is the devil for weight loss. Steer clear (unless its a treat of course, We're only human!)
    What are complex carbs? is this more complicated than I thought?! Generally I am the right weight for my height and Im at the gym 3-4 times a week but Ive put on 14pounds. Am just trying to lose a bit so my clothes fit again. Was thinking if i cut out carbs this would help? I generally eat quite healthily, except indulge with pasta and potatoes.

    It's a distinction most people don't need to worry about, but one that a lot of people do, presumably, just to over complicate things.

    your body needs carbs. Keep the intake to a reasonable amount, keep them from varied sources, have a great day.
  • lpchica36
    lpchica36 Posts: 11 Member
    Google "carb back loading

    It works.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Um, I don't. Why would anyone want to do that?

    I was just thinking the same thing... Carb is not your enemy, just stick to complex carbs and manage your grams consumed... Carbs are your best source of energy and can be your friend in the weight loss journey! The drastic change you see at first in the scale is water loss instead of fat loss since carbs (glycogen) hold on to water.

    complex carbs release the energy slower. Or referred to as low GI. High gi foods use all the energy quickly, and can leave you feeling hungry again sooner, like sugar and white bread.... but you still gotta burn all those calories! Sugar is the devil for weight loss. Steer clear (unless its a treat of course, We're only human!)
    What are complex carbs? is this more complicated than I thought?! Generally I am the right weight for my height and Im at the gym 3-4 times a week but Ive put on 14pounds. Am just trying to lose a bit so my clothes fit again. Was thinking if i cut out carbs this would help? I generally eat quite healthily, except indulge with pasta and potatoes.

    It's a distinction most people don't need to worry about, but one that a lot of people do, presumably, just to over complicate things.

    your body needs carbs. Keep the intake to a reasonable amount, keep them from varied sources, have a great day.

    Why is sugar the devil to weight loss?
  • RebeccaLeinen
    RebeccaLeinen Posts: 110 Member
    i just started this a couple weeks ago... i was dreading it...i'm italian so pasta has been a big part of my meals my whole life... but i've gotten carb counter books and cook books and it's really kind of fun trying new meals! I've noticed now that cutting out breads have actually made foods taste better... less sugar i've learned i just feel better! i lost 10 lbs in a week and a half...but it takes dedication... the atkins diet has alot of good advice...i'm not following that diet by any means but the ideas in there are useful! Phase 1 cookbook has alot of good recipes... good luck!
  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    Hi guys,

    I am quite new to the message board side of things here but thought id give it a shot. Im needing help with a carb issue also. Im conditioned to wanting potatoes or pasta etc with every meal. Eg: chicken breast, salad and i feel i NEED a jacket potato or something similar. Does anyone have any ideas of what to replace this with? Just salad/meat on its own doesnt seem to be filling enough. Same with pasta, bread etc. Always want carbs but i struggle to find things to replace them. Sick of eating salad for lunch every day! Thanks :)

    Cauliflower baked is almost exactly like potatoes. I eat a lot of green peppers, mushrooms, spinach, cauliflower, sometimes asparagus, and squash. I have been eating low carb for a while now. There are wraps that are low carb that I use also. LaTortilla factory has one that has 6g net carbs.
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    It is virtually impossible to cut them out completely - unless you want to be brain-dead.
    If you are cutting out fruits and starches completely (pasta, rice, bread, cereals) and are solely relying on vegetables to fuel your body's needs for carbohydrates, it may not be enough.


    Also, if you restrict your carbs too much, your brain/body might fight this urge and YOU WILL END UP BINGEING!...which derfeats the purpose, doesn't it?!
    So, the key is not to cut out carbs completely, but maybe have a little less than usual.
  • rocknrollcliche
    i just started this a couple weeks ago... i was dreading it...i'm italian so pasta has been a big part of my meals my whole life... but i've gotten carb counter books and cook books and it's really kind of fun trying new meals! I've noticed now that cutting out breads have actually made foods taste better... less sugar i've learned i just feel better! i lost 10 lbs in a week and a half...but it takes dedication... the atkins diet has alot of good advice...i'm not following that diet by any means but the ideas in there are useful! Phase 1 cookbook has alot of good recipes... good luck!

    That sounds really interesting. I will have to take a look. Thanks!