Calling all women! MIRENA IUD questions.

OliveBranch Posts: 104
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hi, all!
So I have a few questions for anyone who has tried or still has the Mirena IUD.
I got mine about a year ago and had terrible spotting and cramps for a few months...
After I made it about 5 months in, the cramps went away and I stopped getting a period at all.
Now I'm coming up on a year and the cramps are getting TERRIBLE again! It's so unpredictable! And I'm spotting again!
I was so incapacitated and feeling so icky, tired, and crampy that I didn't move yesterday.
Does anyone have a similar experience or any advice as to what the next step should be?
I'm currently uninsured and looking for some support until I figure out if this is normal or not.
Thanks, all!
Have a wonderful day.
-Olive Branch


  • anne28
    anne28 Posts: 10
    I also have the Mirena IUD but have never lost my period completely. It's lighter but I still get it. I've had it for over 2 years and haven't noticed any change in cramping or periods. Sorry I'm not much help. Have you checked the website for insight into this stuff?
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I have had mine for a couple of years. I had got it after being on BC pills for 10 years. At first things were a little unregular then it settled down. Based on the OBGYN that I had, your body reacts to your TOM exactly as it would if you had no hormones at all since the dosage of hormones is so small.

    When I was on the pill, I had easy 3 day TOM. Now with the IUD, I do have terrible cramping on 1 day and overall my TOM last 7.

    I am not a doctor, but based on what I have read, how you are eating and what exercise you are doing will also effect how you feel.

    This may be your natural pattern. There are free clinics available for these types of questions in most areas. Try to see if you can contact one for help.

    Good Luck.

    Edit: Sorry. I had it wrong. I have the paraguard IUD not the Mirena.
  • I have had my Mirena for 3 months and have had a hard time with it as well. I am going to give it a couple more months and them I am taking it out! I am not happy with it at all yet. Ortho Tri cyclen worked great for me for the past 10 years. I just thought the iud would be great because I am done having children and wont have to worry about taking a pill.

    My skin is a mess, I never know when I am going to have my period, and it last for WEEKS. And I swear I gained about 5 lbs from the get go!! I know they say to give it time, but I am getting really inpatient.

    The pill is not too expensive. I think I was paying around $10 for the generic and that was not with insurance. I know a lot of people have a real aversion to the pill, but man it is starting to sound really good to me. Regular, small periods, and good skin.

    If I were you I would rip it out. I have no patience for that. Definitely call a Dr. Office and just ask them if there could be something else going on. Good Luck!!
  • AshleyTaylor2017
    AshleyTaylor2017 Posts: 155 Member
    I would make an appointment with your OB/GYN and have them check to make sure it's still attached. I work in the Emergency Room and we see woman all the time that have IUD's that the strings detach and they have horrible pelvic pain.
  • cab2424
    cab2424 Posts: 122 Member
    I had the Mirena for less than a year and had the same experience as you are having. Spotting, then I was fine then spotting for months and pain on my side. Finally after months of the annoyance I had it removed.
  • Rocko717
    Rocko717 Posts: 5 Member
    I have heard all sorts of horror stories about the Mirena IUD. I have the Paraguard IUD without hormones at all. I have had it for 3 years and everything is great. I love it! Just a regular period as normal. I did have cramping at first, but not now. You can keep this one for 10 years too.
  • lahlie
    lahlie Posts: 149 Member
    I have LOVED my Mirena for the almost 3 years I have had it. BUT, I will say, that with all that is coming out, recently about it, I am really starting to wonder if my love is blind. Although, it has completely stopped my period (aside for a few very light ones here and there), I am beginning to wonder if it is a culprit for the difficulties with me trying to lose weight. I have had no other side effects, so I never thought twice about it. I had it put in after my twins were born in '07, with the intentions of my hubby getting the snip-snip once we were back on our feet with having 2 newborns and a very busy 8 year old. And here we are in 2010, and nothing has happened yet. I am interested to see what all everyone else has to say about this.
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    well my dd just turned 3 so i have had mine for about 3 years - i still cramp (badly) around that time of the month and have periods that range from light spotting to full out but they only usually last about 2-3 days. if you start having like can't get up off the floor or move cramping -or stapping pain and or bright red blood not your typical period blood you should see a doctor. (that said i am not a doc)
  • I really appreciate all the input! I have endometriosis, so finding the right treatment has been a looooong, uphill battle.
    This is the curse: Issues and symptoms because of your period or new issues and symptoms because of BC.
    If there is anyone else out there who has suffered with PMDD or Endometriosis, I'd love to chat more about it.
    Sometimes these issues can be very private and difficult to talk about.
    I appreciate it!
    Have a blessed day, and I am so grateful to find women out there who understand!
    Thank you and best to all,
    -Olive Branch
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