Anyone have any low calorie easy lunch recipes please?

I am looking to make easy filling lunches that don't require awkward ingredients, in other words ingredients I will generally have in my kitchen. Im sick of eating turkey or tuna wraps!


  • LeeM86
    LeeM86 Posts: 124 Member
    Here goes something I tried today and absolutely loved. I only made one serving for lunch, but if you want to can make a lot and freeze it.

    1/2 onion.
    1/2 medium zuchini.
    1/2 carrot.
    1 garlic clove.
    50gr hamburger (you can change this for any other meat or fish, and I would advice to make it 100gr instead of 50.)
    Pepper and any other spice you like to make it more tasty.

    Chop the vegetables in small dices and let them "fry" a little bit in a pan (without oil). I personally like to chop the meat too in small pieces, but that's up to you. Add it to the vegetables, and then add a cup of water and the spices of your choosing. Let it all boil until the water boils away.

    I really liked it (I plan to repeat tonight) and it was very tasty and low cal. You can add more vegetables and quantity if you want. It takes around 5-10 mins to do this, and trust me, it's worth it.

    (Sorry if I didn't explain it very well, english isn't my first language) Feel free to ask me any doubt or more recipes. :)
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    Here goes something I tried today and absolutely loved. I only made one serving for lunch, but if you want to can make a lot and freeze it.

    1/2 onion.
    1/2 medium zuchini.
    1/2 carrot.
    1 garlic clove.
    50gr hamburger (you can change this for any other meat or fish, and I would advice to make it 100gr instead of 50.)
    Pepper and any other spice you like to make it more tasty.

    Chop the vegetables in small dices and let them "fry" a little bit in a pan (without oil). I personally like to chop the meat too in small pieces, but that's up to you. Add it to the vegetables, and then add a cup of water and the spices of your choosing. Let it all boil until the water boils away.

    I really liked it (I plan to repeat tonight) and it was very tasty and low cal. You can add more vegetables and quantity if you want. It takes around 5-10 mins to do this, and trust me, it's worth it.

    (Sorry if I didn't explain it very well, english isn't my first language) Feel free to ask me any doubt or more recipes. :)

    Sounds lovely :) How many cals?
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    Tomato and red lentil soup

    serves 2

    1 small onion (I use red)
    1 clove garlic
    1 tin tomatoes
    1 chicken stock cube (not needed if vegetarian)
    25g red lentils
    cayenne pepper (if required)

    1, Cook the onion and garlic till soft (I use fry light)
    2, add the tomatoes and fill the empty tin with water and add that too.
    3, Add the chicken stock cube and stir.
    4, bring tot he boil and add red lentils.
    5, simmer for around 20 minutes or until lentils are cooked.
    6, blitz with a blender and enjoy.

    With all the ingredient above this is 94 calories a serving. I usually make a batch and freeze it and the ingredients are so cheap!!!
  • LeeM86
    LeeM86 Posts: 124 Member
    Here goes something I tried today and absolutely loved. I only made one serving for lunch, but if you want to can make a lot and freeze it.

    1/2 onion.
    1/2 medium zuchini.
    1/2 carrot.
    1 garlic clove.
    50gr hamburger (you can change this for any other meat or fish, and I would advice to make it 100gr instead of 50.)
    Pepper and any other spice you like to make it more tasty.

    Chop the vegetables in small dices and let them "fry" a little bit in a pan (without oil). I personally like to chop the meat too in small pieces, but that's up to you. Add it to the vegetables, and then add a cup of water and the spices of your choosing. Let it all boil until the water boils away.

    I really liked it (I plan to repeat tonight) and it was very tasty and low cal. You can add more vegetables and quantity if you want. It takes around 5-10 mins to do this, and trust me, it's worth it.

    (Sorry if I didn't explain it very well, english isn't my first language) Feel free to ask me any doubt or more recipes. :)

    Sounds lovely :) How many cals?

