Giving up carbs



  • NesianStyle
    I just finished the 4 hour diet (slow carb diet) over the last 12 days and I stopped today because it just wasn't for me. I basically got sick of eating meat with every meal to the point of where the smell of cooking meat was making my mouth water in a bad way yesterday. Even though I did lose 10-11 pounds over that time I would prefer just to eat well but not restrict any one thing or another....good luck!
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    Um, I don't. Why would anyone want to do that?

    I kind of agree! I mean, if you eat 200-300 g of carbs every day you should probably cut down. But a normal intake of carbohydrates provides your body with energy to burn. This is particularly important if you are doing intensive cardio several times a week. Runners need carbs like heavy lifters need protein.

    I personally don't eat gluten products because they will hurt me. I still manage to get my carbs through potatoes, rice, and of course vegetables. If you are trying to limit or lower your intake, look at this chart for high/low carb food relative to their calorie levels.
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    Also, from experience, cutting carbs too low will likely cause you to have "carb cravings". In a way, this is your body asking for the carbs, but it can cause you to over do it. I tend to binge, )like a whole bag of chips kind of binge) if I don't get a small serving of carbs at least once a day.
  • XxCaz89xX
    Check out the dukan diet! Great tips and food ideas =)
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    People people people...

    Worry more about how much you eat and less about what you eat. Speaking purely from a weight loss standpoint, you're going to have more success eating 1500cals of McDonalds every day than you are 2000cals of fresh fruits and veggies.

    Don't lose perspective here and get all wound up about what your eating to the point where you forget about how much you're eating. Carbs are fine, good and necessary actually... just don't go crazy with them.

    Limit, don't give up.

    But that's purely for weight loss, not getting healthy.

    OP, my perspective on this is to limit your carbs to non-refined items.

    If you eat fruits and veggies as your carb sources, you might get to 150 grams on a good day (unless you're trying to gorge yourself to prove a point).

    What really racks up the carbs are things like sodas, candy, potato chips and most foods that have been processed to remove the fiber.

    Rule of thumb, if its advertised on TV its probably not good for you, and its most likely a carb.
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    i could never cut carbs out completely as i need them for my cardio trainning. however i do try and limit them through the day. i make sure i have a good breakfast and its normally :-

    50g oats
    5g flaxseed
    2egg whites
    a little almond milk
    mix it all together and fry it with fry light (it will look like a pancake)

    i then drizzle honey on top this keeps me full for about 4 hours and lets me train full of energy :)

    hope this helps
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Worry more about how much you eat and less about what you eat. Speaking purely from a weight loss standpoint, you're going to have more success eating 1500cals of McDonalds every day than you are 2000cals of fresh fruits and veggies.
    But that's purely for weight loss, not getting healthy.

    True. I certainly wasn't suggesting people do it, only making the point that people often lose sight of the bigger picture, that the quantities people are eating are often more important than what the are eating.
  • JennyZD
    JennyZD Posts: 176 Member
    People people people...

    Worry more about how much you eat and less about what you eat. Speaking purely from a weight loss standpoint, you're going to have more success eating 1500cals of McDonalds every day than you are 2000cals of fresh fruits and veggies.

    Don't lose perspective here and get all wound up about what your eating to the point where you forget about how much you're eating. Carbs are fine, good and necessary actually... just don't go crazy with them.

    Limit, don't give up.

    But that's purely for weight loss, not getting healthy.

    OP, my perspective on this is to limit your carbs to non-refined items.

    If you eat fruits and veggies as your carb sources, you might get to 150 grams on a good day (unless you're trying to gorge yourself to prove a point).

    What really racks up the carbs are things like sodas, candy, potato chips and most foods that have been processed to remove the fiber.

    Rule of thumb, if its advertised on TV its probably not good for you, and its most likely a carb.

    From a weight loss perspective, you should aim to lose BODY FAT, you're not going to get that by eating refined sugars and McDonalds. I disagree with the "calorie in, calorie out" theory. I aim to have good aesthetics and be healthy, so although some simple sugars are necessary, complex carbs help maintain your insulin levels and trigger less hunger since it metabolizes slower.