Yet another newbie

Petjen Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is Jenn. I just joined the site. My goal is to lose about 50 lbs. I've lost the weight before, but slowly gained it back due to an injury. I know slow and steady wins the race, so here I go. :smile:



  • hi and welcome i lost the weight also and i gained it back i think it becuz of my depression.
  • Hello fellow Newbie!!! Welcome and good luck.
  • my name is tom im new too i want to lose 60 lbs. so here i go .
  • i will check on you since we started same time . will you do same
  • Farasha
    Farasha Posts: 10 Member
    Ok, I am going to try another strategy to get my weight off I had already lost and kept off 4 years. Feel like such a failure. I did it once, and i can do it again. UGH 260 to 178 and now back to 235 !!! just this past year.
  • Petjen
    Petjen Posts: 6
    Thanks for the welcome everyone.
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