Hello! Newbie here!

First timer on MFP.. I just wanted to say hi and connect with a few new friends for the journey. I have always been active and fairly health conscious. My Mom passed away right before Christmas, the grief process made keeping my regular healthy eating and exercising routine tough.

I put on 20 pounds over the past 7 months... and I am ready to focus on a healthy lifestyle again. Losing the 20 lbs gained plus a new goal of losing an extra 20 is my mission. I thought this might be a good way to start back into the routine of health again.

Glad to be here! Good luck to all!


  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    Welcome! I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom! Congrats on making the choice to get back to a healthy you. I have been on here since March and have lost 27 lbs. I love the support and encouragement I get from my friends here. I will send you a request. Having a support system to check in with has been such a huge help to me.
    I am a mom to 5 fabulous kids and was a certified couch potato. I finally had enough in Feb. and got serious about eating healthy and exercising.
    I just finished up a round of Chalean Extreme and am now currently doing a round of TurboFire. I have developed a passion for my workouts. 5 months ago if someone told me that I would have laughed. Best wishes!

  • joann1948
    joann1948 Posts: 161 Member
    Welcome!!!! Sorry for your loss. I could relate. I lost my Mom, it will be five yrs this December, and did not handle her death very well at all. It was after I got thru the entire grief process that I decided to do what she had told me for yrs. I have been on every diet known to man, and she always said eat healthy and exercise. So last April 2011 I joined the website but had lost some weight before I got on here. I have about 30 lbs to go, and it has been a long journey for me, but worth it.....I know my Mom is watching me and very proud of my accomplishments.......We are all here for you, for support, motivation, and just to chat if ur having a bad day.....Welcome Aboard....Joann
  • ninnalibra
    hello...i have also just joined MFP...I have put 15 pounds in last six months and i was always overweight and finally i have my running shoes on and very motivated to lose the extra weight that I have piled on.....Lets all do it together and help each other .
    I have started zumba and 1200 cal diet. Fingers crossed....
  • foreversunshine1
    foreversunshine1 Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement. I am so happy to hear a bit about your journey! You should be so proud! I am looking forward to weighing in again on Monday. Fingers crossed ;-)