I may blame stress but really...

I may blame stress but really I am just overeating all the wrong things...Over the summer I have been traveling pretty much at least 3 days a week every week, visiting family, friends, etc. I am teacher and so summer is spent catching up on my social life! hahah And then on top of all that, there has been a lot of stress dealing with my my boyfriend's father passing, his going through the police academy, my graduate courses, preparing for the next school year, and I could just keep going but I'll stop since I'm stressing myself just thinking about it all! lol

So yeah, I could sit here and blame everything that I have been dealing with but when it comes right down to it, there are just too many meals where I am sitting there, eating whatever, and thinking to myself "Ok why are you eating this? You know you shouldn't be eating this much of blah blah blah" and I know I should stop and yet I don't. I am sure there is some psychological something going on in my head that is messing with me or something. Maybe I'm just nuts for sitting there "talking" to myself at dinner (not outloud though hahaha that would be nuts!)

Does anyone else go through this? What do you do?

I am home now. No more traveling. The school year starts next week and I will be back in the routine where I can really start losing weight again. I hope I can get back on track. I am going to start logging my food again and really pay attention. I just hope I can get past this overeating bit.

Please add me if you feel you can relate! I always love new friends. Any advice, I'm open to it. Thanks for reading.


  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    Or maybe I am the only one.. lol
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    When traveling and eating a lot... choose healthy snacks. I DARE you to try and over eat on celery and raw spinach... go ahead... try it someday... lol :)
  • kaw831
    kaw831 Posts: 5
    This is essentially how I gained all my weight in the first place. Lately I've come to the realization that there is never going to be a good time to diet and work out, excuses are always going to be in the way... So I have tried to stop making excuses and try to live by the saying "A year from now you'll wish you had started today!"

    And although all the stresses and excuses are still in my life, I have one less these days.. and that is the idea that I know I am working on my weight, I am making progress in an area of my life that is very important and satisfying. Now even if nothing else is working out, at least one factor is!! :)
  • missypoo1974
    Eating while traveling is NEVER easy! My only way to control it is making myself log what I ate. If I see one day that is out of control, I somehow guilt myself into making sure I don't eat like that again. I have only had one time away since starting MFP. I ate way more than I should have that first night at dinner. I felt so YUCK the next morning. I hope that being home and back into your routine helps you to regroup. You can do this! You really are worth the work involved. :)
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    hahaha! thats too funny! :laugh: Yeah, that would be really difficult! But I just had a 15 calorie bag of apple slices :smile:
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    Yeah, I was going to try and log everything while I was gone but I spent most of the traveling time in the mountains. So I had no signal to log food with my phone and I didn't bring my computer along because I assumed I would be able to log with the phone. Sooo yeah that plan was a bust. lol
  • tungsten93
    tungsten93 Posts: 76 Member
    It's hard and I really haven't figured it out myself yet. It's so easy to grab a burger or a sub, or pick up a pizza on the way home from work instead of cooking, especially after a 12 hour day. But I agree with kaw831 - a year from now you can either be just like you are today (or heavier) or well on your way to being healthy. That's what I keep telling myself.

    And I haven't eliminated any foods except for soda (for now) so I do have pizza maybe once a month and I do have burgers (made at home) and I also enjoy beer, wine and whisky in moderation (or at least I'm trying).

    I hate the saying "just take it one day at a time" but that's what I'm doing now. Trying to be good today. If I can get through today that's one day closer to my goal.

    You're young and you can do it. Good luck!

    Edited to correct typos.
  • krg724
    krg724 Posts: 18
    I think it's easy to blame it on something you can't control. that's probably why most of us gain so much, well I can't cook healthy because the kids won't eat it, I don't have time so I'll swing by a fast food place, I dont' feel like cooking lets order pizza. These are my excuses. I'm just working one day at a time to change them. always open to new friends as my support system doesn't really extend past my husband!