    210 calories if you only add 50 gr of burger like me. It depends of the meat/fish you use. But it will hardly reach 320 calories no matter what meat/fish you use, even if you use 100 gr of meat.
  • bugginbri
    bugginbri Posts: 12 Member
    I use 2oz of canned chicken, 1 wedge Laughing Cow cheese, 1 Tbsp greek yogurt, 1oz roasted red peppers and about 1 Tbsp capers...mix together for a chicken salad. I eat this with 1 slice of Orowheat Double Fiber bread and it comes in under 300 cals!
  • flobeedoodle
    flobeedoodle Posts: 176 Member
    1 hard boiled egg, chopped
    1 oz (28 grams, I think 2 tbsp) of hummus (I use trader joe's horseradish hummus)
    parsley (a sprinkle of flakes or about 1/2 tsp fresh, chopped)
    celery, as much as you care to chop (I would guess I use about 1/4 cup)
    15 grams (I think this is 2 tsp) sweet pickle relish (I use trader joe's)
    Salt and pepper to taste.

    130 calories, with the brands of prepared ingredients that I use. I find it delicious with crackers, bread, or just vegetables as a dip. (also, I almost always use my digital scale to prepare food, and I find grams more precise/easier to math than ounces. Sorry.)

    (p.s. Tare function for life!!!)
  • misslynn23
    misslynn23 Posts: 31 Member
    I buy two 1 dozen eggs and hard boiled one box of them to have the hard boiled eggs on hand for snacks or to make a lunch. Here is one I made today:

    2 hard boiled egg whites, 1 light Laughing Cow cheese wedge (I used garlic & herb), a dash of pepper, smash together and put between 2 slices of 45 cal bread and 14 baby carrots= 194 calories
  • _Mimi_
    _Mimi_ Posts: 233
    Adding to my topics to try that red lentil soup, and other recipes. Thanks! :)
  • 1/2 cup chickpeas
    2 tbsp guacamole or hummus
    1 tsp lime juice
    1 tsp hot sauce

    Mash all this together, and spread onto a Flat Out Whole Grain and Flax wrap, and top with spinach and tomato. Only about 300 calories!
  • That sounds great!
  • Lazygal53
    Lazygal53 Posts: 294 Member
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    Cut a pita pocket in half. Line each with hummus. Stuff with spinach along with anything else you have on hand (I usually do cucumber and tomato, sometimes a couple slices of turkey). Yummmm
  • tndirishfan
    tndirishfan Posts: 1 Member
    Here are 2 of my favorites:

    Tuna Salad:
    1 can tuna (drained & rinsed)
    2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
    1 tbsp honey mustard (or spicy brown mustard)
    1 apple (cut in wedges)
    1 tbsp dried cranberries or raisins

    mix it all together with 2 of the apple wedges (diced). then eat the rest of the apple. I eat it with either a whole-wheat tortilla or whole-wheat pita.

    The salad's around 230 calories plus whatever bread.

    Chicken Salad
    1 can chicken breast (or a diced chicken breast), drain and rinse if in can
    1 tbsp plain yogurt (I use Greek lowfat plain yogurt to add some extra protein)
    1 tbsp honey mustard (or spicy brown mustard)
    1 tbsp fat free (or light) sour cream
    dill & pepper to taste.

    Again, I either eat it on a whole-wheat tortilla or whole-wheat pita.

    The salad's around 120 calories. I add some mixed greens and other veggies sometimes as well.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Lately I've just been having a Clif Builder Bar for lunch - surprisingly filling.

    However, my absolute favorite lunches are just leftovers from the night before. I make a whole lot of whatever I'm having for dinner - salad, pasta, protein + sweet potato + veggie, whatever - and just make extra to take to work.

    Veggie burgers are good options as well!
  • Bump for later!! Thanks for posting.:happy:
  • amohamy
    amohamy Posts: 30
    I made a spanish tortilla today, really easy to make. Serves 4 and is nice hot & cold!

    225g cooked potatoes, thinly sliced
    6 eggs
    85g cheddar cheese (or low cal option if preferred)
    Cooked chicken breast
    Any veg you might like to include

    Beat the eggs, and add the cheese, chicken and sliced potatoes
    Pour into a medium, hot frying pan and cook for 10 minutes
    Then put under the grill until the top is set and golden brown :)

    268 calories per quarter
  • leambi
    leambi Posts: 452 Member
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
  • labrennan
    labrennan Posts: 132 Member
    this sounds good....bump for later
  • Something simple and quick that i had for lunch today was a grilled cheese sandwich! :happy:
    I grabbed two 100% whole wheat bread, toasted them, and sprayed pam to my pan instead of soaking my bread in butter. Unless you have a healthier butter like i had you can put about a teaspoon on each bread and it comes out delish!! :happy:
    I added one slice of Kraft cheese and two slices of turkey! FAST AND EASY!! :happy: