Hello Everyone

leticia1172 Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I am new to this website and to on-line community. Weight loss is something that is so much easier to do with support, this website looked cool and has and app for the iphone, so I thought I would give it a try. Look forward to reading and responding to people's post!!:smile:


  • amyjoh
    amyjoh Posts: 92
    Hello! I haven't posted on here for a very long time I am ashamed to say! But I have lost 13 pounds and am very happy with that! any way, I will be posting because i am incorporating exercise and will need encouragement!!
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    I just joined too! Today was my first day tracking everything, and I think the iPhone app will be great for this! I'm excited! Best wishes to you!
  • galnamenikki
    galnamenikki Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Leticia! I'm new here too, found the app in the app store and this os now my FAVORITE after 12hrs!!!! I love it, it's just what I needed! I am Soooo ready to get fit :-) I need support and motivation also, on this end: you've got a friend :-) here's to our health!
  • amyjoh
    amyjoh Posts: 92
    Sweet!! This will be a great adventure! We will just have to keep track of each other and keep rooting each other on!!
  • Thanks for the encouraging words!!!
  • Rooting each other on is most important!
  • The iphone app is gonna be key...i am on my phone all the time!!!
  • amyjoh
    amyjoh Posts: 92
    Ain't that the truth. Got to remind ourselves we are going some where with this and not just another diet! This is our new life.
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