~10 lbs @ a Time Challenge 2010!!~

MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hello All,

I started this challenge in 2009 and the topic closed. With the new year in mind I would like to restart the challenge with new goals in mind. The idea is to take the weightloss 10 lbs at a time rather than looking a the whole number. I think it is far easier to look at mini goals as opposed to one large overall goal. Although I will always have my overall goals in mind, I plan to set mini goals to keep the momentum going!

If you are interested in this challenge let me know and we can do it together! Set up some goals for yourself and we can motivate and support one another.

I plan to weigh in every Sunday to be consistant but you are not obligated to do so. As long as you are weighing in once a week you should be good. I feel it is best to weigh once a week because weight does fluctuate during the week.

My personal goals for this weightloss Challenge are as follows:

Starting weight- 239
Current weight- 209

Feb 1st goal- 199
March 1st goal- 189
April 1st goal- 179
May 1st goal- 169
June 1st goal- 159
July 1st goal- 150
Final Goal!!!!


  • I'm of the same mind. Taking it ten pounds at a time- especially when you have over a hundred to go- is much less overwhelming, and creates a greater sense of accomplishment when you reach each mini goal, which gives you encouragement to keep moving forward. I'm with you. :bigsmile:

    I'm currently down 48 pounds. My goal is to be down a total of 58 pounds by February 1st.
  • Hello!!

    I just started this today and absolutely LOVE this idea!! I could really use the support as well. My name is Frankie and I'm sending a big hello to all!

    I am putting my goals as 10 lbs every 2 months because that feels more realistic for my body, but we'll see. My personal goals for this weightloss Challenge are as follows:

    Starting weight- 207
    Current weight- 207

    March 1st goal- 195
    May 1st goal- 185
    July 1st goal- 175
    September 1st goal- 165
    January 1st (1 year from today) -160 ----GOAL!
  • ok-I will sign on to take off 10 at at time-want to lose 20 lbs by April
  • Hello!!

    I just started this today and absolutely LOVE this idea!! I could really use the support as well. My name is Frankie and I'm sending a big hello to all!

    I am putting my goals as 10 lbs every 2 months because that feels more realistic for my body, but we'll see. My personal goals for this weightloss Challenge are as follows:

    Starting weight- 207
    Current weight- 207

    March 1st goal- 195
    May 1st goal- 185
    July 1st goal- 175
    September 1st goal- 165
    January 1st (1 year from today) -160 ----GOAL!

    These are excellent goals, and very achievable. You could be a whole new version of yourself a year from today! Welcome to MFP and Good Luck! :)
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    I'm going to try this again :) I was on the original 10lb challenge, and didn't follow-through. I'm newly motivated with the new year, turning 40 in October and a planned trip to Hawaii with my husband (no kids) to celebrate.

    My current weight is 215 . . February 1st goal is 205.

    Let the games begin!
  • I am game also...I am getting married this summer when my boyfriend returns from Iraq. When I got married the first time I was a size 24 that was 12 yrs ago. I want to be in a size 10 for my wedding this time. (I already have the dress for motivation, and refuse to get it altered).. Anyways here are my goals:

    by Feb 1st 162
    by Mar 1st 152
    by April 1st 142
    and by May 1st I hope to be at 140 or less :)
  • Hi - I'm new and I'm up for a challenge. 10 lbs at a time sounds great. Count me in! Losing 10 lbs by 2/1 will put me at 188. Now to work out a plan to achieve it....:smile:
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    I think this is the same one that I joined in December. I would love to join this one. It is easier to think of 10 pounds at a time than the whole amount, lol.
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    My name is Heather
    I am in for this I lost 38 lbs with this site and fell off the wagon and gained some back. I like the idea of 10 lbs at a time because then I can focus on only the 10 lbs...

    1/1/10 weigh 232.4
    I would like to reach my first 10 lbs lost by Feb 1st..

    I will post my next goal after I reach that one!

    Good Luck every one
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member



    HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hello EVERYONE and Welcome!!

    I am glad to see that there are people out there that find this idea useful! I think we all have to create personal goals and not everyone will strive for 10 in a month, you have to do what is best for you. I happen to like the pressure of an aggressive goal...keeps me on my toes! I figure I can do anything I work at!

    I am excited to begin again!!! :bigsmile:
  • jhacker
    jhacker Posts: 301 Member
    Can I join? I want to set some goals and this sounds great! I also lost about 30 pounds last year on this site and fell of the wagon and gained some back.

    Starting weight 208
    Feb. 1 goal: 198
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Jhacker Welcome!!!

    I love the mini goal idea....so I look forward to doing this with you!! :bigsmile:
  • bellustoxicum
    bellustoxicum Posts: 35 Member
    Hi all. I'm Amy, and new to MFP. I've already lost about 50 lbs in the past two years (actually I lost 85 but gained 35 back ugh!). Since I have a good way to go, I had decided to do 10lbs at a time and I was excited to see that there is whole group devoted to that idea!. I'd love to join in :D
    My goal is set at 1lb a week, so I'm going to go with 10 lbs every two months.
    Starting weight: 235
    March 1st goal: 225
    May 1st goal: 215
    July 1st goal: 205
    Sept 1st goal: 195
    Nov 1st goal: 185
    Jan. 1st goal: 175
  • Just checking in. I'm still on track and am already seeing some downward movement on the scale. My 1st 10 lbs goal is 188. I feel confident that I'll make that by 2/1/2010.

    Have a good week and stay on track everyone!!!

    Quote - "If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all." - Anna Quindlen
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    I am in! This sounds like a perfect plan for me. I have an exciting trip planned in July, taking my daughter to Disneyland for her 5th Birthday... and I made it my goal to be under 200 by then. If I lose 10/month I would be 197 by July 4th! I look forward hearing about all of your progresses, I hope we can all keep each other motivated and inspired!!!
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    Hey all, For those who didn't know me from before I was in the 10lb 2009 group. I am back from my sabbatical (as I called it) and am proud to say nothing gained for the month - Woo Hoo! My husband has a very HUGE family and it was every night we had somewhere to go for Christmas. I maintained my weight for the whole month - this is a big success for me. I would lose weight before and then gain it all back. I won't say that I was good when eating out but will say I was very aware of what I put on my plate.

    So my nose it back to the grinder, workout scheduled on the Wii with the Biggest Loser, I've cleaned out the fridge of junk we don't need - back to business. My family did enjoy the break though, lol.

    Wishing strength to everyone.
  • I would also like to join if it is not to late. I'm going to set my 10 pound goal for March 1.
  • 10 lbs at a time is exactly what I work towards. I'm down for this challenge.

    My goals are as follow:

    Starting Weight: 256 lbs
    Current Weight: 226 lbs

    January 31st: 216 lbs
    February 28th: 206 lbs
    March 31st: 196 lbs
    April 30th: 186 lbs'
    May 31st: 176 lbs
    June 30th: 166 lbs
    July 30th (My Golden Birthday) 156 lbs
  • KattG
    KattG Posts: 4 Member
    Hello All!

    Well, I'm on board too. I will have to set reminders to myself to log in on here to help my progress.
    I need to make a change, as I have had a potentially life changing experience.
    (Still waiting for more tests & a biopsy)
    I need to better myself, for my own health and well being. I want to see my children grow up.

    Wishing all good health and prosperity in 2010.:happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
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