any college students out there?

I'm pretty new to this website, trying to get into a habit of lower calorie/low carb, higher protein/fat meals in the proper portion sizes before I head back to college. I'd love to be friends with and give/receive advice from anyone so feel free to add me! I just figured I'd have the most in common with college students trying to be healthy in an an environment that fosters quite the opposite.


  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 749 Member
    Me...well soon to be a graduate after this year :)
  • a lot can happen in a year though! (: I see we have very similar weight loss goals.
  • College student here. I'm heading into my senior year.. Can't wait to be done!!
  • mackie121
    mackie121 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! i'm in college, I know what you mean! i thought the freshmen 15 was a myth until i realized to with college food the way it is how could u not gain those extra pounds! It’s so smart to start good habits now. Good luck!
  • Just graduated last year (though going back in the Fall to finish the last 2 courses I need to officially graduate). Then on to grad school. I never actually gained the Freshman 15...I just yoyo'd down and up that 15.

    Best wishes. Prep your own food when possible and see if your uni has a health/nutrition page with the info on all their food (mine did, it just hid really well) to keep track of school food.
  • I'm glad to see there is quite a few of us! If I haven't added you already, please feel free to add me. Support is an important part of this for me, especially in the college setting.
  • kenh14
    kenh14 Posts: 19
    I'm a college junior. I gained a bunch of weight sophomore year because of all the take out, and snacks I always found myself eating. I'm hoping this year will be different though.
  • I'm heading into my junior year of college :)
  • enchanted_daydream
    enchanted_daydream Posts: 258 Member
    heading into my senior year :) anyone feel free to add!
  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    All of you should feel free to add me as well :)
  • dhealy11
    dhealy11 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm a recent college graduate school now!
  • College student here as well! Feel free to add me anyone :D
  • jenbehe
    jenbehe Posts: 110 Member
    College junior! Feel free to add me :)
  • tiffeh345
    tiffeh345 Posts: 43 Member
    Senior here! Woop woop!!!

    I never gained the Freshman 15. It was well into my Sophomore year before I actually gained. Sadly, I have a lot since then. But that is why I am here after all.

    Anyone feel free to add me. :)
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    I know that feeling! Bad food, busy days, and alcohol everywhere! Add me if you like :smile:
  • wildcivility
    wildcivility Posts: 1 Member
    college senior here, feel free to add me!
  • College freshman! first year so if anyone has any advice please tell!!
  • rach41413
    rach41413 Posts: 82 Member
    Just graduated! Feel free to add me!
  • going into my junior year in less than 4 weeks, ahh! add me !( :
  • College senior as well. I know what you mean about fostering an unhealthy lifestyle, I've gained 30 lbs in the last three years, now trying to lose it. Eating in the dining halls can be hard and I could use all the help and support I can get. Anyone can feel free to add me :)