Who is more attractive?



  • rach41413
    rach41413 Posts: 82 Member
    Nathan Adrian!
  • kelliomara
    kelliomara Posts: 1 Member
    i'd marry neither. but i'd go on a one-night stand with lochte. and yes, nathan adrian is also quite attractive.
  • lights on: lochte
    lights off: phelps
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,638 Member
    I choose anyone on Denmak's Womens Field hockey team.

  • but seriously, not thinking Lochte is hot is right on par with denying AIDS and the holocaust. It's unimaginably wrong. I'm sorry, you're awarded zero points and may god have mercy on your soul.
  • lmeasterling
    lmeasterling Posts: 139 Member
    Nathan Adrian!

    ^^This, exactly.^^
    Nathan Adrian beats out the other 2 any day! haha.

    ETA: Happy Birthday to Ryan Lochte...he's 28 today! :)
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    Lochte No contest.
  • adiannen83
    adiannen83 Posts: 32 Member
    lochte. nohomo

    KMSL!!!! I love when guys put in the nohomo caveat!
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Neither! I'd be so pissed watching them eat all frickin day long.
  • amonroe1343
    amonroe1343 Posts: 206 Member
    lochte..with his grill ;)

    HAHAHAHAHA love his grill!!! Too funny. I'd take Lochte anyways. Phelps is not hot!
  • amonroe1343
    amonroe1343 Posts: 206 Member
    You wouldn't want to marry either of them. They'd never be home and think of all the wet towels you'd have to launder?
    Who's talking marriage??

    I just want to chain Lochte up in my basement for a while and play with him. He doesn't need a towel..he looks better wet anyway.

    agreed ;)
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    Attractiveness is SUBJECTIVE. Nuff said.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I bet you think Alex Smith is attractive haha.
  • Ryan-Lochte-Magic-Mike1.jpg